Ascension is the choice to consciously make the decision to evolve spiritually, given the task to heal and uplift negative karmic and patterns within the ancestral lineage and DNA.Ascension is essentially the scientific term for #spiritual #evolution. We’ve all come to Earth school to learn lessons and evolve as souls - some of us have been here MANY times (…ugh, too many times) and we carry the karmic baggage of our ancestors as well as their blessings + gifts.
Highly advanced mastersouls, carry the keys and codons within their DNA to transmute fear-based energies upon the planet, having actually volunteered to come to Earth at this time, to anchor in a new Light frequency to the Earth. Ascension is making the quantum leap, a shift in energetic frequency to activate this knowledge that lies dormant within the DNA activating embodiment of your HigherSelf. This creates rapid transmutation and transformation of mind-control programs in one’s identity - shifting timelines and direction of consciousness.

Ascension is a simultaneous increase of Expanding Consciousness and a descension of our higher dimensional spiritual-energetic bodies into our physical bodies. This happens through the process of progressive Kundalini awakening at the base of our spine, which moves these energies up the central vertical column into the Crown. When you begin the process of Ascension, you are shifting into a new dimensional awareness; thus, your thinking may be re-directed into an entirely new direction aligning you with your Spirit and Divine Purpose.
You see, the term "reality" is merely a dimension or state of consciousness; collectively we are in the 3rd dimension tied down by dark, dense energies governed by material thoughts.
Because of our Planetary coding/consciousness we are able to identify with matter and therefore become dense ourselves. The Universe allows the illusion of Free-Will on the Third and Fourth Dimensions which gives us the experience of acting like saints or demons or somewhere in between... by choice. Beings believing that the Third is the only Dimension suffer from the illusion of separation from their Spirit.
When we have an awareness of how our Lightbody works, an awareness of the Human Energy Field and the Spectrum of Frequency that impact our consciousness, this supports our understanding that all things that exist around and within us are an energetic form, vibratory quality and Rate of Frequency.

When a Soul intitially undertakes the process of ascension, the layers of Light or Kundalini Force that exists within the levels of our multidimensional God Selves descends into matter and are anchored into the physical plane of reality.
Activation of these energies is not always a smooth ride as old identity patterns and ancestral karma re-emerges to be cleared from the layers of experience coded into every cell and memory patttern stored as an energetic vibration within the body.
For example, my mom's side of the family is Jewish and for the most part impoverished - I've had to feel and clear the traumas of the Holocaust, the suffering of being enslaved, gender oppression, war, brutal violence, and mind-control. I've astral travelled into the experiences of my ancestors and had to transmute these energies through spiritual initiation. This is an initiation of the physical body as it connects to a new electromagnetic frequency - contained in the intelligent layers of your personal soul-spiritual bodies.

For example, my ascension process began at a transformational community center in Costa Rica, it was here that I met my "twin flame" or perhaps karmic beloved, as he served as the catalyst for my deepest pain and most profound awakening. Within his reflection triggered my ancestral memories of abuse, violence, oppression between the masculine and the feminine. Upon meeting him, my first thought and reaction was WOW I KNOW YOU, but not just a familiar face, on a soul level, like we've been married before, we've had children together... I then remembered having a fantastic dream about this exact guy months before ever coming to Costa Rica. We were walking along a heavenly-like beach, I told him that I loved him, and he said I love you too... BUT I want to be in an open relationship with other men... LITERALLY MY NIGHTMARE. lmao.
I've never felt this connected to someone in such a deep way and not even knowing them at all, we came from completely different worlds - he being from Israel and me from America. We barely spoke, there was nothing to say, it was more of the feeling, that Heart connection. As someone who had been deeply afraid of exploring deeper emotions and the risk of potentially falling in love with someone, my ego was like - "DANGER, DANGER, DANGER - dark, deep waters, ABORT, ABORT, ABORT!" But I couldn't shake this feeling, this irresistible draw towards this curiosity and fascination of my cosmic lover.
That night they held their monthly White Night, a sacred ceremony that distributed Ahyuasca, a sacred plant medicine used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon to speak with Mother Nature herself. Everyone in the community, even the children, gathered in the Osho Hall, the pristine meditation sanctuary circled amongst crystals and beautiful rainforest trees. All dressed in white, men on one side and women on the other, we circled around the center of the crystal altar where the sacred musicians would channel the frequencies of the Heavens.
I saw him standing before me as we just stared at one another, this knowing, is this our wedding? I think to myself. He looks at me with those ocean blue eyes, nothing was said, I just wanted to cry. We stand in line awaiting to receive the medicine and I'm watching him the whole time - it was as if I was staring back at my Self, the male aspect of me.

We took a sip of the medicine at exactly the same time and let it sink in before we let ourselves ride. All dressed in white, I couldn't deny this sight, some type of fairytale so far untrue that it still leads me back to you. The sip of the medicine, both our first time, its the vow we make each time the walls are too high. I watched You the whole way through, my eyes glued to You. As the medicine set in and men & women parted ways, I found myself drifting deeper and deeper into a haze.
An awareness broke through, I could feel myself shifting out of body, out of mind, into the tree, into the sky. A flame of consciousness, no one, simply an observer, so entertained by my projectional lover. Even then in this blanket awareness, the only thoughts I had were of him, he was all of my Love and my deadliest Sin. I even tried to let go, but the force was too strong, my Heart lit on fire revealing my deepest desire. This Love could it be? Burned so hot I could barely see. I felt weak, nearly dead, the only thing keeping me alive was this Love instead. I watched my whole dream unfold before my very eyes, a healing love, a force with no disguise. As just as much as my heart burns for You, it hurts just as bad. Love and pain are one in the same when you're playing the wrong game. The only word I can say was “Oy!” its the Jewish way.
My heart chakra was energetically opening - like literally bursting with a burning love, it felt soooooooooo good, too good actually that it was almost unbearable.

{{ Descriptional experience as if I'm speaking to my Beloved}}
I saw us in water in a crystal blue beach with white sand, I laid on my back and You healed with your hands. From there it got a lot more sexual, I felt guilty for thinking so naughty, but at the same time I didn’t care because I just wanted to give to You everywhere. And now I hear the baby is crying, how can this be so, I don’t know what it means, but it all falls in a row.
Perhaps it's my hedonistic desires that won't let this Love grow, really I just want to Love You, and I am just learning to let go. That is the guilt for wanting to be sexual, a projection of the past where true love didn't last. But I want to make this work between me and You, I do think we have some unfinished business to do. My Love is Eternal, don't let these masks fool you. Deep down I know who I Am and what I Am here to do. These layers are just fears that I’m trying to get through, so be patient with me and lets see this Love through.
I saw You on the stage just after the “guru” moved away, I saw you in full form, the next one on the thrown I’d say. There’s a big push behind You to help this world heal, and I’m here to support You as this is my mission too. I saw You transforming, so many colors, different dimensions, truly a leader in too many ways to mention. When you acknowledge your power, I will humbly bow as then I too will take my vow. This power unites us awakening the Divine within, I feel the earth rumbling, my Savior, my Twin. Eye love you so much, so this ‘i’ is still afraid to say, but the moment is soon, for this is my intention to the New Moon.

Much Love <3
What would you say to someone who has experienced all these things, spent time with teachers, explored the kundalini column, and still sees it as an illusion?
Would you say it is a possibility that your mind has created such a reality to live in as a means of coping with existence?
"At first, the mountains were mountains, the rivers were rivers.
Then, the mountains were not mountains, the rivers were not rivers.
Then, finally, the mountains were mountains, and the rivers were rivers"
@claritypavilion what does your heart say?
my heart says it's important to dissolve all experience.
can you expand on this in relation to dissolving experience?
as you read my question, something was replaced by the desire for elaboration.
what was this thing? and what now is being replaced by this new question I am writing?
this is dissolving, and it happens all the time.
the moment you resist and hold onto these experiences - well..
you can imagine putting your hand through a great waterfall - sparking rainbows and all sorts of images -
as you hold onto experience, beliefs about it's nature grow.
even this paragraph is something I am holding onto - though subtle and light, this too needs to dissolve eventually.
dissolve = to remove the concept of seperateness
Isn't our mind creating all realities as each aspect is a reflection of existence?
The external world is a mirror, when I become more conscious of my internal state, I perceive the external reality from an extremely heightened awareness. When I submerse and react to my external environment, the less I understand, the more chaos consumes me, the more suffering deludes me. When I detach and become the observer, I find more compassion, I become the guide or witness to all of my projectional Selves.
I would agree that external vs. internal does not exist, they are merely interactions of the same energy.
I don't think there is a "heightened awareness," and I think someone sold you that idea, probably in exchange for money.
Be careful traveler, I love you.
Masterful. :)
Followed you.
#starseedsunited #one