Digital art made by @xpilar

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Digital art made by @xpilar

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And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT
Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me 
If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me
There is a village that is remote and so isolated that it can never get out of the area. The place is in a valley that is always covered in fog. The village is surrounded by steep mountains with towering rocks. The people have never been connected with the outside world.
One day there were three people hunting. They saw an airplane crossing their village. They thought it was a bird with a noise. however, after noticing, these airplanes circled so they were curious. Finally, they ventured to climb the steep rocky mountain. Actually they were afraid, but were defeated by curiosity about the airplane.
With difficulty they finally reached the top of a coral mountain and saw the vast outside world.
From their heights they could see their village covered in thick fog. They can also see other parts of the world with so many buildings. They looked at the building outside the village in awe.
While they gave the sign of the road they were taking in order to return home, they continued their journey until they reached a settlement. Their very simple clothes make people pay attention in surprise.
The arrival of the three men was reported to the village head. The village head immediately met them. However, they have language barriers that they do not know. Luckily with sign language they finally understood each other what they wanted to convey. After one month living in the village they decided to return to their village. The village head also advised the three buses to come back and be helped to find solutions for the development of the remote village. They can happily go home without getting lost because the mark they left is not lost. Since then their village began to develop and connect with the outside world thanks to the struggle of the three pioneers.
Warm regard from Indonesia Thank you @xpilar
A famous duo.
Daniel is a very talented actor, who has not yet been lucky to have a big role that makes him known. There have been many attempts, auditions he has attended but he has not succeeded.

One day in October when he returned very late from an audition, paper he did not get, he walked down the depressed streets, when he saw an old lady carrying heavy market bags, he decided to offer his help, help that the lady did not refuse.
They walked together when they started talking and he told her his sadness, the lady asked him to accompany him to sing a motivational song while they arrived at the house of the lady.
The lady started the song, Daniel that although he did not sing did not want to reject a duo with such a kind lady, but while they were singing he was recognizing the voice of the lady, she was a famous soprano.
When they arrived at the house of the lady, before saying goodbye he thanked her for the duo, confessed that he had recognized her.
The lady gave him some tickets for a concert he would have at the municipal theater.
Daniel went with his wife, before starting the show he approached the singer and I wish him much success.
Start the show, the theater was bursting with people and in the middle of the show the singer invited Daniel to accompany him to sing that song so known to him.
Daniel sang with his heart, and although his voice was not so good at the theater.
The lady dedicated a few words of encouragement to all those young people who wanted to succeed like Daniel, who would not be discouraged because success comes, just don't stop fighting.
When the show ended many talent hunting approached Daniel, making great proposals, but there was a proposal that stood out among all, was that of the lady who asked him to accompany him every day to open the show.
They decided to put together a great show full of brightness and color, they wrote a song that told the constant struggle of the new talents, the steep mountains that they had to overcome to achieve the opportunity and to see the sky of success shine, so during the song the theater it was filled with lights, with smoke, steep mountains appeared
This duo was incredible, the old woman's voice and Daniel's theatrical power made those present cry and clap their hands.
This duo was the most famous and beloved in history.
The image is giving me the resemblance of Steem current situation. There was a time when steem was at the top. Fellow steemians helped to bring it to top by climbing steep and sharp cliff. Now due to down trend in market the steem is dipping down towards the sharp cliff. It's time again to build people trust by lifting this platform. This is only possible to build our steem power which will win the trust of many fellow steemians and avoid unnecessary downvoting as it will help to bring more people and investor confidence. Let's hope for the best @xpilar
you have read my thoughts on the picture i made
Fogs of Death.
A society plagued by vices and ambitions has been plagued by an immense cloud with a rotten smell, the smelly cloud has overflowed into the solitary rocky mountains of the northern mountain range, the affected community is enveloped in cries of open sky by the calamities they present, skin eruptions begin to be seen among the sinful settlers, many rumors about a curse that fell on the village by an old man who was a victim of the greed of his relatives who killed him to keep the inheritance. Morals and values have been lost in our society, taking it to the darkest shadows of this world.
Neblinas de la Muerte.
Una sociedad plagada de vicios y ambiciones ha sido plagada de una inmensa nube con olor putrefacto, la mal oliente nube se ha desbordado hasta las solitarias montañas rocosas de la cordillera norte, la comunidad afectada se envuelve entre gritos a cielo abierto por las calamidades que presentan, erupciones de piel comienzan a verse entre los pobladores pecadores, muchos rumoran sobre una maldición que cayó en el pueblo por un anciano que fue victima de la avaricia de sus familiares quienes lo asesinaron para quedarse con la herencia. La moral y los valores se han perdido en nuestra sociedad llevandola hasta las más oscuras sombras de este mundo.
Coming to the end of my world, I came across a hard, steep, sharp path.
A path that took me to the cusp of my dreams
I never thought that to touch the blue sky, I would have to face so many difficulties.
Cold moments, hot moments, flat and pleasant roads, winding and difficult roads.
But all that is worth it, because my life is special and blessed.
Nice to see majestic mountains, this time they remind me Alps with the clouds down bellow and of course ice blue sky, looks like the sun is raising so that one side of the stones highlighted and another still cold and is the shadow. It is like a warning for coming winter time. In our area it is already getting cold and rainy. Wishing you nice weekend @xpilar :)
En un pueblo, en un día lluvioso, hubo una gran tormenta, ciertos habitantes sintieron mucho temor , estaban confundidos sin saber que hacer.Había entre ellos alguien quien pensó que de esa manera –aterrados- no lograrían nada positivo, por lo que tomó la sabia decisión de dar instrucciones con voz demando, y les dijo: “oigan, no es la tormenta literalmente lo que los aterra, y les digo, esta tormenta pasará así como todo en la vida pasa, pero si no cambian la actitud mental, esa será la peor tormenta que ira adonde ustedes vayan, y el barco de sus vidas naufragará porque todo lo que vean es según el cuadro mental que tengan.En medio de aquella charla que el referido
personaje les daba, ellos se olvidaron un poco de la tormenta, la que fue pasando hasta que todo se apaciguó y agradecieron la lección prometiendo ponerla en practica para que así el el barco de sus vidas no naufrague.
I present a picture from "The Lord of the Rings" as the hobbits walked to Mordor or Somewhere in the rocks is the castle of some evil wizard.
Something this picture leads me to gloomy thoughts about dark forces somewhere far away ;-)
Very beautiful image, as usual... i like :)
Welcome :)
What a great design.
Cloudy mountain
You're welcome
You are Doing great in the steemit platform nice work
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for giving us your daily digital art, Mr. @xpilar, great job!
Looks spectacular to observer this kind of digital art so nice
Excellent expression of art, linking mountains, cold and color.
Great desinge my dear friend xpilar
Good post
The Everest and hiking time.
Amazing my friend @xpilar
Posted using Partiko iOS
The mountain is shrouded in mist under the new sky, what a breathtaking view
Rock belly great digital
Posted using Partiko Android
Sharp rock under the sky. These rocks fall on the ground and the various vegetable vegetables of the land benefit the bananas and they use these vegetables to earn a living and sell them
Pretty much a digital picture is not that nice to say, you're actually great
Image that I remember the song stairway to the sky of the band Led Zeppelin @xpilar
Sharp Rocks up toward the sky
Posted using Partiko Android
I would describe the picture "Closer to Heaven."
I was in the High Tatras and I can imagine how beautiful it is when you look down, being above the clouds.
This is a beautiful and bewitching picture.
Cool art!
These are sharp rocky mountains that appear from the sea.
Sharp rocks covered by clouds.
Posted using Partiko Android
as always your digital image is very good. full of variations in shapes and colors.
Sharp rocks under the sky.