12th ARTstyleART: Impressionism + Sea!!! Let us choose the Winners Together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

in #artstyleart128 years ago (edited)

Beautiful entries!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Job, Guys!!!!!

And you inspired me to try it too. This work is still in progress but as today is deadline I decided to share it with you.

!enter image description here
My Painting for ArtStyleArt#12. SEA. Work is Still in Progress

The announcement posts are here:

12th ARTstyleART Theme Announcement. Impressionism + Sea!!!

It is the time to choose the winners!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me remind the terms of our contest. We investigate art styles not theoretically but practically. I offer a srtyle and theme and participants make their works in accordance with theme.

Last week we had Impressionism + SEA.

Below you will see the entries with numbers. I will not mention names but, of course, you can easily find the authors. In the comments you write the number of the artwork you like.

I know there are many competitions here and in other social media where people ask friends to vote for them. I don't mind. But not in my contest!

Let us be honest and don't do that! PLEASE. I want the best paintings to win but not that one who have more friends. So, I don't want artists - participants send requests to their friends to ask to vote for them. But the participants and others have a right (it is even desirable) to send the link to the friends and ask to choose the best paintings.


  • ask friends to choose the best painting
  • participants can vote for other works


  • to vote for yourself
  • to ask friends to vote for you

Please upvote, resteem and write the number in the comment.

PLEASE SUBMIT THE NUMBERS OF THE BEST PAINTINGS BY TOMORROW September 22, 2017 (11 pm Moscow time)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And after I will announce the winners.


So, the entries in random order.

1 I will wait for you. Digital
enter image description here

2 Three Little Birds. Oil

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3 Rocky Seashore. Acrylic

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4 Town by seaside. Oil.

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5 Hypochondriac Sea. Gouache?

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6 Oil

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7 Sailing at sea. Digital

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8 Looking for paradise. Digitally processed photo

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9 Sea. Pencil

enter image description here

REWARD POOL is 20SBD thanks to @henry-gant and me)))

I am also trying to build a Steemit Artists database. Please let me know if somebody is missing. And I am also sorry if I added somebody by mistake. Let me know and I would remove you from the list. If anybody doesn't want to be in the list, please let me also know. Thank you!

@aishwarya, @africangold, @aksinya, @alex-zerr, @allfabeta, @allforthegood, @anca3drandom, @anandkphoto, @aneblueberry, @andrew0, @andrianna, @anikanam, @allstarrunner, @aniestudio, @argenisboom, @artguy, @artwithflo, @art21, @barbara-orenya, @billyjohnsonart, @camilla, @catsmart, @cgame, @chessmonster, @christiesnelson, @coloringiship, @comealong, @christiesnelson, @coquiunlimited, @cryplectibles, @dana-varahi, @danilamarilu, @danthundercloud, @davor27, @dazzles, @daydreams4rock, @dcrockete, @deborahmurphoils, @dksart, @dlina-v-metrah, @drawingsbymilena, @dreemit, @dottie, @dunsky, @earthbound, @edgarsart, @elementm, @elewarne, @elgeko, @elena2017, @em3di, @englishchivry, @errymil, @eternalsunshine, @everlove, @exe8422, @fayehalliday, @federacion45, @flowerpowerart, @fractalizer, @fvris, @fumansiu, @fun-along-theway, @funkit, @ginasarasini, @giraffeonskates, @girlbeforemirror, @globaldoodlegems, @golazin, @goldenroom, @granturismo89, @gric, @groundcontrol, @gunni55, @harshalachopra, @havok777, @heartrose, @henry-gant, @hhelenbby, @hilarski, @hopehugs, @inber, @indiandigitizer, @izabellablue, @james7, @jameshsmitharts, @jameslano, @jangaladesigns, @janiceduke, @jankasparec, @jessamynorchard, @jnart, @josephmoyers, @juanmiguelsalas, @juliakponsford, @jungwatercolor, @jyezie, @kalemandra, @karmashine, @katharsisdrill, @ken-and-jane, @krizia, @ksenja, @kryo, @lapstjup, @lauralemons, @leoplaw, @lighteye, @lightsplasher, @littlemozart, @lloyddavis, @louiscpt, @luckyfellow, @mada, @maddieraeart, @madlenfox, @mamadini, @marty-art, @mariandavp, @mechart, @mayasky, @meesterboom, @merej99, @michaelmcdermott, @michaelstobiersk, @mindfreak, @mikkolyytinen, @milenamilak, @mprgrmmr, @motivator, @mr-monk, @mrssignificant, @mystisoul, @nadversion56, @naquoya, @natureofbeing, @nature.sauvage, @neonartist, @nicnas, @nikosgyftakis, @ninatokhtaman, @nin0000, @nitan, @noelaattlee, @nonameslefttouse, @oceansoul13, @ocrdu, @offgridlife, @omwith, @onlyifisayok, @opheliafu, @paniopan, @paolobeneforti, @paulcolumbus, @peterheckmann, @pcste, @pixielolz, @phoenixmaid, @prakashghai, @prostosun, @pyrowngs, @rachelsvparry, @randolphrope, @rbennett, @reddust, @reinhard-schmid, @reneenouveau65, @revostrike, @richguy, @robyneggs, @rubens9119, @rubenalexander, @sanakumar, @saramiller, @sashagenji, @seisges, @serkorkin, @sethlinson, @shady, @shortcut, @siloe, @silviabeneforti, @skapaneas, @stitchybitch, @sofi-m, @sopa-pekar, @soyjoseluis, @spaceginger, @splus, @stargarden, @stephenking989, @straydays, @sourcebird, @sumsum, @supernalbeing, @surrealflakes, @synesthesia, @tarazkp, @tasartcraft, @thebatchman, @the01crow, @thedrollyears, @thetruthbomb, @therealpaul, @tracer-paulo, @tommervik, @toonpunk, @throughwindows, @trueart, @trulafountaine, @txatxy, @twirble, @ubik, @unusualconcept, @urielromeo, @verbal-d, @veronicavaldeon, @villainblack, @voodoolizard, @voronoi, @winstonwolfe, @woman-onthe-wing, @woodywood143, @wordsword, @wvm, @xochicotta, @xtrodinarypilot, @xusayz, @yadamaniart, @yoogyart, @yoganarchista, @yuccarose, @yusaymon, @yuslindwi, @zenithwombat.

You can check the previous contests here:

Winners of Artstyleart#11 13 participants, 15 entries
Winners of Artstyle#10 7 participants, 9 entries
Winners of ArtstyleArt#9 13 participants, 15 entries
Winners of ArtstyleART#8 11 participants, 14 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART#7 28 participants, 33 enties
Winners of ARTstyleART 6 17 participants, 22 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART 5 11 participants, 12 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART 4 20 participants, 21 entries!
Winners of ARTstyleART 3 9 participants
Winners of ARTstyleART 2 14 participants, 17 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART1 8 participants, 9 entries

Always yours, @aksinya.


my favorites are 8 and 9

All very nice :) I vote for #4

All the pictures are good. But I like the numbers 1, 4 and 8. From them, the spirit is breathtaking!

I choose number 1 thank you @aksinya

Im drawn to #2

I am for #2 and #4.

I choose no. 2

I like number 4!

I like 2 and 1. :)

i love #2 thank you, all the entries are impressive.

Wow, so many great artists here on Steemit. I like everything but number 2 is the best as it has nature and human touch. Good luck to all the entries.

I love numbers 5 and 8 !!!!

I like number 2!!! <3 <3 <3 Well, number 4 is also nice... ^_^

I like number 4 :)

4, a hard decision however:) Great work as always guys.

Your piece finally loaded on my crappy connection; beautiful!

thank you))))))

I choose # 2.

I like the 5. Hypochondriac Sea and then the 4. Town by seaside.

i like #2. very meaningful

I vote for 2, Three little birds

I like #2.

I will be choosing #2.

Wow. I really like your painting @aksinya. Love the beach and the ocean, so your picture just stood out to me. I like that you are building the Steemit Artists database, that is really cool. I'm not an artist myself, but I used to love painting and drawing. Now I love just taking pictures of nature especially the beach and the ocean. From the 9 paintings, my favorite was #8, then #2 and #4. They are all beautiful paintings, the artist did a great job.

thank you very much!!!

#2 please.

I'm voting for #2.

My faves are 1 & 2 :)

My vote goes to #2

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