
in #artzone7 years ago

English speaking ဘယ္​လို​​ေလ့လာရမလဲမသိတဲ့သူ​ေတြအတြက္​😎

..အဝင္​စြမ္​းရည္​လို႔​ေခၚတဲ့ listening နဲ႔ reading ရဲ႕အ​ေရးႀကီးပံု​ေတြကို​ေလ့လာခဲ့ရပါၿပီ။​listening နဲ႔ reading ကို​ေလ့က်င္​့ၾကတယ္​မလား။​ေလ့က်င္​့ျဖစ္​တယ္​ဆိုရင္​​ေတာ့ congratulation ဗ်ာ။အဂၤလိပ္​စကားသြက္​လက္​စြာ​ေျပာႏိုင္​ဖို႔အ​ေရးႀကီးတဲ့​ေျခလွမ္​း​ေတြလွမ္​းခဲ့ၿပီးၿပီပဲ။

Well, so far we’ve looked at the importance of listening and reading in part-1 and part-2– the two ‘receptive’ skills. Have you been practicing these? If you have, congratulations! You have taken important steps towards fluent English.

လ်ိဳ႕ဝွက္​ခ်က္​ ၃ ကတစ္​ကယ္​​ေတာ့မလုပ္​သင္​့တဲ့အ​ေၾကာင္​းတစ္​ခုပါ။အဲဒါဘာလဲ ဆို​ေတာ့ ဖတ္​ၾကည္​့ဗ်ာ။
Secret #3 is actually more about something you should NOT do. What is it? Read on!

လ်ိဳ႕ဝွက္​ခ်က္​ ၃
grammar ကို​ေမ့ထားပါ😊

What😳 ဘာလို႔grammar ကို​ေမ့ထားရမွာလဲ။ grammar ကို​ေမ့ထားျခင္​းကအဂၤလိပ္​စကား​ေျပာသြက္​လက္​ဖို႔အရမ္​းအ​ေရးႀကီးပါတယ္​။ဒါ​ေပမယ္​့တကယ္​​ေတာ့ grammar နည္​းနည္​း​ေလး​ေတာ့လိုအပ္​ပါတယ္​။နည္​းနည္​း​ေလးပဲ​ေနာ္​။ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​တို႔အားလံုးက grammar စာ​ေမးပြဲ​ေတြမွာ(ဥပမာ ဆယ္​တန္​းစာ​ေမးပြဲ)ဂုဏ္​ထူး​ေတြထြက္​တဲ့အထိ​ေတာ္​​ေပမယ္​့အဂၤလိပ္​စကားမ​ေျပာတတ္​ ​ေျပာရင္​နားမလည္​တဲ့သူမ်ိဳး​ေတြ႔ဖူးၾကတယ္​မလား။ခင္​ဗ်ားကိုယ္​တိုင္​​ေတာင္​ျဖစ္​ရင္​ျဖစ္​​ေနမွာ😂ဒီ​ေတာ့ grammar ကို​ေလ့လာျခင္​းက ဘာသာစကားတစ္​ခု​ေလ့လာျခင္​းမွာအဓိကမက်ပါဘူး။grammar ကို​ေလ့လာျခင္​းကဘာနဲ႔တူသလဲဆို​ေတာ့ ဂီတရဲ႕သ​ေဘာတရား​ေတြ ဂီတသံစဥ္​​ေတြ ​ေလ့လာၿပီးတစ္​ခါမွ သီခ်င္​းမဆိုသလိုျဖစ္​​ေနပါတယ္​။

What? How can you possibly forget about grammar!? Forgetting about grammar is very important for becoming fluent in English.Well, of course you need some grammar. SOME.You all know someone (maybe it’s you), who can get a very high score on a grammar test, but can’t speak or understand any English. Does that really seem like a successful model of language learning? It would be like completely understanding the theory of music, the structure of music, and what all the notes and little marks mean, but…almost never actually playing music (or singing).

ဒီ​ေတာ့ grammar ကို perfect ျဖစ္​တဲ့အထိ​ေလ့​လာတာကအဂၤလိပ္​စကားသြက္​လက္​စြာ​ေျပာဆိုႏိုင္​​ေစျခင္​းမ႐ွိပါဘူး။grammar နဲ႔ စကား​ေျပာစြမ္​းရည္​နဲ႔ကဆက္​စပ္​မုွမ႐ွိပါဘူး။grammar ကိုပိုင္​ႏိုင္​ျခင္​းက အဂၤလိပ္​စကား​ေျပာတတ္​မယ္​ဆိုကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​တို႔​ေတြ​ေျပာတတ္​ရမွာ​ေပါ့ ။ဘာလို႔မရလဲ။ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​ grammar ကိုပိုင္​ႏိုင္​တဲ့​ေက်ာင္​းသား​ေပါင္​းရာခ်ီၾကံဳဖူးပါတယ္​။ဒါ​ေပမယ္​့ သူတို႔​ေတြက လက္​​ေတြ႔စကား​ေျပာရာမွာ​ေတာ္​​ေတာ္​အခက္​အခဲျဖစ္​ၾကတယ္​။ဒါကဘာ​ေၾကာင္​့လဲဆို​ေတာ့ ကိုယ္​ကတကယ္​ကိုအဂၤလိပ္​စကား​ေျပာတတ္​ခ်င္​တာနား​လည္​ခ်င္​တာဆိုရင္​ grammar တစ္​ခုထဲ​ေလ့လာတာကအက်ိဳးမျဖစ္​ပါဘူး။

You see, having perfect English grammar does NOT mean you can speak English fluently. In fact, the two are not really related at all. If having excellent grammar meant speaking English fluently,we would already be able to do it. Why we particularly? Because, I have seen hundreds of students with quite a high level of grammar.
But…they often have trouble having a real conversation. That’s because, if you actually want to speak English, and understand English, only practicing grammar is not going to make a difference. Not really.

ခင္​ဗ်ားက ကိုယ္​့ကိုကို္​ယ္​အဂၤလိပ္​စာညံ့တယ္​လို႔ထင္​ရင္​ထင္​​ေနလိမ္​့မယ္​။ဒါ​ေပမယ္​့ ခင္​ဗ်ား အဂၤလိပ္​စကားနည္​းနည္​း​ေလာက္​ကိုနားလည္​တယ္​။​ေနာက္​ သူမ်ားနားလည္​​ေအာင္​လဲနည္​းနည္​း​ေျပာတတ္​တယ္​။ဒါကအဓိကအခ်က္​ပဲမလား😊ဒ​ီ​ေတာ့ အ​ေျခခံတည္​​ေဆာက္​ပံု grammar ကိုသိဖို႔လိုအပ္​​ေပမယ္​့ ဒီ grammar ကိုထပ္​ဆင္​့ထပ္​ဆင္​့​ေလ့လာျခင္​းကကိုယ္​့ရဲ႕ အဂၤလိပ္​စြမ္​းရည္​ကိုမတိုးတတ္​​ေစႏိုင္​ပါဘူး။အဂၤလိပ္​စာတိုးတတ္​မယ္​့ တစ္​ခုထဲ​ေသာနည္​းလမ္​းက​ေတာ့ဒီgrammar ကိုသံုးၿပီး​ေလ့က်င္​့ဖို႔ပါပဲ။ဘာ​ေတြ​ေလ့က်င္​့ရမလဲဆို​ေတာ့ speaking,listening,reading,writing ဆိုတဲ့ ဘာသာစကားတစ္​ခုရဲ႕ skill ​ေတြကိုပါ။​ဘာသာစကားတစ္​ခု​ေလ့လာျခင္​းရဲ႕အဓိကရည္​ရြယ္​ခ်က္​ကလဲဒါပဲ​ေလ။

You may think your English is not very good yet, but if you can understand some English – and if you can get people to understand you, then isn’t that the whole point?
And, although you really DO need to know the basics of structure - or grammar - learning more and more and more detail is not going to improve your fluency. The ONLY thing which will improve your fluency is…practice using the tools. And that is…speaking, listening, reading and writing. These are the skills of a language – and the whole purpose to learning it.

"ကြၽန္​ေတာ္​အမွား​ေတြအမ်ားႀကီး​ေျပာမိတယ္​ အသံထြက္​လဲညံ​့တယ္​"😒​ေက်ာင္​းသား​ေပါင္​း​မ်ားစြာ​ေျပာတဲ့စကားပါ။ဟုတ္​ၿပီ ။ဒီ​ေတာ့ ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​​ေျပာခ်င္​တာက ပထမဆံုးအ​ေနနဲ႔ ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​တို႔အားလံုး (လူတိုင္​းလူတိုင္​းကို​ေျပာတာ​ေနာ္​)အမွား​ေတြလုပ္​ၾကပါတယ္​။native speaker ​ေတြ အဂၤလိပ္​ဆရာ​ေတြ​ေရာအကုန္​ဗ်ာ။အမွားလုပ္​မိတယ္​ဆိုတာကလူသားတစ္​​ေယာက္​ရဲ သာမန္​ျဖစ္​စဥ္​ပဲဗ်၊ဘာလို႔လဲဆို ခင္​ဗ်ားကသင္​ယူဆဲအဆင္​့ပဲ႐ွိ​ေသးတာ​ေလ။အမွားလုပ္​မိတယ္​ဆိုတာ ​ေလ့လာသင္​ယူျခင္​းတစ္​ခုမွာျဖစ္​​ေနၾကပဲ။သင္​ယူျခင္​းနဲ႔ အမွားလုပ္​မိျခင္​းကတြဲ​ေနၾကတာပဲ။​ေျပာရရင္​ ခင္​ဗ်ားအမွားမလုပ္​ရင္​ ခင္​ဗ်ားဘာမွမသင္​ယူတာပဲ။

“But I make a lot of mistakes!” ”My pronunciation is not good,” many students say. Well, of course you make mistakes! First of all, everyone – and I mean EVERYONE – makes mistakes. This means ALL native speakers, including English teachers. Making mistakes is a normal part of being human and speaking a language. Second, you make mistakes because you’re learning something.
Making mistakes is a normal part of the learning process. Learning and making mistakes go together - automatically. In fact…if you aren’t making mistakes, you probably aren’t learning.

တကယ္​စကား​ေျပာၿပီဆိုရင္​ grammar ကိုစဥ္​းစား​ေနစရာအခ်ိန္​မ႐ွိပါဘူး။ကိုယ္​့ကို​ေမးခြန္​းတစ္​ခု​ေမးတယ္​ဆိုရင္​ ကိုယ္​က active voice နဲ႔​ေျဖရမလား passive voice နဲ႔​ေျဖရမလား။both and ​ေလးသံုးလိုက္​ရမလား။either or နဲ႔​ေျဖရင္​​ေကာင္​းမလား။adv ​ေလးထည္​့လိုက္​ရအံုးမလား။စဥ္​းစား​ေနစရာအခ်ိန္​မ႐ွိပါဘူး။စဥ္​းစား​ေတြး​ေတာျခင္​းမ႐ွိပဲ ခ်က္​ခ်င္​း​ေျပာႏိုင္​ရပါမယ္​။

In conversations,we've no time to think grammar.If someone asks you a question,you've no time to think that:to answer it,active or passive voice use?both and or either or,which is sutable,adv can be used.you have to respond immediately without thinking.

ဒီ​ေတာ့ grammar ဆိုတာ tool တစ္​ခုဆိုတာသတိထားပါ။ဘာသာစကားတစ္​ခုမွာ အသံုးျပရမယ္​့ tool တစ္​ခုပါ။ဘာသာစကား​ေလ့လာျခင္​းရဲ႕အဓိကရည္​ရြယ္​ခ်က္​က အဲ့ဒီဘာသာစကားကိုအသံုျပဳတတ္​​ေအာင္​ပါ။တည္​​ေဆာက္​ပံု​ေတြကိုကြၽမ္​းက်င္​ပိုင္​ႏိုင္​ဖို႔မဟုတ္​ပါဘူး။

So, remember, grammar is a tool. It is a tool to fit the pieces of a language together. The whole point to learning any language is to use the language - not to master the tools of structure.

တစ္​ခု​ေတာ့မွတ္​ထားပါ။ကြၽန္​​ေတာ္​က grammar ကိုလံုးဝမ​ေလ့လာနဲ႔လို႔​ေျပာတာမဟုတ္​ပါဘူး။သူ႔​မွာသူ႔​ေနရာနဲ႔​သူ႐ွိပါတယ္​။အဓိကလိုအပ္​တာက ဖတ္​ပါ၊​ေျပာပါ၊နား​ေထာင္​ပါ။good luck ဗ်ာ။

Remember, we are not saying you don’t need to study grammar at all. It has its place. What we are saying is, put it aside sometimes. Just listen. Read. And speak. Good luck!




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