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RE: Underground Home and Tree House

in #art8 years ago

Hobbit homes and tree houses totally appeal to me on different levels. I love the idea of safety and security in a hobbit home, ceiling clearance has to be 6'4" to accommodate me, the ground keeping you both warm and cool.

The freedom of a true house, like the one in your drawing, would make me feel as tho I were aboard a sailing ship. Both ideas are appealing to me.


Yeah the underground home's ceilings have to be at least 8ft high because most of the men in my family are over 6 foot tall and the women in my family are 5'7 or taller. We are from the tall hobbit clan ... lolol

I would like to go back to the tradition where multi generations families live together again and small villages of craft people and gardeners. I won't be flipping this home once it's built ;-)