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RE: Offline

in #asksteemit7 years ago

Funny I was talking to one of my customers the other day about crypto.. they are huge fans of XRP and ETH until I brought up STEEM.. they had never heard of it.. now I didn't try to explain it as a social media platform but rather as a cryptocurrency that enabled almost instant transactions for zero fees... that certainly got their attention.. but trying to explain the difference between STEEM and STEEM power got kinda tricky.. Ii wish I had read this article before then.. explaining it as network ownership.. thanks for giving me a way to explain it when this conversation comes up again..


Not even sure if "network ownership" is good enough to describe it. "Stakes" or "Shares" might be too common and could be misleading. Awesome promoting Steem instead of going straight to social network / public content blockchain part of Steem. It gets confusing later when you have to explain two other token types on this network lol.

I read somewhere on Steemit that explaining STEEM as a currency first and a social media platform second was really the best way to generate interest with people who can afford to invest.. these particular clients were mainly buying for investment value.. which if they took my advice was very lucrative.. STEEM was right around $1 then