We are entering a great die off.
Every previous change of epoch has gone through a wiping out of the old civilization leaving only a few people to start anew.
This time its different.
However, a lot of people are going to be leaving.
Young, fertile women are going to be rare.
You cannot destroy your sexuality and continue to believe that you will be able to reproduce.
Further, all the toxins in the air, in the water, in the food, ESPECIALLY in the fast food and processed food, are having serious consequences to women's fertility.
The Age of Aquarius is about getting rid of the bad guys.
It is about waking up every truth, shoving it in your face, and you better deal with it.
All the BIGs will fail. BigPharma, BigAg, BigBanks...
If you didn't notice it, as zoidsoft said, you will no longer have drugs at drug stores, food at grocery stores, and no longer have money in the bank.
All of it will be GONE
Of course, enterprising people will start making and trading needed and wanted things, but it will not just be on the internetz for you to order. You will need to know people. You will have to be invited to the egg exchange party.
So, Aquarius will destroy all things that are not built in truth. And if you are holding on to any of that, you will get washed away. (for many, quite literally)
For the psychopathic elite who cannot face truth, who cannot live outside the shadows, they will be exposed and have their lives destroyed. But they are very rich and lots of people follow their every word. So, as they get washed away, they will not go down without a fight.
I'm expecting that just as [TPTB] loose control, they will attempt to kill the internet in the USA and some places in other western countries unleashing a massive cyber attack. It would help mask their loss of control of the banks and derivative implosion when it occurs (which will really be due to malfeasance and not a computer glitch), they will probably attempt to time it to that market collapse, and then of course blame it all on the Russians as part of the consequences of WW3.
They will still have the TV and mass media which they still control to attempt to usher in the Great Reset with their CBDC's. Under the cover of darkness, they could really ramp up democide without most people being able to report it.
I think Nuremberg 2 will happen sometime between summer 2025 and summer 2026. Unfortunately we will not get all of the criminals and the people mostly still enshrined in ignorance will fail to place blame correctly. It will be similar to what happened after WW2, when most of the nazi war criminals escaped into south America or were employed in NASA. There will be spin on the truth and blame probably won't fall on the worst criminals because those who use this fall to advance themselves will still have skeletons they need to hide. Once the ferver of the pendulum swings back to the middle, they'll regroup in darkness under new org names to start the next statist scam.
It's a lesson humanity will suffer over and over again until the principled ethics of voluntarism is inculcated into our DNA or we suffer extinction.