'Knowledge Today'
What is knowledge? Is it an orderly way of knowing things about things in relation to the truth? In times when the truth is relativized to the extent of becoming uncertain, does knowledge have a chance? There is a lot of effort put in dividing knowledge into little bits and pieces so no man can easily reach the point of seeing the full picture. Instead of understanding the principles behind events, we are pushed to study the consequences and outcomes.
Notice the orderly fashion of little divisions of knowledge, represented by hundreds of books. Numerous vertical lines, each containing bits of information and leading away from the principles behind the cause and effect. By no means, books represent a valid pointer to the knowledge. One can learn the way to reach the goal through books. However, books are not the goal. They are the road signs. Some people say there is a vast potential of universal mind one can enter and learn the core principles of everything.
All the various colours represent all of the many subjects we are able to read about in tons of books. The rectangular shapes are underlying the idea that we are studying with reason, learning new subjects, opening our minds toward new ideas, going forward with new notions and carry our knowledge within our minds. However, tons of useless books exist and the sheer choice of information makes people give up the search and rather fill their day with entertainment and fun, instead of walking the path of knowledge. Is it deliberately set up to be so? I'm not so sure that we'll ever find out.
The sign in the top left corner very vividly describes what is happening with the knowledge in present times. It is the reason for the photograph. :D
Enjoy! :)
©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.
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That knowledge is the possession or content of the human mind that is the result of the human effort process to know it. In its development human knowledge is divided into four main branches, philosophy, science, and insight.
To see the difference between the four branches, I give an example: kalam (philosophy), Fiqh (science), Islamic History (knowledge), Islamic practice (insight). Language, mathematics, logic, and statistics are systematically organized knowledge, but all four are science-oriented. The fourth is a science tool. Every science (science) is knowledge, but not all science is science.
Science is a kind of systematically organized knowledge. How to organize a collection of science into science? The answer to that knowledge must be conceptualized first by philosophy, directed and fostered by mathematics, logic, language, statistics, and scientific methods. So individuals who want to be knowledgeable need to have a lot of knowledge and have knowledge of logic, math, statistics, and language.
Then a lot of knowledge is processed by a certain method. This method is a scientific method. Knowledge of the scientific method is also required to process knowledge into the knowledge and knowledge required to complete it. To bepengetahuan someone just open the eyes, open the ear, understand the reality, memorize, convey. To his knowledge, this method becomes more serious.
Do not wait to open your eyes, open your ears, understand reality, memorize, say, carelessly. Who wants to have knowledge, the first time he should read the last step of man, make trouble, hypothesize based on reading the last step of man, then make research, make decisions, and finally build awareness. Science that he found himself.
Knowledge in the 21st century has become the main source of food for the brain. The information age has trained people to an abundance of various kinds of information. Now everyone has access to huge amounts of information and data. Previously, to get the necessary information, we had to go to the library and take books. Therefore, we analyzed the information from these books and looked for what we needed. It was a fascinating process. Now we can get a smartphone out of our pocket and get all the information we need in minutes. But what do we see? That's right, people are lazier.
I liked how the books were laid out on the shelf. I would compare it with knowledge. That is, the shelf is our resource, and books are the knowledge that we put. That is, books are read or "absorbed" knowledge. Every rezaiset what information it absorbs. But somehow the book is a guide to what you are looking for. Teaching is light!
Thank you
really you showing very great photography of art.this library books very important for alots people knowledge. a lot of knowledge is processed by a certain method. This method is a scientific method. Knowledge of the scientific method is also required to process knowledge into the knowledge and knowledge required to complete it. To bepengetahuan someone just open the eyes, open the ear, understand the reality, memorize, convey. To his knowledge, this method becomes more serious.Do not wait to open your eyes, open your ears, understand reality, memorize, say, carelessly. Who wants to have knowledge, the first time he should read the last step of man, make trouble, hypothesize based on reading the last step of man, then make research, make decisions, and finally build awareness. Science that he found himself.thanks to sharing for your best thought post of art books library..very well done..my dear friend.. @velimir take care yourself and best of luck of your great work.
Ahhhh books. Once the repository of the worlds knowledge and the place to go when you needed to learn something. So many books on so many topics. The educational and entertainment possibilities are endless. Then came the dawn of the internet and books were stabbed through the heart like a soldier who just lost his last battle. Information is now at the tip of your fingers and kids are growing up in a world where books are the relics of th past. It is a sad sad time.
Well, knowledge is in everything,
Knowledge is in failures,
Knowledge is in success!
Knowledge is in observing others!
Knowledge is in reading books!
Knowledge is in noticing and reading the life of our old ones!
These books are full of knowledge, You just need to dig into it.
You just need to have a thirst to get knowledge.
Every day is a new knowledge, there is something new to learn, we lose ourselves in the complexity of life, looking for a way to live well without realizing that we do not have that knowledge but that we acquire it according to our way of thinking. as many would say "every head is a world"
Selection of words is suprb and also appreciable.KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.It means that knowledge made the human differ from other creatures and also give him a unique position in the universe.Without knowledge no one is differ from one another it's only the knowledge which made difference bteween creations.
We used to hear that knowledge has power! But nowadays, this thing is so common that our books are being used to distribute foods and other stuff! We pack food in newspapers and sometimes in the book pages! It is so alarming and kind of weird thing but this is happening in real! LOL
Knowledge is power. It could be a blessing or a curse which will depend on who's using it.We used to hear that knowledge has power! But nowadays, this thing is so common that our books are being used to distribute foods and other stuff! We pack food in newspapers and sometimes in the book pages! It is so alarming and kind of weird thing but this is happening
You always have great posts with interesting content or great photos and you ar always on the hot list with your post. Great job , you have great ideas a lot of friends and many followers.
wow very nice bro
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Wow very inspirational your photography.
Oh yes my friend. Knowledge is power, without knowledge we are nothing. The photo is wonderful it was well taken. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post my friend.
awesome post !!!
You always have great posts with interesting content or great photos and you ar always on the hot list with your post. Great job , you have great ideas a lot of friends and many followers.
Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
I can gather knowledge from your all post.
Keep going .....
And also thanks for sharing to us. I always appreciate to your post @velimir
what good content you have friend, I am becoming a frans you. keep it up!! the way you project your thoughts is magnificent You do a wonderful job.
Knowledge is power. It could be a blessing or a curse which will depend on who's using it.
wow.it's amazing.
book is a storehouse of science I agree with you
Book library looking like a arts
A simpel picture but so meaning full for us. Thanks for your sharing @velimir
Definitivamente no todo es sacar una buena fotografía si no enriquecerla o darle sentido con una buena descripción o texto. Me gusta mucho la manera en que vez el mundo. Como de algo simple, lo conviertes en algo tan hermoso. Tienes una excelente habilidad de redacción y una hermosa manera de ver las cosas. Gracias por compartir, saludos.
Great photography,and also great descriptions about knowledge.
Thanks alot.
I have never read such a comprehensive note on knowledge. That's just wonderful, a treasure I must say. Much appreciated.
Knowledge indeed is power. Without it we would just be lost in this world of endless possibilities.
Come to think of it, how would you feel if you didn't know what a google map was, pr how location services on your phone works.
Nice sharing this with we steemians @velimir, you inspire me with your daily posts. Keep steeming sir.
Wow, the first post i read in steemit and its absolutly amazing!, keep the good work up.
Wow.its amazing nd you are absolutely right knowledge is power and we are nothing without knowledge..thanks for sharing this information.
this is awesome, i am a big fan of you already
A great problem of the current world is assume that everything that is read is part of knowledge. In science we learn to shed arguments so that we can distinguish what is information from what is not. One way to distinguish a discourse that emits knowledge from another that emits beliefs is to pay special attention to the content: knowledge is data free of judgment. When a discourse contains personal opinions, judgments, emotional language, etc. we no longer talk about data but about beliefs and that is not knowledge. The current internet contains a high content of misinformation, opinions, judgments, false data, beliefs, misinterpretations ... with what seems to be information, it turns out to be a belief based on personal constructions that maybe start from something true but that they distort by reasoning errors, lack of knowledge in the matter, illusions, etc. The same goes for documentaries, books, etc. Really there is much "information" and it is not easy to distinguish what is knowledge and what is belief.
I loved reading "tons of useless books exist", it is proof that there are still people who do not believe everything they read ... :)
PS: I love the reason for the photography; D