I came across a VERY unique youtube channel the other day which REALLY resonated with me.
Two guys from Hong Kong who are basically free-minded thinkers, they talk about different issues such as economies and social issues. Basically they see through the B.S. of many societies and are awake. I was surprised since they were from Hong Kong! Which is a VERY REFRESHING perspective from the traditional American one (I am an American). I also have lived in Asia for many years, and visited Hong Kong many times. So, they really resonated with me. I think you will enjoy them if you like freedom and thinking outside the box! Here is their latest video!
And here is their steemit page:
Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!! Peace from Hanoi,
Steemit: http://www.steemit.com/@biglance
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/biglance
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/biglance888
Strava: http://www.strava.com/athletes/biglance