Introducing my artwork: "The Lonely Masturbator!"

in #art9 years ago (edited)

Hallo everyone,

I choose steemit as the platform for publishing my painting artwork for the first time. At the moment I am preparing an exhibition in Berlin, including 12 acryl paintings on canvas (60x80 cm). All of them should be considered a critic on societies who create troubled individuals.

"The Lonely Masturbator!"

Who is the lonely Masturbator? He is a way of understanding our human nature that was created by popular media and commercials as well as by porn-industry, religious leaders and capitalism. His motivation is consuming sexuality without experiencing the sexual partner as a being with an equally valuable and vulnerable perspective on life. He is present whenever people categorize sex into "good", "bad" or other judgemental words. The self-affirmation he is looking for is leaking. He defines his personality with what he is turned on by.

He gets lost looking for someone to fuck or some fantasy he can masturbate to because he associates this with accomplishing success. He has forgotten his natural way of being, connected with all things and through his individual form able to change his whole perspective on existence and by this all possible upcoming events from one moment to the other. He considers relationships a permanent fight for power gained over the other instead of the will to appreciate his fellow being sharing a part of the way or only some view moments of intimacy with him. His fantasy can only bring up his own reflection within his partner which creates isolation and pressure. His fears of being rejected are caused by the own rejection of our unity.

A lot of thoughts are expressed in this picture and I do not want to write all of them down because you should have the space to make up your own mind about "The Lonely Masturbator".


The dance of life is not porn or masterbation. Humans are forgetting how to dance. Excellent commentary and art on a hot topic!

Thank you very much :) I am glad you liked it ;)

I really like it, too. Will you present some more of your works and is there any possibility to get one of your pictures?

Thank you. I will present the next piece of my work tomorrow. I am planing to have an exhibition in Berlin soon and right after they will be available. I am planning to travel the world and create new art meanwhile so I can not keep them.

wann findet denn die Ausstellung statt und wo genau?

Ich weiß noch nicht, weil es meine erste Austellung mit gemalten Bildern wird. Da gerade bei mir unterschiedliche Projekte anstehen habe ich mich bisher noch nicht um das wann und wo gekümmert, sondern mehr um das Schaffen an meinen Werken. Hier wäre der Link zu dem zweiten Bild der Reihe:

second picture of the exhibition with text -->view link

Nice painting!

Thank you :) Tomorrow I will post another one and add some thoughts to it.

Or Lonely Exhibitionist or Vonely voyeurist ;-D

Possible, keep your ideas flowing :)

the 2nd picture is genius, don't know if it was intentional.. but looks like he's staring at your legs and feet...anyway makes it more a living artwork.

Thank you and yes, we took it intentionally. The talented photographer is @sature. :) Here is another piece of art I made. The pictures were taken by @sature again :)

Your words are just as masterful as your painting...

Your post makes me smile as joyful as Louis de Funes in this picture:

Thank you for the nice support :)