Glad you joined in again @midlet. Do you have examples of sites that function in some of these ways you describe? I am thinking about building a steem browser that is focused on art. As you say, a portfolio site with the steem blockchain integrated would be a dream, but obviously would be more complicated. UI features are essential, but I also think that some more advanced moderating is needed in order to make a site that viewers and consumers want to visit as well. While I'm all for the democratization of curating, I think a platform like this needs curators with a shared set of values in order to create a cohesive experience.
I'd love to build it with a kind of co-op model, and open source, but of course funding is an issue to figure out. I've started these discussions to see what the priorities are and to get people interested. I'd love to talk to you more about this.
I'd love to keep talking about this on steem as well, but If you or anyone else would like to talk more in a chat situation you can find me on discord here: (this link will expire after a day).
Yes, here are a few examples @solar
Then there's which as of now is probably the largest site where artists are creating portfolios. It's a bit more complex, but you can see some of the ideas in action.
I joined the discord also, I'll look for you there!
Yo, check this tool out
Oh wow! Looks really cool. Gonna dive into this a bit deeper when I get some time. Thanks for the heads up @solar!