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RE: The Lunation in Capricorn 2019 -- understanding life's current trends -- Part 1

in #astrology6 years ago (edited)

As a critical feature of the New Moon chart, what do you think of Mars rising in Aries (it's home sign), and being squared by Mercury at the Midheaven, in Capricorn?

Sorry. It took a few days to get back to you. First of all ... thank you so much for the comment. (I appreciate knowing somebody read this.)
I also knew I'd touched on this point in Part 2 -- so I wanted to get that illustrated and published.

Also, all this Capricorn stuff falls in my 1st House (23° Sag rising) and does not play nicely with my Aries Sun & Moon -- so I have been just exhausted since before Christmas. Also the recent Mars / Neptune conjunction sat right on my Natal Mars ... which was a huge energy drain all by itself. But enough with the excuses.

This aspect anywhere in a chart portends anger, as mind and communications (Mercury) challenge action and energy (Mars) . But this aspect is tremendously highlighted by being so angular! The words likely create actual anger and attack. How far could it go? Executive action? Martial (Mars) Law?

As I said in Part 2 Mercury Square Mars usually means you think / say / plan to do one thing ... and wind up doing something else -- because you're in a hurry, or in this case because what you say you'll do will just take too long and you want results a lot faster.

You may feel you just don't have time to wait on all the details and foundation-building -- so you either jump the gun just to get moving ... or settle for something quick-and-dirty as a solution instead of waiting around for what you really need. (Lord, either one of those options are such a temptation for me right now. I think part of the stress right now is just from waiting and waiting and waiting. Aries isn't good at that in the first place -- and Mars in this chart is on top by my Sun.)

Also Mercury Cap squ Mars Ari can show feeling criticized for what you do. It can also show rebellious / independent action just to show you can when someone else (or the general situation) said, "No, you can't." But, yes, it's intellect and initiative / thoughts and actions in conflict -- usually, but not always, representing the outward manifestation of an internal problem. (One's own limited thinking may see "physical force / radical action" as the only solution, etc.)

Look at this aspect in the world around us! President Trump's angry speech to the nation last night about democrat refusal to fund border security, including the Wall; was stonewalled and rejected by Pelosi and Schumer. We've been at a terrible impasse on this issue, and parts of the government have ground to a halt.

Well, you and I have very different views of what's going on with the government, so we'll have to gingerly walk around some of these points. Just applying the metaphors in this chart ... there's a faction that's trying to be sane-and-sensible in what they say and the plans they lay out. They may be especially concerned with their "image" and "standing" or just in making sure whatever they accomplish will last.

But then, as you say, there's another faction that is fed up, impatient, ready to kick ass and take names -- and they may be more out front with their actions and concerns (Mars on the AC.) That sounds a lot like what we've seen.

And, of course, this isn't just operating between Trump and Congress -- it's operating between the different political persuasions in the general population -- and it will be operating in your personal life ... and mine (and that of everyone else!!) So it's certainly not a comfortable time (for anyone ... for all kinds of reasons, most having to do with delays, timing, and feeling stalled or stymied in the presence of increasing urgency.)

Trump makes a persuasive case for the Wall. But the democrats and 90+% of the media are deadset against him! Trump was born with Mars 4 degrees from his Ascendant. He is demanding action. But is anyone listening?

For many of us, the border wall is way too reminiscent of that wall in Berlin that was a mark of shame in Germany for so many years. It would send a terrible message of what we as Americans have become -- and what our political dysfunction has made us. In a way, it's more a symbol than a solution to much bigger problems than just desperate people crossing the border -- and literally taking their lives in their hands to do so.

I live in one of the states that borders Mexico. We have a huge Hispanic population ... and I'll freely admit that many of them may not be "legal." But I'll also say that "illegal immigration" is NOT the biggest problem this country is facing. It's so far down the list that all this focus on it is literally a distraction from the "big stuff" that should be getting a lot more attention.

But I believe the Republicans have created a lot of those "bigger problems" (so fixing those any time soon is not going to happen) -- and I further believe that our failed "War on Drugs" and incessant meddling in Latin America -- by both Democrat and Republican administrations -- have created a lot of the reasons the "immigrant problem" has become such a hot-button issue.

Also Trump's very angular Mars is in Leo -- sextile Sun / Uranus and trine his Moon. A lot of his action is aimed specifically at self-promotion / self-aggrandizement ... and we've sure seen plenty of that through the years. The man does know how to get people's attention. He also hates to be told "No," -- not that any of us are fond of that, but he does take it personally. Diplomacy is not exactly his strong suit, and his habit of twitter-complaining and issuing ultimatums is not serving him well. This government shut-down is pretty much his single-handed creation.

Also, this Capricorn stellium falls in his 5th House of children, creativity and self-advancement. (He may see this structure -- Capricorn stellium ... also "government," ironically -- as virtually "his baby.") And the aggravating Aries Mars is in his 8th House of communal assets -- so he feels unable to round up the "investors" and other resources ... the "other people's money" ... he needs to get on with it. (Doesn't look like Mexico jumped at the chance to get in on this deal after all.)

The New Moon aspects signal the very on-going battle between the irresistible force (Trump) and the immovable object (democrats in Congress) which is going on right now. What do you think?

Yes, it certainly does portray the ongoing battle -- that's affecting us all. I don't look for it to escalate into something as serious as martial law -- at least I certainly hope not, although the Square between Mars / Uranus (sudden impulsive actions) and Pluto (implacable power struggles) in next month's Lunation looks like something ominous could happen toward the end of this current one. Sooo, that may not be out of the question, but would certainly be extreme and drastic IYAM. Then again, Mars / Uranus in Aries pretty much spells "extreme and drastic" ... doesn't it?

Thanks for your questions. They do open some serious thought.