The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art5 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

Atlantis 1.jpg

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In order to use the pictures in other context
you must have permission from me

And the permit is only given to post at STEEMIT

Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


STEEMIT a new reason to live.

In a distant place a young man tired of day-to-day difficulties decided to end his life, He had no incentives, he had no family, no friends, no love, no job and no desire to live.
He felt the weight of life, of defeat, nothing filled his eyes with color or brightness.

I walk for a long time along the seashore, listening to the sound of the waves breaking, seeing the gray sky, the whole island was lonely and emotionless.

He walked along the pier of small rocks and decided that from there he would launch into the sea, that he would die.

The sea swallowed him, he felt a force that sucked him, that took him to the bottom of the sea, he didn't think about fighting, he couldn't even because everything was happening so fast.

Surprised he noticed that he could breathe, and that he was in a marine city, before the beautiful shopping center called STEEMIT.


It was a fascinating place, full of options to meet, many people to talk to, it was an unknown world but he liked it so much.
I didn't know what could be done on steemit, or how it would move, or how it would make a living to stay there, I didn't understand how it had come, how I could live in that world, but he liked that world so much, he liked STEEMIT.
He felt a new desire to live, had a new challenge in front of him and would be part of STEEMIT.

thanks for the great story @jdbs


It looks like a life under water.
An entire city....

thanks for good description @lemeonna

I didn't see this post until now. To me it looks like a underwater civilization that is still protected by the cool and clear water.

Also how is your day going xpilar and everyone else that sees my comment

thanks for good description @teenagecrypto

I like your work, many details, it's like a view of a shopping center at the bottom of the sea.

thanks for good description @elider11

I imagine myself in a new world where people live under water, having entire cities and all civilized good. Thank you, very beautiful picture.

thanks for good description @magnata

The Great Rock City

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thanks for good description @golden.future

Your imaginations are great.
For this one, I've looked at it several times and yet no specific name for now.
I'll continue to observe it


In an area of Israel is submerged in the waters an ancient city, Ebenecer is its name and was inhabited by the Semites, this city was overflowed by water in the thirteenth century, however the power of belief of his people has allowed this city to be intact. the Central Palace still maintains the golden sidewalks as they were manufactured, large celestial stripes are formed in the waters by the reflection of diamonds with the entry of the sun's rays, an expedition tried to enter this hidden people. Ebenecer (Stone of Help) because in this place the Lord was offered holocausts and sacrifices to face the battles before the Philistines.


En una zona de Israel se encuentra sumergida en las aguas una antigua ciudad, Ebenecer es su nombre y estaba habitada por los semitas, esta ciudad fue desbordada por el agua en el siglo XIII, sin embargo el poder de creencia de su pueblo ha permitido que esta ciudad esté intacta. el Palacio Central aún mantiene las aceras doradas tal como fueron fabricadas, grandes franjas celestes se forman en las aguas por el reflejo de los diamantes con la entrada de los rayos del sol, una expedición intentó entrar a este pueblo escondido. Ebenecer (Piedra de Socorro) debido a que en este lugar se ofreció al señor holocaustos y sacrificios para enfrentar las batallas ante los filisteos

thanks for the description / story @jadnven

Una inmensa torre hecha con adobes, donde se continuó construyendo una
ciudad en un lugar distante de otras civilizaciones; territorio en el que los miem-
bros de una familia fueron los primeros habitantes, y, a partir de ellos, los fu-
turos descendientes,nadie mas. ¿y todo, por qué?. Porque consideraron que las cosas no marchaban bien en e resto del mundo. En esa ciudad vivieron hasta que se dieron cuenta que la interacción con el resto de las sociedades era fundamen- tal, entendieron que lo mejor era aportar ideas en pro de una mejor convivencia con principios y valores.

thanks for good description @brismar

Great imagination with magnificent buildings

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thank you @tankwanc

I wish i will live underwater one day

very beautiful scenery

In my opinion this is a colony on a planet.

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thanks for good description @elia34928

Beautiful paintings of cities on other planet.

Spece World.
Great artwork.

thanks for description @csharma

the sea kingdom of xpilar !

an image filled with very interesting coloring

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His daily digital art is brilliant, an abstract art underwater, highlights his great creativity.

thanks for good description @solangeh

Beautiful pictures about city buildings in outer space

thanks for description @rihonkeugata

Very beautiful image, as usual... thanks.

Wowwww beautiful digital art drawing

Digital is nothing compared to what it is to say that you are a very good digital artist

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This image is very creative, I would name it: A small underground world.

Thanks to you I started the day happy :)

Nice to hear, thanks @batto

Another name of Sense is @Xpilar, The picture is clearly visible.

very nice digital-art my dear friend @xpilar

Felicitaciones, amigo, @xpilar, la verdad se ve muy linda la imagen. Muchos saludos para ti.

I like your digital image. from the color and shape it looks very good.

Critical another one work.. thanks sir for sharing

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it reminded me a game I used to play when I was a kid,

Quest for Glory V
This Area is like Atlantis lost in the sea, beautiful art!

thanks for the description @xmauron3

It's really creative image, nice scenery, I like your digital art @xpilar

That’s incredible art looks like another galaxy into the water very deeper on the ocean..

Also it is more like on the planet Mars there is life like news says with that UFO similar a huge octopus ..!!!

Amazing my friend @xpilar

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thanks for the description @edgarare1