Digital art made by @xpilar
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Thank you for posting @xpilar.
What a lovely abstract artistic rendering......where curve wins.
Butterflies come to mind......those wings in different stages of metamorphis....emerging, flying about, landing.
Thank you for the opportunity to think on these things.
All the best to you.
NB Appreciate the reSteems....very kind of you.
Thank you for the lovely words, appreciate that you like it @bleujay
reSteems, my pleasure
at first glance I thought .. I had a hair clip with that design
then I keep looking at it
and I see ring, infinity and lots of hearts pasted together :D
are you celebrating something?
hehe, your beautiful haircut is used as a model here @englishtchrivy
This time I made a picture with a lot of posetive thoughts that could brighten everyday with energy
The digital age—and the artist in the digital age—need not concern himself with the unique idea. The age of the unique idea has passed. In a small town, or even in a midsized city—one without connectivity—a person might be able to imagine that he conceived of an idea alone, and he might present that idea to his community and feel that he owns it.
But with connectivity, we can see how ideas spring up simultaneously, in multiples. Expelling energy in an attempt to stake ownership of an idea will not serve us in the new age. What will serve is a compelling final product. Every finished product is unique to its maker. A finished product results when an idea—which may be a common one—passes through the machinery of one’s physical person, which has been shaped by every experience that individual has undergone. What’s of value is a final product. The idea you don’t have to build: it will elegantly fall from the sky.
The person—the body—the unique machinery of you, which is a sieve through which the idea will flow, a sieve that will color and shape that idea, is what every individual should concentrate on building.
Everything you’re exposed to, and especially exposed to repeatedly, builds you. So your freedom, your creative expression begins with your active choices regarding what you expose yourself to. When you choose what you consume, you are participating in an act of future creation. You are shaping yourself, and subsequently everything you will create will be in unique and incomparable. So you are building all the time, with everything you read, everything you see. You are powerful. Your connection to others is more evident than ever before, and your products have the power to travel more quickly, and more widely. You can choose to be a reflection of whatever is put before you, or you can choose—with incredible precision—what you put before yourself, and build yourself carefully. You can be a conglomerate of the popular ideas of your time, or you can step out of the flow of your time and return to it with a vision of your own. You decided to step out of the busyness time to come make your vision in an digital art to share with everyone, yours skills are unique and incomparable. Thanks for share your vision in digital art, a vision difficult for anyone to interpret exactly the mind or heart of your intention to designed this unique art Snr. @xpilar
Like your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thank you @davidad
Day by day your skills is becoming more great and you continue bringing us unique and amazing digital art.You are welcome Snr. @xpilar
thanks, nice to hear @davidad
Hi @xpilar, had been working last 4 days 12 hours have not time for Steemit, that is why I am 4 days late. First time when I saw your artwork I thought that probably you are going to marry, there are obvious two wedding rings with I would interpret beautiful white rose bouquet. Two people two worlds, but when we learn people we know them so much they want us to know, they let us to discover. The inner world we will learn only with time and that is the reflection. That looks a same but the same time different. Have a nice week!
Hehe, yes, may look like wedding rings, but I'm married and for now for 40 years
Thank you for the lovely words from the picture @stef1
Total respect 40 years, that is a great event must be rubin bryllup this year :)
Thanks, ruby wedding last year
Seems, beautiful butterflies of different colors are busy in collecting extract from flower. Their hardwork do wonder for them. You may resemble this situation with human being. Men can also collect lot of success by doing hardwork. Life treat you the same as you treat life. Just be like butterflies and do hardwork to get success in life. Keep sharing @xpilar
Nice to hear, thanks @kamchore
Beautiful art @xpilar. I see the reflection (miror) there. You used soft colour for the gold and silver in the main art but for the art in refection you used more strength colour. According to my opinion the artist (you) try to tell about a dream that almost be achieved
thanks, nice to hear @hafizolgafur
You are welcome @xpilar
A good and difficult 3D image is created, you @xpilar do it well.
I see this picture like a pair of beautiful rings with two colors I judge these are two different people, different background, country, race or religion but one vision to achieve success. Just as you do @xpilar together with @sultan-aceh, you both make intense and sustainable communication. Starting from cooperation in terms of contest and to develop us-we are still recently in this steemit. Cooperation is interwoven of course because you both cultivate the same field despite the different genre. Cooperation is what makes you both successful. And there's one more picture that looks like a doorknob, I think it's the handle or the mission you've developed for both of you to succeed and the shadows of that many rings as a benefit or give space to others to also succeed with their creations and imaginations- they. regards @maisalyusuf
Like your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thank you @mfaisalyusuf
Thank you @xpilar like to be able to always pour out thoughts that I can explain but all this is still a lot of shortcomings, but the space you give @xpilar makes me and other friends can think positively to a picture and poured my mind- Good thoughts.
Nice to hear @mfaisalyusuf
An amazing picture, in which case you are giving us so much insight that life is actually very simple, seeing and behaving in accordance with what is needed, While the results of each value without the need to be too we think that makes life will feel far from happy, Similarly, in the social media world Block Chain and Steemit, create a creative and start wisely, because really every effort we have made will never betray the results Regards @xpilar
Like your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thank you @helmibireuen
This image of high artistic quality, where the image from the sketch of you @xpilar like the combination of colors high quality, according to me this picture like the picture of the butterfly with full color, the color of the wings of the butterfly with the color combination make a sketch similar to a butterfly a butterfly is beautiful in view, the line of the art of the picture makes everything look like a picture of the butterfly is beautiful and colourful.the description of me hopefully you entertained. Thank you @xpilar, keep making contests, so we can write and think. You are the best.
Nice that you like it @zaim4d1
I see here the same elements but different shapes and colors.
This signifies the diversity of human thinking. Each human being has its own way to achieve success. They choose their own way either by doing business, writing, etc. etc.
And of course each of them plans every year to achieve what they want.
I also see the shadow of the element above reflected brightly, maybe this is the turning point of the efforts that have been done so that the same results with the size of the sacrifice and their efforts mak paid also according to the level of effort,
I tried to give you an explanation of your image @xpilar .. Regards @emisuhaimi
Likes your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thanks @emisuhaimi
thanks also @xpilar has liked my, thoughts and interpretation hopefully I am getting better and for you @xpilar do not get bored-give the best picture
I see the results of your design is so unique. It's like aurora. If I take in the meaning of life there are two things our bodies are attracting each other interesting. That is good thinking and evil, which always affect a person's life. But that all makes the color in one's life. The sparkle is very good.
Like your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thank you @jamal.jeje
Thank's @xpilar for the freedom of thought and interpretation of your image.
Here is my take on this wonderful Art work @xpilar :)
World is like a Flower as those white petals depict the beauty of the world in entire universe. Those blue rings are representing the water of the Earth which is crystal clear for the human beings, of the land. Golden rings show that life is very rich and God has blessing us with many precious things.
Altogether Art is giving a message of Peace & love. Mother Earth has been blessed with every single blessing of the Lord but it is our duty how do we utilize those blessings :)
Hope so you do like my take @xpilar for this Art of yours :):)
Like your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thank you @salmanbukhari54
Thanks to @xpilar for posting this incredible picture, I've done upvote and resteem, Here I will begin to do a little imagination of the image you give me, from the picture I can assume that an enormous luster does not necessarily reflect a person's self towards their life and character even though they have tried their best.
Yes, this is what we are going to do in a life, good and right it is not necessarily our own to declare it, but let it be and give them an opportunity for them how they can judge our life and personality
Here's a little understanding and imagination of my drawings today, hopefully thank you
like it, thanks @hendrisg
Thanks for your Attention and Apressiation For my Imajinasi mr. @xpilar
every work of art is a form of soul expression from the maker, as if you were talking directly to the soul of the maker. Good job sir😊
Thank you so much @cutyusra
Great work ypu have there. I belive that NATURE must have giving you the inspiraton . if only i am permited to print this art work in 3D for my room Deco.
Nice to hear @javalord
You can print it out
Thanks @xpilar Iwill
A great posting by biggest creater. From the picture. I see a objec have shine the shadow like the sun shine the earth. A great art design by the world designer. I like your posting.
Nice to hear @fadlijafar
Thank for you @xpilar
your amazing and amazing digital art images @xpilar, I want to be like you make 3D digital art, I'm sure by following you often I can definitely do or make art like you though not as perfect as you. and your 3D ganbar is like a beautiful butterfly image like in your latest contest 2, and I've also made a post about your contest history. thanks @xpilar nice fun in steemit.
thank you @boile
thanks again @xpilar
I wrote something about your art...
like it @muhammadiman
Thanks you...
I will try to tell about this 3D Photo according to my imagination.
Thank you @xpilar
thanks @syehlah
I will try to tell you an imagination about 3D images from @xpilar. before I say thank you to @xpilar has taught me to learn to tell the imagination of the beautiful images of Design @xpilar.
Actually it is very difficult to tell the imagination of this picture, but I will tell it so my brain can learn to think well.
A flower-shaped picture, a flower coming from the outer space planet, it seems that this flower does not grow on planet Earth. I see the shadow of this flower is more beautiful than its own flower. if only we suppose this flower with a brighter and more beautiful future than we now live. an increasingly sophisticated development of the times with emerging technologies.
Thanks @xpilar
Like your thoughts and interpretation of the picture, thank you @syehlah
Thanks @xpilar for your kindness to me
hello @xpilar you make me confused. your drawing is difficult i understand .. what if there is another image that is easier to understand. I need to learn a lot about this .. i'm curious as you design this picture
thank you @rajaaceh
Indahnya permainan bokeh dan kupu-kupu. Sayang sekali terlewati untuk di shoot kupu-kupu di taman hari itu. 😁 Mulai besok gk akan terlewatkan. Peace
thanks @ elfahlevi
infinite love of flying and free in tracing the aisles of life like a beautiful butterfly in an independent realm. thanks @xpilar
Nice to hear @rahmads
Yhank you @xpilar
It's really interesting topic to read.
Thanks for sharing a good post bro.....////////
thanks @mdmunna
Thank you
I see this is a good picture but I do not know what the picture is but it is pretty
thanks @moer
Thanks you too @xpilar
Wow wonderfull looking your art, creative👏👌
thanks @beritabola
Nice post
thanks @yusrisagai
Hello @xpilar your 3D image is amazing and your artwork is amazing.
thanks @jidarr
Thank you from @jidarr
amazing art,carry on CREATIVE MIND @Xpilar
thanks @angela002
I want write something about that.... I think is a flower of imagination with color gold, bronze and violet ..
your digital art picture is amazing @xpilar, i want to be like you make a variety of digital art, what should i do to be like you @xpilar
Nice to hear @fikar22
You just have to try out, fail and learn
that's true, but where i should do the learning, because here nobody can teach me to make a digital art
I am also self-taught, no one has shown me how.
But you can apply for digital art on youtube.
it is on youtube, good if any i will learn, thanks for advice
Wonderful looking your art, I appreciate this photographer
thanks @triptybarsha
Most welcome my friend...
I tried so hard but what can I write if I don't understand what that is 😅
But it's captivating
It is your thoughts that count @rjunaid12
Beautiful picture @xpilar
thanks @adien705
Very beautiful art
thanks @ahlawat
I really like your post very good success hold friends
thanks @basyir01
wow.....excellent art. looks very beautiful........////////
thanks @bontive
this is wonderful artwork @xpilar, colors combination is awesome cool
Nice that you like it, thanks @sanach
Thanks for sharing a good post bro...........///////////////////
thanks @faisal79
for a while i thought it is butterfly!
may be it is
Nice to hear @muzaifwani
Gambar yang bagus bang @xpilar , menurut pandangan saya ini merupakan bentuk desain dari gambar 3 D yang mana pada gambar dasarnya merubakan bentuk sebuah cincin, itu kalau menurut saya, bang @xpilar bagaimana menurut abang @sultan-aceh???
Tried to read the post translated, thanks @budiharianto04