Wow this is so lovely <3 I love his expression and his boots and his backpack and his clothes... and everything really XD Is he your original character? :D
I really like him * ____ *
Wow this is so lovely <3 I love his expression and his boots and his backpack and his clothes... and everything really XD Is he your original character? :D
I really like him * ____ *
Yea He is. He's the lead character from my web comic, but i accidentally drew his hair abit wrong the position and pupil bigger abit.

How his hair suppose to be:
omg i love him XD whats his name? what is the comic about??? where is your web comic?? I wanna get to know him moar <3333333
i remake them, the old one was more in order than the remake, but I take down all the old one because the art style aaaand because i dont know where to post them, it doesnt match with the new style.
Here's the link