If you love writing stories then this contest is for you! Write a one paragraph story about the image pictured above. Be creative, think outside of the box, and follow the contest rules!
Sorry for the delay in releasing this announcement post! I’ve been running behind schedule....or maybe I’ve been procrastinating. Anyway, I’m terribly sorry! Another week filled with beautiful stories. It took me a long time to select this week’s winners but I was able to eventually narrow it down to the final three. Thank you so much for those who joined in on last week’s fox tales and congratulations to the winners!! Please take a read below!
1st placeMe” // @chinyerevivian “
It began with a smile. Me sitting on a high bar stool at Flemings Grill, she standing at the door, looking directly at me. One smile, that was all it took, and when she walked over and casually asked, “Are you here on business or pleasure,” I was tongue-tied. I never objected when she loosened my ponytail and released my hair around my shoulders, neither did I say a word when she signaled then whispered something to the bartender who walked over and added some booze inside my half-finished glass of wine. I was lost. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from her face. The pink lips were full and slightly upturned on both sides. But it was the eyes that held me spellbound; that deep sea between blue and green. I was smitten. That was the word I would use when I woke the next morning with her lying next to me, her right arm draped over my breasts, her breath coming in short whispers on my shoulder; smitten. We were happy. I went to work everyday, walked into the house when I returned and there she was, in bed where I left her, that smile on her lips. I looked into the mirror every morning, with her standing closely behind me, watching me intensely. But something happened. I didn’t know what it was. The smile went away first, followed by the fire in her eyes. Then one morning, I woke with broken lips and dark bruises around my eyes, same with the day after. I never asked questions, rather, I began to refrigerate spoons. The look in the mirror became an inspection. One hand over my eyes, my mouth open, I studied the face that used to be mine. She never left my side, even after the doctors said I had a problem and gave it a name. Dissociative Identity Disorder, that was what they called it. They said there was no one else but only me, before they threw me inside a room with nothing but a mattress, to keep me from hurting myself, to save me from myself. I didn’t remember any of it. This was my life now.
2nd placeMy Little Sacrifice” // @feebie “
Sophia had been married to John for 17 years and although besides his hot temper and his constant drinking habit, John was a loving husband and father to their daughter. Few months after Janet’s 15th year birthday party, John lost his job and Sophia always paid the bills with the little she earned but this did not stop John from his drinking habit and each time he would come back very late and looking wasted. Sophia loved John so much that she took the assault and molestation from her husband and kept it to herself, even away from her fifteen year old daughter. Often times she would wear make ups just to cover up her bruised eyes from her daughter in other to prevent her from brewing an hatred for her father and for men. This had gone on for a while and one faithful morning Sophia had gone to clean up Janet’s room after she had left for school and while she was cleaning janet’s study she found pieces of art work lying all over. Janet had an interest for art and spends most times drawing and painting. Just then Sophia came across one of Janet’s art which was a replica of Sophia, trying to hide the bruises and swollen eyes with her hand and beneath the art she wrote “I saw your shattered heart covered with bruises but the bruises are covered under the beauty of pretence ”..."This pretence should I call love?... Love for the one who hurts you or love for the one who might end up trusting those that hurts her in future”.Sophia couldn't hold back the tears as they slide slowly down her cheeks.
3rd place Red Roses”// @cizzo “
Charles stood in front of the kaleidoscope of roses, daisies, tulips and other flowers he wished he knew the names of at that particular moment. The roses. Her favorite. Charles grabbed two dozen of the deepest crimson reds he could find. Seared into his brain over the last few days, two images bubbled up. It was their two year anniversary. She had forgotten. Her hand hit her forehead, the patented damn-I-forgot-and-messed-up expression. He hid his disappointment as best he could and presented her the gift he had hunted down for weeks. When he looked up, her hand covered her mouth and her eyes smiled—she hadn’t forgotten. Those warm smiling and mischievous eyes. But the eyes shifted. Resentments, grievances, petty squabbles narrowed them into snakelike slits. Why the hell does it always take a huge fight to see what's really important? To miss their little annoying quirks and familiar scent in bed. The images of her face flashed and formed a one-two punch that hit Charles's gut again and again. Sir, sir, he heard as if from far off in the distance. He had reached the end of the queue. He made apologies for his inattention, paid the cashier, and left the store. Outside, wind blasted against his brown leather jacket. Charles dug in his heels, cradled the flowers, and sprinted to the car. He had to win her back.
I’ve been struggling with coming up with interesting images for fox tales so I’ve decided to reset the deadline for the contest so it’ll fall back on Fridays.
This week’s image had a new feel to it compared to some of my older images. I’m trying to draw bolder lines and show more movement. Also, a funny side note... I had trouble with drawing this gal’s second eye so I threw a patch on it. 😆 I hope everyone has fun writing up stories for this week’s image!
A portion of the prize pool is a contribution courtesy of @artwatch! Thanks so much for helping to sponsor this writing contest! Please give @artwatch a follow!
1st // 5SBD
2nd // 3SBD
3rd // 1SBD
Contest Rules:
Upvote & Resteem this post.
Create a separate post with your ONE PARAGRAPH stories and use the #foxtales tag.
Feel free to use the current story image for your post.
Submit your post in the comment section below.
Maximum of 3 entries - only one story per person will qualify for a portion of the prize pool so everyone has a fair chance.
The length is to your interpretation. There is no real ‘rule’ of how long a paragraph is but I’d say to use your best judgement. If it doesn’t flow right and you know that it is indeed going over then edit your writing.
Deadline // Friday June 1st // 5:00 UTC
Thanks again to the writer’s who joined in last week!
Check out some of the previous #foxtales posts!
Fox Tales #23 Fox Tales #22 Fox Tales #21 Fox Tales #20 Fox Tales #19

here it´s my entry, I hope I´m not to late, i like kind of get in the nick of time XDDD
Hi gorgeous! Here is my entry
Here are my entries, Hope and Retribution. Enjoy!
Lots of possibilities with this weeks art, thinking, thinking...Glad you enjoyed my take on last weeks fox tale @vermillionfox
GOOD INITIATIVE¡ My entry https://steemit.com/foxtales/@oscarina/the-woman-of-the-lighthouse
My entry...
You’ve won 1st place!!🎉
Here is my entry ; )
Here is my entry!!! uwu/https://steemit.com/foxtales/@tokiya/seeking-to-be-accepted
Herewith this weeks' entry;
Mine, humbly submitted...
You’ve won 3rd place!! 🎉
Hello, as you always give us a sample of your excellent work, here I leave you my participation. Greetings.
Thank you #Fox Tales and @vermillionfox. This is my entry.
My submission @vermillionfox. Hope you like!
Whoa! That was quick! Can’t wait to read it.
This is my entry
this is my entry
Here be my entry
Cool pic - my entry :)
This is my entry
Your artwork is too inspiring! No wonder you get so many entries!!
Here are my three:
Walking Away - A tale of liberation
Caught In His Slipstream - A love story
A Sight Worth Beholding - A bit of a scifi tale of adventure
You’ve won 2nd place!! 🎉
this is my entry:
Thanks @vermillionfox.... @chinyerevivian you are a deserved winner, I always love reading your entries... Keep up the good work.
No, thank you for your entry! ^^
Thank you @feebie. You're doing well too.
awesome work!!!Realy cool picture!!!!!
Glad you enjoyed the art! :)
Thank you @vermillionfox. I think I'm getting better at this.
When were you not good? You’re always able to reel me in!
Now, I'm proud ahahaha.
Hi. I just came across this contest, I would like to participate. Also I think in the effort of transparency you should list all the blogs that entered. That probably is tedious but shows how many people entered. Also I think there should be a list of previous winners. Contest are great but I think there better when it’s completely transparent. These are just suggestions, I’m happy your promoting writing and art. I will try to make an entry soon. 🙂
Thanks for the suggestions! I met you halfway. :)
this is my entry