In this post just try to imagine and draw the cover for my story created like they have a danger ambient, i think what i got it with this and i just need to decide finally in the name of the project honestly.
The story is similar like a fantasy book for childs with some tension like the relation of the character and the fears for the enemis who will appear in the story, they don't let the characters come to the King Kali Kingdom to save Caroli, the main characters need to find better ways to come over it and fight with bigs troubles in the way.
-Gena never wan't save Caroli but the king of Domino village convence him to go, because they will pay with a lot of money for him and he considered for several days the offer before he acced
-Gena is known in the village for be one of the strongest people who can be faced to 10 soldier with his own strength, for that reason he was called for save caroli in the first place
Hope you like it and follow me if you wan't see more content like this :)
-Made with krita and mouse
Drawing process
In the past have a lots of trouble for paint some drawing in digital or tradicional, at the time i finally got it but yeah beetween the sketches part, the painting part is the most dificult part for ending the draw, must of the time we don't know who could be the result of the art and we just desesperade for ending, that could be one of the possible ways to fail in it, i recommended a lot of patience and try to analize a lot the materials for make better result in painting
then with the pulse of our hands we trace the lineart, could be more easy because just need to over draw the sketch with a fine line for completed the shape also we need patience for finish it
i guess i'm not the only one who happen something like this but the sketch part could be the most difficult part because we don't know who could be happen after we ending and we just try to imagine a idea to put in the draw, must of the time we need to erase some parts and draw other lines for make sense the ilustration
Howdy from Texas elias15g! Hey this is some very skillful and interesting artwork you did here! I love the expressions of the faces showing so much emotion. It looks like commercial artwork to me, very detailed and powerful!
Have you done comic books before? Because that's what this reminds me of.
thanks for you interest :D, i never did a comic book before but someday hope do something like that :)
howdy there elias15g! oh I think you are such a natural talent that a comic book would be a perfect fit! keep up the good work.
i guess is the practice and the constance, i will work hard!!, thanks for your support :D
Working with a mouse to draw is tough. I know, I did it for years, and before that, a joystick! Huion produce good quality tablets for a fraction of the price of a Wacom. I picked one up brand new from Ebay for a good price. Treat yourself. Krita works superbly with a drawing tablet.
hey that's right, thanks for the suggested i will try to pick one when i can :), honestly at the beggining is more dificult draw with mouse and with the pass of the time we can manage the line more freedom but even with it draw with tablet is even more better
Drawing with a tablet is also weird to begin with, but like everything else, practice makes perfect.
I'm really surprised, I love your work and everything that inspires me ... I want to see more things like this so I'll be following you to see your excellent works.
Ohhh I saw this piece before you posted it on Artisteem Discord. Amazing stuff @elias15g I'm glad you got noticed by a curie curator. You deserve the vote for doing consistent content.
Is Gena that boy with big nose? If yes, what happened to his nose? Who is that lady beside him? And Caroli at the back of the giant is the one that is supposed to be saved? Who is the giant?
You have a great story behind your drawing. I just wonder about your question on how are they going to save Caroli. I can only imagine what's going to happen next?
Will you be drawing the next event of this story? I think it will be great... 😊
well i wanna put the nose like that cause they are from other race diferent, that's means who gena, caroli and king kali are from the same race, Marta is a human witch. I make giant the king kali like a expression of the King Kali is importance in the story because he is the villian or final boss, thanks for read this post :)
Oh, I think I am now getting a clearer picture of the story. Caroli is the one beside Gena and Marta is the witch behind King Kali! Yes, you have a very good concept to magnify King Kali. Making him a giant indeed portrays his power.
So did Gena and Caroli finally escaped? What happened to them? 😊
i don't gonna make spoiler xD
Ahhh, hahaha! You're very clever! 😄
Me encantan sus manos burdas, dan la idea de que es un ser tosco. Su atuendo es varonil y su frente fruncida, deja ver que es algo malote, un rey malo :O.
Marta es bella y si es bruja, debe tener un papel importante en esta historia.
Muchos éxitos en tus proyectos @elias15g, eres un artista digital increíble y estoy segura, que en unos años, le compraré a mi sobrino, algún juego diseñado por ti :)
muchas gracias marta espero eso suceda algun dia :)
Another lovely illustration of your game characters. I really admire your spirit and dedication to your game! Good luck with it :D.
Congratulations for your curie vote ^_^.
Gena doesn't look very big so I'm surprised that he can face up to 10 people. He must have some superpowers :) Are you going to reveal them to us? Even though he isn't big he must be brave as the girl is holding on his arm and she is also hiding behind him. She must be scared and he is there to protect us. I know this is for a game project but are you going to write a short story as well so that we know what this game will be about?
I wish you good luck with the game! :) Have a great weekend!
i was made a short explain about the story, but in development i'm sure that could be have more evolution in the characters and his personality with the world
excellent illustration ... I can perceive your talent and experience.
You have to see how tough the character is to face 10 men.
Good luck with your project. continue creating illustrations like this, I'm sure I'll see more of your work.
looking forward for your next entry
Hi elias15g,
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Guaoh simplemente impresionante, que hermosa tu obra! Nos ha encantado completamente. Felicidades @elias15g continua compartiendo obras de esta calidad.
Gena really can face 10 soldiers at a time with that small body of his? Wow!! But that (king?) Looks really powerful, i sure do hope that Gena save that lady but its gonna be a real struggle. Who is the lady beside Gena though, she looks different from them...
I like the story of this illustration, and you did a great job with the illustration as well.
Thank you for sharing your creation with us, I can understand what you mean when you say that you were thinking what medium to use and if traditional or digital art. I believe for computer games digital art is the best because you have that intense color palette with their precise lines and colors. Traditional art is different you can do illustration for the books and stories that even because of using such traditional medium that makes it a more attractive, in my opinion.
You have created a nice scene, like the King look very mighty and the girl bellow really looks worried and scared but it seems the help is on it’s way. Good to know what challenges you had to go through during your work, because normally from the final result it looks easy and straightforward.
Hmm you mentioned game in the title and that's it haha :D What kind of game. Based on Steem Blockchain? Also, who's this Gena then? The kings daughter or? Haha I guess you were excited while writing and didn't provide us with all necessary details :D
But the drawing looks great, the sketch is deffo the hardest part in my opinion or. That's where the whole thing comes to the world.
Also, who's the last character saying thanks to us?
it's a simple game made with unity3d, i don't know if that gonna be based on steem blockchain anyway, i will show more details with my uploads
Hah when you say Unity3d, I can't really imagine anything simple :D Wish you luck!
buen post, saludos!! te segui, si deseas ve mi contenido y sigueme, animate!