Un premier essai dans le style impressionniste - A first essay in the Impressionist style - ArtStyleArt contest

in #artstyleart8 years ago (edited)


Bonjour tout le monde,

Je ne suis pas familière avec ce style d'art mais j'ai eu bien du plaisir à faire mon dessin au crayon et pastel en compagnie de ma fille de près de 3 ans Mia. Elle voulait que je prenne une photo de son dessin elle aussi!
Voilà! J'ai bien hâte au prochain style.J'espère qu'il n'est pas trop tard... Voici mon entrée pour le concour de @aksinya ArtStyleArt où nous allons explorer différents style d'art. Cette fois-ci le style est impressionniste. @aksinya nous a fourni une photo comme modèle.


Bonne nuit!

Hello everybody,

I am not familiar with this style of art but I had a lot of fun making my drawing in pencil and pastel with my daughter of almost 3 years old, Mia. She wanted me to take a picture of her drawing too!
Here! I look forward to the next style.I hope it is not too late... Here is my entry for @aksinya'contest ArtStyleArt where we will explore different style of art. This time the style is impressionist. @aksinya provided us with a photo as a template.

Good night!





It is really great. I loved it so much. Too bad I didn't see it before and it was not in the tag artstyleart by any reason. Now it showed up. I am so sorry that I missed so beautiful entry. Great job and I love this family there. beautiful and talented daughter too!

Thank you @aksinya and do not worry about not seeing my work in time, this week I know what to do to make my new entry well displayed. I'm new to Steemit and I'm learning! :) Have a nice day!!

I worry as I really like your entry and it was not fair! Because of the bug I didn't see your entry in the tag. ((( I hope you will join the ongoing context!