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RE: Started painting in the new studio

in #art3 years ago (edited)

Loving the color blend and I’m finding it hard to differentiate which is the art, the cat or the painting lol
Green looks good on you too!


Hahah probably the cat🤣 steals the show

How do you manage cats and dogs in one house? I have two dogs and they hate each other 🤣

The cats also hate each other and cats vs dogs too🤣 They just hide when the dog’s nearby and also hiss at him hahah. The dog will chase them sometimes and I just tell him to stop lol.

Dogs hating each other? That sounds hard! What do they do?🤣

They fight all the fricking time. The funny thing is one is an introvert but the other is the opposite so you can imagine the commotion 😂

At least your dog listen to stop, mine only listen to sit and she doesn’t if there’s no treat!