in #astrology7 years ago (edited)

There are 16 sorts of horoscopes, referred to on the whole as Shodashvarga or the Divisional Charts, and everyone is utilized for judging an alternate part of life.


Rashi or the Lagna or Birth outline of 30 degrees = All parts of life.
Hora (one-portion) of an indication of 15 degrees = Wealth.
Drekkana (33%) of a sign – 10 degrees = Siblings.
Chaturthamsha (one-fourth) of a sign - 7 degrees 30 minutes = Destiny and Fixed Assets.
Saptamsha (one-seventh) of a sign – 4 degrees 17 minutes and 8.5 seconds = Progeny.
Navamsa (one-ninth) of a sign – 3 degrees 20 minutes = Spouse and numerous other things. This chart is considered as a SOUL.
Dashamsa (one-tenth) of a sign – 3 degrees = Career and Profession.
Dwadashamsha (one-twelfth) of a sign - 2 degrees 30 minutes = Parents.
Shodashamsha (one-sixteenth) of a sign - 1 degrees 52 minutes and 30 seconds = Conveyance.
Vimshamsha (one-twentieth) of a sign - 1 degree 30 minutes = Spiritual Progress.
Chaturvimshamsha (one-twenty) fourth of a sign - 1 degree 15 degrees = Knowledge.
Saptavimshamsha (one-twenty seventh) of a sign - 1 degrees 6 minutes 40 seconds = Strength.
Trimshamsha (one-thirtieth) of a sign – 1 degree = Misfortunes and Characteristics.
Khavedamsha (one-fortieth) of a sign – 45 seconds = Auspicious and Inauspicious effects.
Akshavedamsha (one-forty fifth) of a sign 40 seconds = For all regions of life.
Shashtyamsha (one-sixtieth) of a sign 30 seconds = For all broad effects.

DASHAS (Planetary Periods):

There are various kinds of Dasha frameworks (planetary periods). Each Dasha framework has an extraordinary strategy for separating time into periods and sub periods and there are unmistakable methods for translating the implications of periods in this manner allotted.

  1. Vimshottari Dasha

  2. Sodasottari Dasha

  3. Dvadasottari Dasha

  4. Astottari Dasha

  5. Parkottari Dasha

  6. Satabdika Dasha

  7. Caturasiti Dasha

  8. Dvisaptati Dasha

  9. Sasthihayani Dasha

  10. Sattririisati Dasha

  11. Navamsa Dasha

  12. Rasyamsa Dasha

  13. Kala Dasha

  14. Chakra Dasha

  15. Kalachakra Dasha

  16. Sudarsan Chakra Dasha

  17. Chara Dasha

  18. Navamsa Sthira Dasha

  19. Sthira Dasha

  20. Caturvidha Uttara Dasha

  21. Brahmagrahasrita Dasha

  22. Kendra Dasha

  23. Karak Kendra Dasha

  24. Karak Graha Dasha

  25. Manduka Dasha

  26. Sula Dasha

  27. Nakshatra Dasha

  28. Yogardha Dasha

  29. Drig Dasha

  30. Trikono Dasha

  31. Naksatradi Dasha

  32. Nabatara Dasha

  33. Varnada Dasha

  34. Panka Svara Dasha

  35. Yogini Dasha

  36. Pinda Dasha

  37. Amsaja Dasha

  38. Rasmija Dasha

  39. Nisargaja Dasha

  40. Astavargaja Dasha

  41. Sandhya Dasha

  42. Pachaka Dasha

The equations for ascertaining dasha are variable from basic and exact to mind boggling and variable. Vimshottari Dasha, Kalachakra Dasha, Yogini Dasha. Ashtottari Dasha and Navamsa Dasha are most usually utilized yet the most widely recognized of everything is Vimshottari Dasha, otherwise called Udu Dasha. There and various other one of a kind highlights like Astavarga framework, Jamini crystal gazing frame



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