Altcoin Trading Championship Round 1 Entry

in #atc7 years ago

This is my entry into the first round of the Altcoin Trading Championship.

AltcoinTrading PairNumber of TokensValue of Position
Bitcoin CashBTC-BCC20.45840000 BTC
Ethereum ClassicBTC-ETC300.07850970 BTC
DashBTC-DASH40.27720000 BTC
LitecoinBTC-LTC100.09900010 BTC
MoneroBTC-XMR40.08200000 BTC
GroestlcoinBTC-GRS80.00060776 BTC
LumenBTC-XLM400.00019240 BTC
MonaCoinBTC-MONA50.00257085 BTC
OkCashBTC-OK300.00151560 BTC
Total------0.99999641 BTC

I would like to wish all competitors good luck and may the best portfolio win.


How do you do that table with markdown?

row 1: title 1 | title 2 | title 3
row 2 : ------ | ------ | -------
row 3- row n: colum 1 | column 2 | column 3

don't include the "row 1:", it just put it in the post so that markdown doesn't change turn my explanation into a table.

thankstitle 2title 3
forcolumn 2column 3