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RE: NEW Theme! Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №.13 - 'Stairs!' #aswcontest

in #aswcontest7 years ago (edited)

This post, with over $50.00 in bidbot payouts, has received votes from the following:

smartsteem payout in the amount of $81 USD.

For a total calculated bidbot upvote value in the amount of $81 USD.

and is by no means a judgement of your work.This information is being presented in the interest of transparency on our platform @customnature


I have a hard time seeing this as anything other than spam and am flagging it as such.

♪♫♪ That's the way I like it ♫♪♫

What this bot tells us, which is precisely why I even support it, is whom of your socalled upvotes are from upvote-bots, as well as the weight of their vote.

This bot's comment fits that bill, in my opinion. It is irrelevant and adds nothing to my contest or the discussion. That's spam. I flag spam comments.

Perhaps I would have been summarily fooled by the upvotes and even participated in this had it not been for the knowledge that was relayed thanks solely to this Transparency Bot.

So it very much fulfilled its purpose.

But yeah, you had a good point or two in your deleted response, that we could even have indulged further into, alas, you must've deemed the interaction beneath you.

So, fare well.

By continuing the discussion, I'm just feeding into the spam bullshit that I flagged it for in the first place. I don't like cluttering up ANYONE's blog (especially my own) with chatter that has nothing to do with the blog itself. It appears you're new here. Unfortunately, the only way to guarantee a post gets noticed is to use bidbots (unless your a whale). I don't like that fact any more than the next guy, but that's life on steemit until they change something. I run a contest that has brought hundreds of posts about awesome abandoned stuff to the platform. I want as many people to participate as possible, so I have to use bidbots so the contest receives as much visibility as possible. The contest is the only thing I use them for, aside from occasionally using them on other people's posts that I feel are very good or undervalued. I have to shell out money for the bidbots and I have to shell out money to the contest winners each week.
Don't act all high and mighty and accuse me of things being beneath me. We have different opinions on something and I'm fine with leaving it at that. You're the asshole who that came to MY page talking shit and calling me spineless in the first place. Is that the type of person you would want to 'indulge' anything to?

If I may, have you done a comparison where you did not use the bid bot just to see? Is anyone landing on your post from viewing the trending feed? Or do you think people already follow you and/or come through alternative contest lists?

(Sorry to extend the mass, but as long as it's down at the bottom of the blog, seems okay)

Hmm interestingly, it looks like they got rid of the little eyeball view counter. But yeah, the comparison is telling. My normal, everyday posts would get around 30 views. The first time I shelled out a decent amount of money to bid it up and get it into trending, that post received 1,100+ views. People do land on posts from the trending feed... but the only way to get to the trending feed is to have a high value post, which is accomplished almost exclusively through bid bots if you're not a whale.

Oh I read about that, they were concerned it wasn't accurate anyway, but that comparison is staggering. You'd think they'd implement some rudimentary analytics for bloggers though, because that would be immensely useful. (I hear tracking pixels get cached, so those don't work).

Yeah, I've been crawling through these transparency bot to see the various use cases. I really hope there is something to address the promotion issue soon, because the bid bot solution is highly inefficient in giving a lot to bot delegators and making the payout number on posts meaningless :(

"The way steemit is", you purport. "Don't like it any more than the other guy", you say. "act all high and mighty", you state of me.
Don't you see that it may be your victim-mentality? 🙏

Nay, you're correct, I'm not very "pleasant company" amongst the inoculated, the truth scarcely is.

Thank goodness we have sciolists like yourself to spread the truth gospel!

Errare humanum est...

The only err I see is the continued trolling when I didn't want a discoussion and/or debate in the first place.

Did the name "Transparency" somehow elude your perception?
You don't like transparency, or is it that you do not like that it called you out on your bidbots usage?

You know... the soil is full of this not so distant relative of ours dubbed a ground worm... and they also lack a spine.