Your Weekly Horoscope for Aug 19-25

in #astrology6 years ago

Your weekly #horoscope! Aug 19-25

ARIES It’s okay to feel like running away early in the week, but know what you’re actually trying to run away from. Your relationship issues and your money issues are multi-layered. It’s not just about one person being wrong and one person being right. You’re taking risks in communications right now, and they’re paying off, but don’t burn people. Inspire. Power color: green Affirmation: Everyone is the hero of their own story.

TAURUS Taurus, Monday is a little scattered. Stick in there, especially Tuesday and Wednesday. You’re going to have a great deal of restructuring and revising to do. You’re building something better and stronger. Don’t resist the challenge, but part of the challenge is being more comfortable with the unknown and mysterious. You may butt heads with groups of people Thursday through the weekend. Don’t succumb to factionalism. Power color: white Affirmation: When I clean the slate, all is possible.

GEMINI Gemini, that grass is looking greener on the other side. Look in the mirror, though. Are you wearing a pair of rose-tinted shades? It’s very easy to delude yourself into thinking that “here” isn’t good enough, that if you were only “somewhere else” you’d be appreciated more. By Thursday, you start to snap out of that thinking. You can have global reach, right from your living room. Power color: red Affirmation: I am here now. I appreciate the here and now.

CANCER People around you may feel restless, Cancer. So many agendas are competing right now. Take some time to nurture you on Thursday. It’s the small details that heal or hurt the most. Explore those. There’s a lot of pressure on you to revamp your career. Don’t rush the process. Don’t force decisions. You’re not comfortable being in some of the aggressive positions you’ve been forced into as of late. Remind yourself that defending what’s yours is sometimes necessary, even if it’s uncomfortable. Power color: Yellow Affirmation: Transformation is a process.

LEO You’re finally reaching your audience. Make the most of it through Thursday. You know where your True North is in an important decision at the beginning of the week. Getting on the right path though may present some unwelcome challenges the rest of the week. Groups of people may weaponize details late in the week. Keep it about “we”. Power Color: indigo Affirmation: I follow my heart and I use my head.

VIRGO You may be getting burned by someone’s inability to stay on course, Virgo. Set some rules down Monday and Tuesday. You’re the one leading by Thursday. Keep illusions and delusions at bay—for yourself and others. Stick to the facts and keep the debate contained. Someone’s all-or-nothing thinking really irks you. Postpone big decisions, especially ones that involve big commitments of time. Your detractors will be more pliable in the coming weeks. Power color: black Affirmation: Flexibility and structure work hand-in-hand.

LIBRA You’ll be seeing so many new possibilities on Monday. Come midweek, it’s time to narrow them down. None of them are precious. Be pragmatic. The “ghost of Christmas past” may seem like it’s intruding on your love life. Old wounds are easy to re-open right now. Keep yourself and, if you have a lover, present. Thursday through the end of the week, you’re musing about the future and some new anxieties might pop up. Power color: silver Affirmation: Discernment keeps my present enjoyable and my future bright.

SCORPIO As long as you can navigate disruptions, you’ll continue to be lucky, Scorpio. Fixate on outcomes, not the “how” of your challenges. The “how” will present itself as you journey along. Your keen intuition may be off this week. Don’t rely too heavily on it. Thursday, you may be tempted get into a battle of wills. The details become important. Listen to others. They generally wish you goodwill, even if what they have to say may not be to your liking. Everyone loses in the blame game. Power color: blue Affirmation: I nurture the possibilities.

SAGITTARIUS On Monday, when you feel it’s time to make your move, move. You may be second-guessing yourself on Tuesday and Wednesday. Silence your inner critic. Thought of the future, time-travel, technological advancement and the like really tickle your imagination late in the week. Some of the details may scare you though. Do you have unacknowledged fears? Power color: orange Affirmation: Growing pains mean I am growing.

CAPRICORN Tuesday and Wednesday, you’ll be giving the marching orders everyone’s been needing. You may feel like you’re giving everyone a giant history lesson or constantly saying “I told you so,” but without having an understanding of the past, we can’t shape the future. Thursday, you begin to minimize situations and people that have gotten out-of-control. Be flexible. You have to be fair, but not necessarily neutral, in love and property conflicts. Power color: gray Affirmation: I expand what benefits me and contract what harms me at will.

AQUARIUS You may feel depleted by someone close to you with a bad case of wanderlust. You love exploring, but you hate wandering. You may be sensitive about your time being wasted on Tuesday and Wednesday. Come Thursday, new details emerge that are game-changing. You’ll be magnetizing new opportunities through Saturday. Consider your own star power. Add a little pizazz to your communications. Get a breath of fresh air to make the most of this energy. Power color: gold Affirmation: To stay on course, I create healthy boundaries.

PISCES Someone may have your blood-boiling on Monday. Their scattered energy is getting to you. It’s okay to distance yourself. Create some new rules for problematic relationships. It’s a way of loving yourself more. Thursday, you’re all for helping society grow and advance, but the details of some propositions coming your way don’t make sense. Make sure people with blustery communication styles aren’t ultimately self-serving more than serving the common good. Do your homework. It’s easy to be deceived right now. Power color: purple Affirmation: I fact check while trusting my intuition.