
in #artofadamada3 months ago

Made a twisted mad hatters turned rabbit with a mixed of werewolf as an addition to my head fiction collection. Not my proud work and didn't bother to save the process clip since plenty of moments were just trial and error for an imagination that's dry.


Struggling with living life.

Head Fiction

I'm making a collection of images while practices how to do digital art in the hopes that these will eventually strike an inspiration to create full blown story. I'm not expecting that I would actually do it but I know things become easier when there are already concepts made before as a foundation and my future self can just pick up where I left of.

My art drive tends to be volatile, some days I'm productive and some days I don't know how to use a drawing tool. Some of the remedies I've made for myself includes creating several layers of motivation that ties to other motivations so that whenever I do something, I also accomplish other things in one go. I don't know what I'm building but I'm just creating these characters on top of my digital practice for now.

Red Tales - a working title I may or may not commit to in the end, will be a story of Red Hood's encounters in her journey to slay the evil queen. There's no formal story drafted at the moment and the scribbles of images I share here may be used to fill in the characters for that universe.

My other social media pages: DeviantArt, Instagram, X