Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #222 'Winter Shades of Sorrow'

in #art7 years ago (edited)

'Winter Shades of Sorrow'

This soft, mellow composition plays a game of sorrow on me. I cannot stop thinking of sad things, hidden in the soft fog covering the shadows of the past. They are trying to come back to life and take me back with them, make me vanish by forcing me to join their game. But, I don't like playing those games. They have a tendency to spiral out of control. A person can easily mistake a reality for an unreal feeling which only exists because we brought it upon ourselves by means of sad thoughts.

This is a very interesting black and white photograph. The only completely sharp element is the branch right in the middle. It's as if appearing from a different world, the one we are not aware of. The tonality, which is the key element of black and white stylization is well balanced, preserving the details on both sides of the scale while still using the grey with enough finesse. This is very visible in the top right corner. The greater area of this image is either blurred or naturally fogged, as you can clearly see.

Pretty much, an old school photograph. The steam coming from the sewer, as the second dominant element, does the lion share in creating the strangely diffused atmosphere. One is aware of the steam but still wonders why are some parts visible and some aren't? A beautiful play of visibility, diffusion and contrast. But, nonetheless, the image is sad. It is a sad, almost invisible day. Just like that tall barely visible chimney hidden in the fog. The vertical lines, the post and the tree, together with the chimney are nicely balancing the weight in the frame.

Winters can be like that. Balanced, but still sad.

Enjoy! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Thanks for you post ,i really love your choices of words and your beautiful picture of yours ,is really nice.wooo


The past day has passed and it is finished, no more we analyze it and repeat its history, because we do not get any benefit from it.

The catastrophe for us if we are not able to interact with the present, then we have wasted a beautiful palace, we just lamented the destroyed buildings.

The episode of the past tragedy has now ended, sorrow will not be able to fix it, apathy and melancholy can not produce something right, depression will never be able to support the past into our lives now, since the beginning is already there and every human child must face it.

Then How To Handle Unpleasant Past Memories That?

First, it must be able to adapt. We must look at the past is an integral part of our lives and we become what we are now because it is also a part of the past. We must change our view and perception of the past as something that has already happened and is done.

Second, think positive. One of the things that need to be done for positive thinking is to learn and to try. Learning to think positive is not easy, it takes effort because we are more negative thinking. After learning, then the pattern is also harusahap. Always try to take something positive from everything is a good way to strengthen the mind because there will always be a positive meaning in every event.

Third, have a strong and clear purpose in life. If you want to succeed and forget the past, prepare a prime mental attitude if you do not want to see again the light of the past, because in fact the past is on the darkest side in the recesses of the heart. Therefore close our dark past doors, do not let the shadows of the past nightmares pairs of contemporary life, do not let our minds be overpowered by the shadows of the bitter memories of the past that will never be successful again. Save us from the haunting shadows of the past.

Fourth, continue. We live for this time, many people are having a bad past and can have a bright future today. That's because they are able to review the past is the thing that has happened and become a whip for a better life today. We are young and the journey of life is still long. Right now, the choice is in our hands, whether to continue fighting for the past that has passed or thinking about the present (here and now) to become a better person in the future.

Fifth, do not continue. If the past is only a painful memory, do not carry around and continue.

I really have missed out on some of your posts. Haven't really been on the social media these past weekend. I am glad to be back.
Great post. Thank you for sharing @velimir
Well said.
Thats one old school pic, but that's also one scary pic there :) Nice toning. Really expresses your intent of passing a sad or sorrowful atmosphere.
The smoke in the pic appears to pose a clear threat to the viewer, on the other hand, i think the smoke makes it is also unclear whether there is a threat or not. Nice one. Are you close to Michael Tiddes director of "The Haunted house", that is a horrifying pic. :)

A person can easily mistake a reality for an unreal feeling which only exists because we brought it upon ourselves by the means of sad thoughts.

Sure i agree. Thought power is the key to creating your reality.
To become the master of your destiny, you must learn to control the nature of your dominant, habitual thoughts. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know the "Truth" that your thoughts create your reality which might not be real after all.
Its really psychological. For example, it would be considered bizarre and embarrassing to run screaming out of a house that makes you feel uneasy if there is actually nothing to fear. On the other hand, it could be perilous to ignore your intuition and remain in a place that is dangerous.
But thats a great photography in all.
Have a great day @velimir.

Great photo and wonderful write-up. Enjoyed your pondering over the black and white. What struck me is a the opening in the gates, something appears to be forming out of the mist, or perhaps disappearing. Sort of fits the theme of your write up:)

When I view this photo, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it looks sad and brings back sad thoughts. This is due to the tonality of the photo. Just because it is black and white and we see a fence ahead. The barbed wire says that the zone is guarded.
But on the other hand it is mysterious. The creation of a blur and steam dumping from the sewer limits visibility. There is a slight sense of interest. It's interesting to find out what steam is hiding.
I like it, thank you

I was a little horrified when I see this photo @velimir. Old houses, fences, bare trees and thick fog. complete already attribute horror in this post.
The sensation of seeing this photo is almost the same as when I watched a scream movie.
I can hardly believe it's a new photo because the real impression resembles an old picture with a grim atmosphere.
Your are always surprising @velimir

Hello @velimir,
the picture reminds me of pinhole cameras. Do you have experience with and want to support the topic pinhole camera here at Steemit?
Thank you for your reply

I made several pinhole images back in the nineties. ;) must look for them. i rememebr there was a really cool one.

Thank you, i love the experimental part of this, good for storytelling too, have a Pinhole 100 Polaroid but the Fujifilm discontinued production. looking forward to your picture

This is such a great photograph. But u know it's not the winter that's bringing sadness all around. Winter season is so wonderful, I love winter season. Try to occupy your mind with positive thoughts and never let negativity enter your mind.

The photography and the title are really perfect. in winter tree has leaf less, become sorrow. good concept. thanks for the b&w photo concept.

Don't Worry, If there is a darkness, Brightness is always here,
So if this darkness is pushing you in past, Brightness will pull you out from this darkness.
our life is a combination of this darkness and brightness,
Darkness= Sorrow
Brightness= Happiness.
Combination of these makes peaceful life :)

I love your comment and observation, yes, the dark and the light define each other, the one cannot be without the other

Thank you :)

This is such a enormous photograph. But u experience it's not the coldness that's bringing despondency entirely around. frost term is subsequently wonderful, I be keen on frost season. appraise to divert your intellect with assured judgment and by no means agree to pessimism come into your mind.

It feels sad perhaps because the drawing is black and white, maybe if it were in color, it would give another sensation. It is more similar to my way of seeing, as if there was a fire, the tree dry and burned, the smoke dense. What also happens is that here where I live there is no winter, there is rain, but the sun always comes out.

yes you right @velimir winter season usually have sadness but its also right that happiness and sadness is inside one's heart.We feel the season as what we have the feelings in heart.So be happy and enjoy winter as a weather.

Beautiful haunting photo. It reminds me of the art from the Exorcist poster:


I always loved your purplish photography but today i believe the art is in your hand.This picture even look more beautiful :)

that photo just remind me of Resident Evil

lol why that?

A fascinating landscape!!!

I absolutely love this photo. I definitely have the same feelings of gloom and melancholy when I look at it. Thank you for shooting and posting!

Amazing winter art

it was a very beautiful picture. This is a very interesting black and white photograph.
And yes there is a sad impression in the picture.

this is really amazing wonderful photography, gorgeous topic. have a great time.

@velimir Good to see your photography again. I promise that your photography hand is just incredible. You have some great skill. As a steemit member I am feeling glad that you are with us. Waiting for your next post.

Good post thank you for sharing

heavenly capture.....awesome view

awesome how did this @velimir

beautiful pic...new to steem it and looking into photography. thanks for sharing awesome content, so gonna follow you :)

It looks like a cold picture, that is, it was cold in that place

Beautiful photos and great words,really nice post .

Awww....beautiful photography...it really looks like winter shadow of sorrow

it seems be a original photography dear
in the winter season i like very much
thanks for sharing

An image steeped in the maudlin…

How did you achieve those effects?

you always make a very interesting post @velemir, I admire the work of your work

Very amazing pic

Thanks for sharing this art.
I like it your every Post. I appreciate your post...

beautyful photography

A flash back about my tragic past just hit me,when I lost my parent.I'm over it though..
This is creativity.. nice photo.

Sad winter on photograph,
Nice shoot brother

wow that's really awesome original shades of Sorrow' its looks amazing to see i loved your photography, we have made to those picture more beautiful by use own your creativity

Insane Photo, the fog is going crazy !!!

Super cool angle of the fog. It almost looks as if the fog is creeping towards you and is about to engulf you completely. Like it's taking over. The black and white enhance the effects.

beautiful image, it reminds me of an afternoon where we sat down to remember that beautiful love that we left

The sadness is a welcoming sadness in the picture. Alluring you in to a place of serenity and comfort. A place where its Ok to be sad and where the fog/steam blankets your sorrow and makes its own.

Do we not all crave sadness as much as we seek joy at times?Angel.jpg

Reminds me of the love i shared in my previous life

Great picture!

Too much sadness in one picture
It's funny how we can miss the story while looking at just the picture

Very mysterious! I like the your location on your profile! jajaja!

Beautiful and ghostly! J'aime!

That's a beautiful B&W photo! Good post!

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