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RE: Pluto in Aquarius: When “I Know” becomes “I Told You So” (Depopulation, Covid, 5GUW). What to expect next…

in #astrology2 years ago

The banking collapse that I've been predicting for the past 6+ years is starting to happen now. We knew that this was coming since they didn't fix the underlying problem in 2008 (which is their desire to manipulate the economy with QE - aka counterfeiting). I neglected to put that in this article because I've talked about it so much in early articles of this blog starting in 2017. Looks like we are finally here.

I suspect that by summer 2025 many ideas labeled "conspiracy theory" will be considered fact and that by 2026 blockchain and AI technology will have rapidly taken over the collapsed banking and governance systems (Uranus in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius).