The Alchemy Of Astrology: Unveiling The Soul's Hidden Blueprint... (Part TWO)

in #astrology8 years ago (edited)

Carrying on from Part ONE...

An understanding of astrology can indeed bestow a great deal of awareness upon a person, granting access to complex pattern recognition capabilities with which sense is made of many aspects of themselves and others.

Life, people, and the world can all seem rather complicated, chaotic, and overwhelming at times. Entering the mystery school of astrology can provide powerful insight into the nature of universal forces, laws, and cycles of which we are a part and work through us.

Astrology is part science, part art, and part alchemy.

Superficial approaches to interpreting the stars and predicting their impacts on human life through basic sun signs, as most conventional stuff in the mainstream has been, barely scratch the surface. Digging deeper and deeper, one discovers entirely new worlds providing clarity, structure, meaning, and order where we once were blind, confused, and at the mercy of waves, tides, currents, and swells in this sea of life.

Of course, that might sound pretty cool. But I'm not gonna try make it sound like it's quick or easy to sink one's teeth into.

Ten planets, each representing and reflecting certain aspects of life and mind.

Twelve signs, each providing distinct frameworks for understanding unique angles of approach.

Twelve houses, each signifiying segments of the human experience through which we move through and operate in throughout our lifetimes.

Multitudes of combinations of elements.

Mathematical angles - aspects, transits - producing varying alchemical outcomes as forces meet, collide, and/or harmonize with eachother at different points in the cycles of time.

No, understanding these invisible dimensions of frequency underlying the physical realities we move through each day is no small endeavor. Astrology is its own language. Part mathematical, part archetypal, these are not realms easily interpretable through the traditional thinking types of auditory, visual, or kinesthetic - referencing from an outlook articulated well by @paps - but lend themselves much more suited to those with the capacity for patterns thinking.

While some attempt to use astrology for predictive purposes, the stars aren't exactly a crystal ball.

However, there can potentially be some degree of predictability deduced through the art - not because a horoscope can tell the future, but rather because the frameworks which are established through an accurate snapshot of the mathematical assessment of planetary forces - note this is not some airy-fairy, woo, fluff, new-age conception of "planetary forces," but rather actual scientific, gravitational, electromagnetic, tangible forces adhering to laws of mathematics and physics - provide a precise blueprint of patterns and measurable conditions in effect, from which likelihoods of possible outcomes may be reasonably deduced based on knowledge of how the forces at play shall continue to evolve through repeating cycles of times.

Think of it kind of like a weather report, or map.

No forecast could ever account for every possible event that might occur on a given journey. However, knowing when & where it's about to rain and what type of terrain one will be traveling through if heading in a certain direction equips one to prepare adequately with an umbrella or four-wheel drive vehicle if they're likely to encounter rain or may be venturing up rocky mountainsides.

Of course, this is just one dimension.

As we covered more in Part ONE, the details contained in one's birthchart can provide exceptional insight into the psychological nature & makeup of an individual - reflecting a snapshot of dimensions of our genetic code as our soul was imprinted upon its first breath in this body. Whether to understand ourselves or others better, exploration into how the planets in their combinations of signs, houses, and aspects continues to reveal hidden secrets of why the way we are, how we think and see the world, what we're kinda pre-wired to excel in and struggle with, who we are and aren't likely to vibe well with, etc.

And, there is this aspect of where we find ourselves now in time - moving through time's cycles, as the mathematics of this sea of planetary pushes and pulls shifts to produce subtle - and sometimes not-so-subtle - variations in the alchemical output of consciousness' projection of our holographic reality as the external vibrational coding inputs transition.

That paragraph might be worth re-reading a couple more times.

And then, there is the dimension of synastry...

"The meeting of two people is like the meeting of two chemical substances. If anything happens, both are changed." ~ C. G. Jung

Why we "click" with some people, yet clash with others... the infinite subtleties in the distinctions of how a dynamic between two (or more) people play out within that spectrum... most of us are really at a loss to understand or explain. Astrology provides a framework and language for identifying, understanding, and working consciously within the realms of these dynamics.

Why one dynamic between two lovers might be dangerously, passionately explosive - likely attestable to a Pluto or Mars opposition in their synastry charts. Positive Venus aspects on the other hand, a different story. The more aspects between them, the deeper and richer the complexity of their connection - and the greater the wealth of lessons awaiting extraction as their interactions unfold, reflecting the alchemical patterns composing the battlefield/playground of the relationship.

The types of insights that come through grasping the foundational principles of the astrological language and seeing how they play out in our inner and outer lives... I wish there was a way to accurate describe. But there's not. Why?

These are personal journeys of exploration.

I could go on and on trying to explain the amazing "ah-ha's" I get when diving deeper into the subject in general and my own & others' charts. But it'd be pointless.

And while I could look into your chart to gain a better understanding of who you are and the dynamics at play unfolding through the course of your life journey, none of the insights I could gain could even begin comparing to how you would be able to interpret your readings through the lens of your personal experience.

It is truly an absolutely fascinating process of self-discovery - unveiling the hidden secrets of the universe, the order and structure within the cycles of time and nature, and how they all play our through the intimate experience of our personal & collective consciousness as progressing through life. Yet, only a tiny fraction can be shared with others.

The language of astrology isn't one with which we are necessarily intended to communicate with others in - although such is possible. Moreso, it may be one through which we can foster a direct line of communication with hidden aspects of nature & ourselves - the dialogue getting continually deeper, richer, complex, and captivating as our fluency in the language expands through further immersion in its study and practice.

And well... there's perhaps not too much more I can say on that for now, without inappropriately blowing way too far open into dimensions of the subject well-beyond the scope of this story.

The moral?

There are many aspects to our existence we can't see, hear, taste, or touch - many forces of nature at play which evade our conscious awareness, yet whose influences we are subject to...

While there are several different schools of esoteric and metaphysical knowledge accessible for the curious to explore the dynamics of these hidden aspects and forces, astrology is one in particular that is well worth getting into if one is fascinated to learn of such deeper dimensions to the alchemical coding of our realities.

It's not a light subject. Nor one that is likely to be learnt in depth quickly and easily. Nor is it a subject learnt through conventional methods - more than memorizing facts, the journey itself is one of skill development in patterns recognition & thinking and attuning the (non-five) senses to subtleties and distinctions in qualities of states & being that have often failed to receive acknowledge and proper articulation in conventional language.

Yet, it's one fucking amazingly rewarding journey.

Not everyone might be enthusiastic about pursuing the path of self-discovery and the esoteric. However for those who are, no other avenue may provide an accurate blueprint of the soul as astrology does.

Proceed curiously, and the wonders awaiting shall not fail to please...


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Amazing wirte up well structured no doubt you are an astronomer

Haha, nope. Just a topic I'm fascinated by, have explored a little of over the years and moreso lately... :-)

Very good, thanks for the insight. Are you familiar with Ra Uru Hu and his Human Design System?

Haha! I heard about it about a year ago, held off on actually diving into it until yesterday.

Very stoked on going deep with that. Have loved the I Ching for years - the overlap with astro, plus all the other aspects... genius. So fascinating. Love it! :-)

Cool! A friend showed me my rave chart, and even though very skeptical, I had to admit that this corresponded surprisingly well with my personality and somehow my destiny. Basically just had all that stored unconscious – until yesterday! Actually, yes! A friend showed me her new wall carpet with the chakras on – it led me to check her rave chart, we both found that interesting, more people showed up and everyone got their turn, with the result of all five of us having our minds blown. In the process of checking out what this (inner/outer authority) and this (incarnation cross) was about I got thrilled and stunned. It is a really interesting take on astrology, and even though I'm not paying for the HDS course or anything, it definitely opened my eyes (all three) to astrology. And now this! Guess we're both diving :D

So, given that the various astrologies and HDS are based pretty much on the same mathematics, but organize their formalisms differently to good result, maybe we should think less in terms of physical influences, and more in terms of their being modeling languages for complex systems. In other words, they are human artifacts that are useful. Kind of changes the nature of evidence because you are now talking about something more like applied mathematics than like science. Just a thought for you all.

Nice reply @jonason the roof , it certainly is an intriguing journey.

@rok-sivante Really great post.

Some people are scared by the precision of good astrological analysis and try to avoid to get in contact. But they maybe will understand, when they experience astrology not as something esoteric that comes just by believing. Astrology is a science! In it you can read the quality of time, while you look at your watch for knowing the quantity of time. That's all.
Thank you for your amazing 2 posts on that subject @rok-sivante!

Your welcome.

Some will never understand, for their belief systems obstruct the way - even if they were to directly experience. Perhaps even if believing in it - one's perception would be obstructed due to preconceptions - perhaps only when one can hold both perspectives of true and not true in mind at the same time without attachment to either, the full spectrum of truths that lie in between...

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

Thank you for the share! It makes a lot of sense put in this context. Once I began following my "personal legend" I began feeling waves and synergies of dimensions. I have found my journey and I have never been more driven and excited about every day I wake up. Onward!

Your welcome.

Nice. You're living the dream. :-)

I think part of the large misunderstand around subjects like these is the undefined context. Glad to hear my attempts at articulating a clearer one has been at least semi-successful. The feedback is appreciated. 💖

Thanks, @rok-sivante, well explained the depth of the subject. The ancient mayans used to name their children by their time and cosmic influences. So that everyone in the community knew their own calling, so did everyone else and addressed them so. This brought those unique gifts into the community. Wouldn't it be great if we realised and were encouraged from birth about what are part is.. It interesting you changed your name, be good to hear more about this..

Cool. When we were in Prague at the astrological clock, I overheard a tour guide saying they did something similar there, naming people based on the day they were born.

This would be link, in that case:

Cool journey, I like the part "Buddhism book I stole from a hotel at age 13," , makes you wonder about taking something that calls to you .. ? do we "own" anything .. ? Hmmm .. topic for debate.

Lol... yeah, the irony of that piece never fails to put a smile on my face.

I'd hope the karma has been repaid forward in compensation somewhere along the way... :-)

Yes, as I find I'm reflect more into Nature that runs the rest of the planet , it seems to me that nothing is owned.. It is used and shared .. the concept of scarcity which we have been brought up with, says we should hoard and keep as ours ..? Even if we don't use it.. as I try to live a minimalist lifestyle as much as I can, I find the attachment to owning stuff is a major impediment .. Buddha preached non-attachment to things, thoughts, sensations ,feelings .. be aware of them and move on.. Bye the way, did you pass on the book to another deserving soul ..)) Or did someone pinch it from you.. ? ))

Haha, no, it's one of the few I've kept throughout the years. Have given away many others, thought that's actually the one I've kept the longest of any book. Haven't read through it in a long time, though certain I will again...

Rok, is the book, "Autobiography of A Yogi" by any chance.. ? I had that book fall into my hands when I purchased an old Van, and the book was in it.. The wisdom in the book has lasted a lifetime, this free book was worth way more to me than the van..))

this reminds me of how much more there is to learn.. thanks

The rabbit hole never ends... 🐇

Hi Rok, I love the quote you used.

"The meeting of two people is like the meeting of two chemical substances. If anything happens, both are changed." ~ C. G. Jung

Work writing changed me.

Be well my new friend.