Awesome work. Do you know what shop this was, and what it became?
I love Beacon Hill. It's one of America's greatest walking neighborhoods. (A shame the rents start at $2200 for a studio!)
Awesome work. Do you know what shop this was, and what it became?
I love Beacon Hill. It's one of America's greatest walking neighborhoods. (A shame the rents start at $2200 for a studio!)
I’m not sure but I can find out.
Funny - I'd assumed this was on Charles! That's really tucked into the neighborhood.
Yep, closer to the state house. There’s a great plumbing shop there too that I want to paint.
Hah - I've never heard of someone getting excited about a plumbing shop. But I think I know the one you're talking about. On Myrtle Street? The wife and I came very close to renting an available storefront down the street from there to turn into a second location of the flower shop we owned at the time.
Yes, that one! There’s a dog that sleeps out front. And the window displays are poetry.