December Solstice 2024

in #astronomy3 months ago

Saturday December 21st marks the December Solstice. When I lived in Canada I would call it the Winter Solstice. It is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, where it is winter. While the same day is the longest day of the year in the Southern hemisphere where it is summer. Moreover, it isn't a kind of political correctness to use the term December Solstice instead. It simply is a better term because it reduces confusion.

You might be surprised to know now that the Northern Hemisphere is closer to the sun on a day in January but I'll leave that for another article.

For those of you in the Nothern hemisphere, congratulations you made it to the shortest day. The days are getting longer now. For those of us in the Southern hemisphere, why the hell are you reading this? Get out! Go to the beach enjoy your warmest days of the year!