Day 2 is now finished.
Here is a link to Day 3, theme 'ball games', in case you would like to enter:

Day 2 is now finished.
Here is a link to Day 3, theme 'ball games', in case you would like to enter:
Here is my entry under digital art, sorry for the last time I did:

Here is the link:
Thank you for your entry!
muy bonito tu arte digital
Am I ban to your contest ?😢
Here is My non digital art entry
Thank you for your entry!
esta muy bien hecho tu dibujo suerte
hola buenas tardes esta es mi entrada espero les guste categoria digital
Thank you for your entry!
Here is my digital art entry
Thank you for your entry!
Here is my non-digital entry. 🎸
Thank you for your entry!
Here is my entry under digital art 15 minutes https://steemit.com/artstorm/@steempampanga/entry-for-artstorm-contest-13-musical-instruments
Thank you for your entry!
Hi.! Here is my non digital art entry..
Thank you for your entry!
Here is my non digital art
Thank you for your entry!
Here my non - digital art https://steemit.com/artstorm/@mapaarsa/entry-for-artstorm-contest-13-musical-instrument
Thank you for your entry!
My ukulele. Thanks for a cool challenge.
Thank you for your entry!
Hi. here my entrance.

to the non-digital contest
Thank you for your entry!
I hope you like it. hehehehe
Hi. this is my entry to the contest

non-digital art
Thank you for your entry!
Hello, here is my post

Category Non-digital art
Thank you for your entry!
hello @deemarshal this is my entry
Thank you for your entry!
Beautiful done @zuleef absolutely love ❤️ these characters!
Thank you for your entry!
Well thank you @deemarshall!
My entry
Thank you for your entry!
Hello everyone!
My entry Non-digital Art
Thank you for your entry!
here I say present I hope you like it https://steemit.com/artstorm/@angelina1212/artstorm-contest-13-day-2-theme-today-musical-instruments
Thank you for your entry!
hi, this is my entry today. nom digital art 15min
Thank you for your entry!
Hello, this is my entry today. This image represents all the instruments that I want to learn to execute.
Category non-digital art.
Thank you for your entry! Again, you left no link and I cannot find your post, so I can't resteem it for you.
Hi, @deemarshall this is my entry name "guitar lesson" Digital Art
Thank you for your entry!
My entry here.hola @deemarshall.
Thank you for your entry!
here is my entry category Non-digital Art - time allowed = 15 minutes

Thank you for your entry!