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RE: What's behind the curtains

in #art5 years ago

yep, rain is not fun when it goes on for a few days in a stretch > __ < but hopefully the weather will improve here soon :>

awww poor pepper, i hope you can find a few ways to help him out <3 you're such full with love and care for your doggos, it gives me such happiness to hear! send my love to molly and pepper, as always <333333

work is busy as always for me as well. i've been told to work from home since ...4 weeks ago, ish. it is definitely a strange new world now! i am glad you are still keeping your heads on level swing though and that the morale of your employees remain good :D At times like these, we really have to focus on each other!

lol about your hair XD you silly man~

it's nice to hear that your work remains busy but i'd love to see an art from you in the near future as well! hope you can find the time for some creativity soon <3