Welcome to the new people on my Awesome List!
I’m excited! This weekend we’ll get a chance to observe the Perseid meteor shower. According to
sources, it should reach its peak at about 130AM Sunday morning. Sleep or meteors? Hmmm tough
decision. Any advice?
1. Cash me if you can
Here’s one oft forgotten group that’s truly worried about a cashless society. The rise of e-wallets and
mobile payments may literally mean the end for them. I’m talking about the homeless!
2. What’s New with Big Blue: Insight = Impact
Shorter disaster response. Keeping your planes on schedule. What data driven strategies mean for
you and what IBM is helping our customers do!
3. Sensor and Sensibility
Was just talking about the trustworthiness of data this morning at MIGHT. Data is important. So is
the quality of that data. IoT is more than just slapping sensors on everything. As we rely more and
more on this kind of technology, who ensures the accuracy of that data?
4. Beauty and the Bias
Humans are terrible at making rational decisions. I should know. For example: Why do work when
you can read my awesome newsletter? Insightful article on how our brains routinely fool us… the
next question is how technology can help address some of these biases.
5. What Kenvi learned this week: Breathe on me
Don’t ask me the detals, but sufficed to say, certain conditions this week led me to try and see how
long I can hold my breath for. I was pretty impressed, which then led me to the obvious question:
How long can the average healthy human hold his or her breath for?
Any guesses?
What do you call a blind deer?
No eye-deer!
Very very nice continue your great job