Spring Equinox March 20, 2019

in #astrology6 years ago

According to traditional sources, when the Sun ingresses into 00°00’ Aries at the site of a nation’s capital city (on March 20th at 6:01 pm EDT, Washington D.C.), the horoscope provides a comprehensive image of the archetypal energies and potentials that will likely unfold and constellate on the world stage throughout the year.

Astronomically speaking, the Vernal Equinox falls on March 19 or 20 every year, marking spring’s beginning in the Northern Hemisphere (whereas it announces fall’s arrival in the Southern Hemisphere). The equinox happens at the same moment worldwide, even if our clock times reflect a different time zone. At the Vernal Equinox, the Sun crosses the celestial equator on its way north along the ecliptic. All over the world, days and nights are approximately equal. The name equinox comes from Latin words which mean “equal night”—aequus (equal) and nox (night).

The Full Worm Moon

Traditionally, the Vernal Equinox signals the beginning of nature’s renewal in the Northern Hemisphere. Worms begin to emerge from the earth. Even the March Moon is called “The Full Worm Moon” for this reason.

Geopolitical Forecast

Also, we will see the continuing saga of the global power struggle between the political class and the general populace, accelerate and intensify, for history often repeats because the passions and vices of humanity never change — just those in power, from one century to the next.

The constellating Uranus-Pluto/Saturn-Neptune/Jupiter-Saturn/Jupiter-Pluto Square alignments that in orb throughout this year, that is a prelude to the triple Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Alignment in January of 2020, makes it clear we are moving ever closer to absolute social/political/financial oppression as the Global Governance agenda continues to accelerate, that in turn will galvanize the collective (the 98.5% known as the silent majority) to get angry, demand change, organize and revolt.

What To Expect

Expect upsetting, traumatic, and even revolutionary revelations to follow from a new set of government whistle-blowers, from America’s national security complex, that will being to pose a serious threat to the current power structure of government, and will radicalize progressive “counter-government” forces across the nation.

From Fox News (May 18, 2017):

Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) said the “deep state” within the bureaucracy is trying to destroy Donald Trump’s presidency.

“The political process of the United States of America being under attack by intelligence agencies and individuals in those agencies,” said Wednesday night.

Kucinich said Americans must put party politics aside and acknowledge that the federal government is “under attack from within.”

“You have politicization of agencies that is resulting in leaks from anonymous, unknown people and the intention is to take down a president,” former Rep. Kucinich said. “Now, this is very dangerous to America. It’s a threat to our republic, it constitutes a clear and present danger to our way of life. So we have to be asking, what is the motive of these people? Who’s putting these leaks out? Why doesn’t somebody come forward and make a charge and put their name and reputation behind it, instead of attacking through the media and not substantiating their position?”

“Our first allegiance is to our country,” Kucinich said. “This isn’t about one president, this is about the political process of the United States of America is under attack by intelligence agencies and individuals in those agencies, yes, as you said there might be good people in there, but there are certain individuals who are lifers who want to be able to direct the policy of the country. And if the president stands in their way whether it’s a Democrat or Republican they’ll just try to run that person out.”