There's alot more going on beneath the surface of the world we experience through our five senses.
It's well-known the commonly-accepted senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell interpret only a minute fraction of the vibrational activity in which we're swimming. Yet, mankind continually blinds himself to what lays beyond the range in which we're equipped to perceive through disregard.
Granted, some have sought out to explore the realms most humans have been denied access to through the limited scope of their senses. On one side of these adventurers are the scientists, probing nature with the scientific method in attempts to deduce the principles by which it operates. On the other side, are those who've methods of discovery have been less-formalized and unconventional, operating outside the domains of society's mainstream institutions - often known as the occult or esoteric.
Astrology is such a domain.

Sure, it has obtained a notable degree of interest and acceptance amongst many a common man. However, the understanding most have of this timeless body of wisdom is indeed quite limited.
Some have written off astrology as psuedoscience or quackery, laughing at the suggestion the planets influence life here on earth. Granted, some of it may be quackery - just as there are branches of knowledge which get misunderstood and communicated inaccurately - common sun sign horoscopes in tabloid papers being one example. Yet, astrology is both a science and art with incredibly complex depth. That it is often misunderstood is no surprise, as it is a field of knowledge requiring intense immersive study in to really begin grasping the wealth of wisdom within.
So why astrology?
First off, it might not be for everyone. Not everyone has the desire to delve deep into learning about the nature of psychology and life's hidden mysteries. So I'm not about to suggest that it is something everyone would be wise to pursue.
Though for those interested in uncovering the dynamics at root of the human mind & soul, astrology provides an unparalleled map to navigating an entirely different domain of forces beyond the five senses which exert extraordinary influence in the state and evolution of our consciousness and paths through life.
Astrology is a form of alchemy.
The foundational science at its root: mathematics.
Planets, exerting distinct forces, vibrationally distinct.
Transits & aspects, the culmination of the vibrational waves colliding at precise angles.

How exactly we come to be at the effect of these dynamics of planetary physics, those are entirely other questions that'd taken quite some years to probe the answers. But regardless of the how or why, the matter of the fact is there are mechanics in motion at the universal level, from which we cannot separate ourselves.
Somehow, the moment in the dimension of time these physical bodies enter this realm imprints our genetic code with a program - of which the precise positioning of planetary forces exerting their combined effects form a framework reflecting the interplay of conditions set into motion for that soul to experience during their life, as initiated with the first in-breath.
Think that's far fetched? Consider epigenetics.
Science is now finding that genetics are (re)programmed by environmental vibrational input.
Consider how the moon influences the ocean's tides. If the force its field exerts is strong enough to impact the movement of a body of water as huge and weavy as earth's entire oceans, it might not seem so far fetched that the same force might have some impact upon the human being - genetics, body, mind, soul.
Though, this piece isn't to delve into the scientific details. Thus, we carry on...

I don't remember exactly when or where my interest in astrology began. Perhaps it was reading those corny horoscopes in the newspaper. Though, it was an ex-girlfriend that led my awareness deeper into the subject. And, my wife who continued to expand my mind with her stunningly potent insight into the language of the stars.
Recently, I've been going deeper. And the deeper one goes, the more there is to discover and fascinate.
Prior to my curiosity getting sparked for astrology, I had ventured into numerology. A pivotal moment that led me to changing my name, a friend's numerological reading left me in awe with how accurately he was able to put into words aspects of myself I had always felt, but never been able to articulate.
Astrology is much the same.
Human beings are complex creatures. Sometimes, it doesn't seem to make much sense why we do the things we do, how the conflicts of opposing forces within us drive us to think and feel the ways we do, and why the world is the way it is, seemingly chaotic, irrational, and illogical. We tend to be pushed and pulled in erratic directions, subject to motivations, inclinations, and behaviors unexplainable and unidentifiable - often struggling for control of life, while continually being humbled as our delusions give way to an increasing realization there are universal forces in motion we'll never be able to overpower with our desire or will.
And yet, once beginning to venture into the domain of astrology, things start making sense.

Nature operates on law.
Within the systems driving this universe's unfoldment, are orderly principles.
Some of these laws and principles, man has observed and translated into the languages of physics, mathematics, chemistry, etc. Others have yet to be formally translated to fit the context of institutional science's current models - some falling into the "metaphysical" category. Nonetheless, man's incomplete understanding of subjects does not negate the validity of their Truths. Law is law - timeless - always in effect, governing the transmutation of energies through their various forms.
And within these sets of laws, can be found cycles and patterns.
Life only seems chaotic and confusing when one is unaware of the cycles, blind to the patterns playing out. Things may appear random or intimidating. Yet it is only because one does not recognize the factors at play - where in the development of a situation a limited number of defined elements are expressing themselves in relationship to others in a limited set of predictably, orderly conditions.
Learning the language of astrology - familiarizing oneself with the elements, the structure governing the cycles of their movement, and principles defining the processes of their interactions with one another - is comparable to seeing through the coding of the matrix. There is no longer confusion as to why things are the way they are - only observation of the dynamics playing out precisely as they're programmed to.

We can see why we have experienced certain challenges throughout our lives.
We can see why we've excelled in some areas and struggled in others.
We can see how certain forces have shaped the way we see, think, and feel, for better or for worse.
And with these newfound understandings, there is a growing sense of peace, confidence, and wonder - as awareness expands to shed light on the common threads weaving the patterns forming the canvas of our lives.
We are no longer separate from nature, struggling to find our way within it - but are an expression of it, our lives unfolding in accordance to universal law as it works through us. Perfectly.
The sense of struggle is reveled as an effect of our ignorance of the laws, patterns, and cycles playing themselves out. The chaos, a product of not having understood our blueprint - of trying to be someone we're not, denying who we are, living our lives according to false beliefs incongruent with what the universe imprinted our soul's genetic code to experience this round.
And/or... those struggles were programmed in for us to go through. For reasons that may become clear only once we submerse ourselves into the depths of these system dynamics to unveil the archetypal patterns we've been encoded to play out.

This is just scratching the surface as an overview.
I'm not about to get into teaching much astrology itself. Herein is more just a perspective on it.
And to keep this digestible, this shall be the completion of the first part of this series.
Absolute nonsense.
Not even well written.
If you believe this you are a fool, if you expect me to believe this, you are a fucking moron.
Be well.
lol. how gracious of you to drop in with such an arrogant rebuttal, departing with the token "be well" positivity. hilarious.
quite even funnier that your headline is "Seeking knowledge, wanting to learn, trying to know" - yet you quickly dismiss what you fail to understand.
seems the obstacles in the way of receiving what you're after is your own quickness to judge and cut yourself off from what contradicts the very belief systems that have limited your perception of a broader spectrum of truths.
there is a difference between belief and consciousness. the distinction is a valuable key essential to what you're after.
either way, as they say, to each their own...
(And I confess, oddly perplexing that you've Resteemed this in spite of your response. lol.)
Unlike most people, I do not speak about issues where I am uninformed.
I have read extensively on both subjects due to an interest earlier in life. I understand exactly what I am putting down.
I only dismiss what I know to be garbage.
Astrology and Alchemy are nonsense gibberish that can say whatever the practitioner wants them to.
Medieval nonsense; next you will start claiming to be the only person in the world who truly understands the writings of Nostradamus, or, the hidden codes in the Christian Bible, or the Talmud. I have been through the gamut with you wishers and dreamers hoping that you will be the one to prove that Magic really exists.
And I am unimpressed.
None of it is provable or demonstrable, therefore none of it is science.
But, to explain the ReSteem, I do not hate. Go search for your dragon's egg, just don't expect me to jump on the bandwagon until it hatches.
And there was nothing token in my well wishes, I wish every person in the pursuit of knowledge a good journey and a safe life.
So, be well my friend, and have a safe journey.
Well sir, you certainly do live up to your psuedoname.
Nowhere in any of my writing was any implications or expectations that anyone should believe any of what has been shared. The same cannot be said for yourself.
Had your research been "extensive" enough to bring you to a thorough understanding of what you now dismiss as garbage, you might be in a very different position in life than trolling people trying to validate your own beliefs.
Just because you've failed to understand something - no matter how much effort you put in - does not make it "bullshit." Nor will any amount of viciousness ever serve to prove others are wrong in their understandings of what you failed to. (Or maybe you did figure everything out and with your newfound enlightenment, chose this rather ironic path.)
However, at least defining yourself as a "vicious runt" puts you in the driver's seat to prove yourself right on - at a minimum of - one thing. And that, you have.
A shame you had to resort to attacking me, instead of defending your position.
I get that a lot from people who espouse beliefs they themselves doubt.
Not much left to discuss at that point, just name calling and chest beating.
It is a common misconception among the weak minded that if I disagree with you I am attacking you or your beliefs. Nothing could be further from the truth. I gave my honest opinion in order to engage, and start a discussion, and you decided that rather than a conversation, you wanted a fight. I am here to discuss and learn, not pick fights with weak minded fools with nothing better to do than argue on the internet. I will not be responding to anything else you say, or post, and I will be ignoring your posts on Steemit. Live long and prosper.
Thanks for being brave enough to point out the emperor has no clothes. Maybe your approach caused offense but let's face it there is no tactic here that will convince those that want to believe baseless mysticism in spite of all the evidence that proves it is, well, baseless mysticism.
These people never consider that when they make a post like this it is actually equivalent to taking a massive dump in our yard. You know the yard of the people who brought them every modern convenience including the tools to make their calculations with ease, the tools to let them even see Pluto (strangely added to their mix after scientists discovered it) add the tools to let them spread their theories, never once proven, far and wide from the convenience of their desks. Thanks science!
There is a reason that no peer reviewed randomised controlled trial has ever proven astrology or any other "psychic art" actually works - it doesn't. There is never anything beyond selection bias, confirmation bias, and chance behind its assertions that it does. That has been demonstrated over and over again.
There's a saying "that which can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof" and it so supplies here. The burden of proof is on those that claim the ridiculous without any. Otherwise I'd like you to disprove that Elvis isn't alive and well on the far side of the moon and the aren't fairies at the bottom of my garden only I can see.
With that in mind perhaps you could tell us more about "Planets, exerting distinct forces, vibrationally distinct" and "the culmination of the vibrational waves colliding at precise angles." What is the nature of these forces? How might be they be measured? What predictions that can be tested experimentally does your theory give us? What experiments and statistically valid, reproducible results have been done already? You claim a "part science" basis for your astrology so don't be surprised if science requires you to apply the scientific method to such claims. Otherwise, as @viciousrunt points out, they are just baseless claims.
Yeah,...what he said!
While I disagree with you - and decline the invitation to exert any energy or time to argue - at the least, I respect how you've conducted yourself respectfully here.
A problem inherent in the "science IS God" cultural mindset which the two of you seem to be running is the presumption that mankind is at the pinnacle of evolution and if science hasn't figured everything out yet, it must not be true. It's a funny self-righteous God-complex, dismissing everything that doesn't conform to its own model for interacting with the world - despite the admission there is plenty more to explore that we don't yet know or understand.
Much of what science has "proven" to be true today, there did not exist the tools or methods to validate a few decades ago. But just because humans didn't figure out ways to "prove" it then did not mean it wasn't always true. Likewise, just because science hasn't figured things out yet doesn't mean there aren't truth to them now.
I was never arguing for a belief system, only presenting perspectives. Maybe astrology as you think of it is bogus. I make no absolute biased statements trying to box any of it into "true or false." It could be entirely "false" - yet, that's completely irrelevant to the points attempting to be made through this article, which is really about broadening perspectives.
Consider it a systematic framework. True/false aside, there's incredible amounts of wisdom to be developed through engagement in a structured framework that facilitates the practice of thinking in different ways - value to be extracted through observing and thinking in patterns, digging in deeper to understand the nature of cycles as they express through universal laws of physics.
You can completely dismiss the whole thing as quackery. And in your dismissal, you cut yourself off entirely from any lessons within the realm - which maybe had nothing to do with your original preconceptions of what the domain was.
I never posed any of it as anything resembling a belief to be defended against or propagated for others to accept blindly as truth without exploring for themselves, if it were an area of interest to them, to discover what within the subject might be of value to them. It was never a matter of having my view on the subject challenged which pushed my buttons - I could care less whether you or anyone else believes any of this to be "true" or "quackery," fully-well knowing there are alot of people who disregard it and don't care to engage deeply in the subjects to understand from unconventional angles. My buttons got pushed because @viciousrunt has chosen passive-aggressive manipulative rhetoric that is rather disgraceful - a pattern clearly transparent as he goes around calling others morons and offering not constructive criticism, but outright rudeness.
You, on the other hand, have some honorable decency and self-respect in the manner in which you disagree.
Let's reframe... you came over, took a shit on my lawn, proceeding to tell me how my yard stinks.
I have no need to defend "my position," because I was never posing any beliefs nor attempting to persuade anyone of anything.
If you want to start genuine conversations, opening by discrediting their work and insinuating they're a moron and fool - according to the frame you have constructed - is probably not the most effective way to begin.
And now, you get to bow out convinced of your own righteousness. No need to further defend, since you're obviously right.
Astrology gives people a kind of "insight" in their future, alchemy is a way to change led in gold, so "the material welfare", as we all are aware that chemistry and physics can realize this process "the magic is lost", this is not the case with astrology because it is still above our material "reality".
nice post followed u
Post of the day.Congratulation bro.Go ahead.
i love astrology and i really believe that the universe has many of the answers for us. hell we spend billions on it every year
If you like alchemy you should watch full metal alchemist !! I highly recommend you
any pointers as to where I can find & watch it? doesn't seem available on torrents, my usual source...
Upvoted and followed! :-)
Thanks for sharing! :-)
I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.
your welcome. and thank you for the feedback - it fuels the continuation of the work, and is greatly appreciated... 🙏
Nice post, thanks. I have come across some really good astrologers and numerologists as we. The type that when they interpret your sign or numerology, you feel a shiver or a real peace. Looking forward to your next post. ))
Part two here for ya:
So much to learn from astrology and epigenetics.
thanks Rok
your welcome. :-)
@rok-sivante I love this post. I am avidly enamored with astrology and alchemy. I have been practicing alchemy for years, and using astrology to help me to understand complex relationships. Upvoted, followed and part 2. I just love how these topics continue to be "occulted" by the miserably ignore-ant. I don't see humanity leaving slavery in my lifetime.
Perhaps not totally - the slavery bit - nonetheless, we're all progressing at our own pace, coming to certain discoveries and ascending into higher states in our own times. Perhaps we'll all reach there eventually. And if not, that's fine too. The journey must carry on, irregardless of others' ignorance and attempts to pull others down... ✊
Well written and hello! I'm happy to have found you here today, as I am new to the community.
I will be checking out part two next.
(And also wanted to mention I appreciated how you handled the I am constantly amused at the amount of effort some will make to come and blast on another person's writing. Well spent efforts, indeed. I'd love to have a look-see at that natal chart to see where it's coming from!)
Thanks mun, I appreciate the feedback.
I must confess, the trolls did upset my balance. Made great fuel for another story I'll be posting soon, however. I'd also be very curious to see both their charts and my synastry with theirs - some serious oppositions with some fire in there somewhere! Lol.
Welcome to Steemit, and enjoy the ride... 😎
Thank you, kindly!
Well, it should be great to see what the trolling inspired. I'll be interested to read it! lol
Synastry charts would be fun to consider here, certainly. "Random" attacking style usually hits me in the karma funnybone. I had something weird like that happen when I started here, but of course we were still dealing with Mercury's pranks at the time, so I was sort of expecting it.
Will be keeping an eye on your feed.
Hey -- just wanted to say I read your post when it first came out it was really good then.... But now I see the schooling of the trolls, it's definitely reached a new level of respect from me. So I came here originally seeking a reference point you made to an astrologers webpage, and I looked pretty hard for this article, and I'm glad I found it. I think you have represented some important dynamics and I want to tell you thank you! Your words are valued.
Your welcome. And thank you for the feedback, it is appreciated. 🙏💗