Are We Scared To Be Lonely?

in #art7 years ago

Have you ever been thinking about where your destiny will take you in life, would you end up being a family person with a lot of kids and married to the person you (think you) love or a loner with nobody to tell your story after you leave this world? Although I am a teenager and only sixteen years old, I often think about what will my life look like in the future. Would I get a chance to make my dreams come true when it comes to my career or love life? Will I find someone who will love me and take care of me? Or that's just what's not written for me in this life? 

From a very young age, I found myself having different opinions from the most of the kids I went to school and hanged out with. I was always a part of groups but I have never had the exact same opinion as the people I was in that groups. When the girls of my generation started dating, I started writing, when they had established serious relationships, I was starting to earn money online which was so odd to everyone. What I want to say is that I always loved to work alone, and I just hated it when there were group projects for school etc. It's not that I didn't like that people, it's just that I was feeling more comfortable being alone. Everywhere. I found awesome hobbies and things I really enjoy doing. I found myself in writing and programming (information technology) but will I find myself in another person?

Now, that I am getting in the late teen years, I find myself constantly thinking if I will ever find the right person.

Someone who will understand my sarcasm and not get offended by it, someone who will stay when I say 'Leave me alone' and someone who will kiss my scars and not try to pretend there aren't any. 

Maybe, I am looking for too much and that could be my problem. I am not scared to be lonely currently, but I am scared I will grow old alone and that thought makes me anxious. But I really don't want to get into relationship or marriage in the future where I don't feel like that's it

What would be your opinion on this topic? 

Is it better to be alone than with someone you don't think is the right person for you?


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Thank you so much!

I've been where you are. And indeed, it's so scary! I often find myself thinking that i shuld experiment more, try to get into a relationship just for the sake of experience but i can't help but think to myself that would be a lie. As a 22 y o single "man" i can tell you that i get attached really hard and sometimes i consider that a strong trait of charachter. I thought that i loved someone, I still do sometimes but it's not mutual so is that what i really want? Waiting fot he right one is never a msitake and trust me you don't ask for too much.
All i can tell you is to never look for it and let it find you! Let it come natural to you, otherwise it won't feel true and fulfilling!
Never stop hoping! ;)

Thank you! I won't stop hoping! Wish you good luck, too! :)

Thank you for sharing this! There are a lot more folks in the world like this or people who can deal with the "imhappywithmyselfdoingsomething" people need to develop anxieties! just be yourself but make sure it's always clear that you need your space...a little bit more space ;)

Feels so good to be understood ! Thank you so much! :)

For me? I am quite happy being alone right now but that does not calm the storm of bombardment from friends and media about what I 'should' be doing. If you feel more comfort in being alone so be it (although in youth you should still enjoy many good times with your friends).

As for relationship advice?

I had a mate who liked old buildings and history, in the U.K. and he was having trouble meeting people. I mentioned he should go on a local dig, one done for free by students. He met someone and now has 2 beautiful daughters and is happily married.

Don't stress, do the stuff you love and someone interesting will be doing the same.

Thank you so much for sharing your advice :)

Lonliness is the most sacred space i belive, where one can think about ourself and judge wat is good and wrong. In my opinion, it is better to be alone than getting with wrong one, if one already found the other is wrong then there is no use to stay with them. May be the other one just spoiling the good moment whic can be made by not bei g with them.

I agree with you, thank you so much for your comment!