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RE: To fear AI or to embrace it?

in #artificial6 years ago

Patrick hi morning. Literally amazed at your answer. You are a really intelligent dad from the way you answer. It's true what you said about the who, who controls this technology rather than the creation of A.I. I think it should have more benefits than disadvantage.

Haha... Imagine those cash given to those who just do nothing. In Brunei, there is a lot of cash that is given and the Sultan of Brunei gives out lots of benefits to its citizens and usually the citizens have a hard time working hard. Not all but there is a portion of it. It would also be a problem for the universal basic income program if it was going to be in the future. I have read lots of books and documentaries of the American economy more than even my own countries economic system. There was one time I still remember that America had the debt ceiling problem and the news which they always did, exegerated everything and make it look like America was having big problems but nope, it was solved easily.

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