Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #182 'Dystopia'

in #art7 years ago


Dystopian future. There are times when I think about it. Imagine everything we take for granted, gone in several days due to some event, disease or foolishness of human ego. There are actually a few scenarios as to how it might/will happen at some point. Don't want to go through these, you can google those if you like. I'd rather turn to the outcome.

Nothing is as it was. No electricity, no shops, no smartphones, no cars, no processed food, nothing but the grey sad sky, trees with no leaves and endless fight for survival by all means necessary. Human moral values no longer apply because they've become redundant and humans re-acquired animal instincts in order to survive. Let's enjoy the thought that we are smarter than this and will not allow this to happen. The ugly times that I've described, fit well with the photograph.

Everything is painted in a pale blue-greenish tone. Tonality is saddening but balanced. The street lights are turned off. The trees have no leaves. They are also very weird looking. The post is overgrown with some leafless ivy plant adding a bit of unkempt taste to the mix. Looking at it, I get an eerie feeling of open space in an unwelcoming world. I also feel anxiety for what I might see when the camera moves down.

Then again, some people believe that a new start is needed, that our civilization reached its peak and the only way is downward. Not sure I want or like to believe that but, as we already know, everything revolves in circles. Don't worry, if everything goes bonkers and we survive, you'll never have to worry about your loan payments, your boss, your car service, your taxes, you name it... Imagine the freedom you'll gain when the grand reset arrives. :D

Yeah, I like to find a good side in everything! :)

This one was inspired by @vcelier 's question about the movie 'The Road' the other day. I love to read your comments when I catch a bit of time, guys.

Enjoy! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Note to my dear readers, friends and followers: Please understand that I am unable to answer all of your comments because if I was to do that, I'd not have any time left for creating the series and for all of my other Steemit-related work. The amount of comments is overwhelming. It is beautiful to see that my work is appreciated and that it inspires so many people. I read all of your comments before going to sleep. It is my evening routine. Thank you so much for your support!

There are 2 pages

It's pretty but scary. I love the way you described the freedom after the 'grand reset'. I believe something similar to that is bound to happen. We just don't know when.

It depends on the consciousness of us the people and that can change either way. But we are on course for the collapse of the old and much better things to come. Our destiny and destiny's timing is in our hands, so every moment counts. Let's make it all count for a quicker better outcome.

The picture really express a feeling of doom and emptiness - these trees look like dark metal posts and are looking very uniform in a menacing way - like empty eyed, brain washed soldiers - making me feel the stage before the dystopia you describe - a stage where humanity fight among itself by purposeless soldiers led by distant rules that care for their own interests and leading the world to desperation, war and hate - without thinking about the heavy consequences.
The way the trees are composited in the frame makes the message stronger - looking at them, your eye takes you from the nearer part of the picture, where there is still light in the skies, to the distant horizon - dark with heavy cloud getting ready to storm the earth.

This is all might be really scary - but don't worry people! Act - and the blockchain philosophy is about getting the power back to the people and preventing rulers from harming masses of people with foolish decisions- so we are all already in the right way!

Blockchain might change things for the better. If people start accepting it as regular value, we are all way better of. Not only financially but imagine the freedom from everything that is limiting us...

Excellent Picture

You speak of an imaginary dystopia, imagine what it is like to live in that dystopia, I am Venezuelan and my country is a dystopia every day, abused girls, hungry old people, mothers losing children, domestic animals starving like their owners, once to your relatives more and more thin and struggles, struggles and struggles every day against that which oppresses your soul when you watch the children eating from the garbage cans ... You feed on art to survive ... Sorry to say these things ... You touched a sensitive side of me

Oh man, thank you for sharing this. I have never visited Venezuela and have no idea what its like. Shame it is so when you guys have loads of oil, right? How did it come to this? Crooked politicians not caring for anyone?

the images are that friend, they speak for themselves, that if although certain characteristics of a photograph can incline already established appreciations, the perception is totally subjective to the person who is observing a certain image, this means that for some people that image it can cause sadness and for other happiness, the cold can be heat and the heat can be cold, the confinement can be freedom and freedom can be confinement. I like to listen to the appreciations of the authors of the photographs, there we realize how universal the photographic language can be.

Beautiful words, man, thank you!

We need to reinvent ourselves, be it through resistance or a total reboot of civilisation. What morals do we have as society really ? We have enough food and resources to feed, cloth and house all human on this planet. We have the resources to raise all of humanity's standard of living to at least that of the upper middle class of the west, yet we choose to leave things as they are, either out of apathy or general not giving a shit ... we need a hit with the cosmic baseball bat

you are right. i hope to be on the other side of the ball when it hits :D hahahha

We human tends to take things for granted. If one day, nature and the surrounding totally decayed, the realisation of our errors will be too late to turn back time. Being reflective in our actions in all areas will add value to the society as each of us play a role. After following your photographs for some time, I come to know that you are not just taking photographs but you are getting your followers to reflect on different aspects of society as well as life itself. Thanks for all your reflective photographs to raise great ponders and reflections of our personal life and society.

A close friend of mine and I have been talking about this exact thing the past few days. Although we as a species have a chance of creating a dystopian future, I think we have an equal if not greater chance of making a utopian future. At the end of the day it just depends what beast you feed. I've learned that we get what we give and I think we're waking up to realize we want to be better and so are making the effort at social change. With the new technological advances like quantum computers and AI, I think we have a great possibility of being happier and more prosperous as we evolve. Great post though. Glad to see I'm not the only one with this stuff on my mind.

Here is my understanding to this Art @velimir

Due to hazardous activities of human beings including huge usage of chlorofluorocarbons and nitrogenous gases the depletion of ozone layer occurred. Cosmic rays killed the greenery of Earth and look at those barren trees that are leaves-less how painful and horrible outcomes advancement of technology gave us.

Look at the grey sky which is also feeling sad on the horrible condition of the human land THE EARTH, yes Humans are responsible for all this.

Lets' go back to the days of childhood with less technological advancement, lets spend time together, lets work together, lets live in Peace again.

P.S: Thanks a lot Veli you brought something very close to my heart this time, Love your art <3

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

See, the thing is, us humans, are able to adapt to most situations. We have gotten to the point we're at after hundreds of years of adapting, and probably if we got things taken away from ourselves over the course of few years it would be no big struggle. If they take away all from us though, over the course of few days, it would probably be catastrophic for most human beings, although as you said, we're intelligent enoughto not let this happen.

lets wait and see. maybe love and reason beat ego and stupidity... ;) i so hope so!

I'm looking forward to the grand reset! Can't wait to get rid of all those bills.

Did you paint the picture or is it an edited photograph? Either way, I like the dystopian vibes, very eerie.

The Road is also a really great book by Cormac Mccarthy. It sucked me in and I read it in 2 nights.

a gloomy picture that pushes on certain thoughts ... for example I can describe this picture so .... so look at the world of committed young people when there is no smartphones and electricity. It's like a big step back, because dependence on gadgets is great and most people (especially young ones) will not be able to live their life without a smartphone and internet. And this picture personifies how the world will look if the phones and internet suddenly disappear. The world will become a gray and gloomy place, in which there will be little interesting. But this is only the first time ...
I like your thoughts and how you argue over this photo.
Thank you

First, I'm amazed by this Photo, very artistic, I dindn't find words to describe how much i admire it, it looks like a combinaison of emotions, feelings, darkness and sadness also it's full of meanings that makes you look deep, think deep about everything dark or sad in your life not only the future of the human being.
I agree with you, that HUMANS are responsible for all this, but we should see the bright side of things and as you said, we're intelligent enough to not let this happen.
Thanks for sharing, Keep up the good work.

Thank you so much for this contribution! I also like to see positive flame. love to see when young people take the initiative to make things better.

Wow. This one is scary. No other words for it. Scary/

I'd just as soon the reset wait a few more years. I'm retired, my mortgage is paid, so there is no advantage for me at all. Compared to what that photo represents, I've got it pretty darn good.

Thanks for another thought provoking and beautiful photograph. You are just the best.

I really like how you brought this around. At first I wasn't so sure but I enjoyed the lighter notes you add to the question "where is humanity headed?" Might I suggest an antithesis and write about an optimistic utopian future too?Its amazing and interesting how each and every one of our dystopian/utopian futures we could imagine would all be at least slightly different and unique. Thought provoking.

Tried my best ;)
Thank you for following my blog, I see you quite often. I always read comments but hardy answer. lack of time. thank you, once again!: )

Hell yeah! I realize the possibility of the end of the world as we know it every day, especially these days! Maybe a new start wouldn't be the worst thing in the world

Cool image -- is it a photo? A painting? It's very interesting, definitely into it!

Photo :)

The drawing of the bangus and the interesting explanation, about where at one time humans no longer behave as human beings. May our circumstances be kept away from us.

What a very intriguing description of a dark and bleak future, one i wouldn't wanna be a part of... the picture is nice, sir...

So, I realize this is just a painting, but now I'm imagining just how wild the world would become if something like this should happen... lol.

Thanks for sharing.

This precious piece from @velimir reminds me clearly of one song by Tool - "Ænema". It goes like this:

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by fault lines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dip sh!ts.


Thank God the world was not like these, because if it were I will not be born. The photo make me to see why it is Good to appreciate the the things around us like the water, the sky, the animals , the tree etc. Thanks for the post.

Your posts are getting deeper, deep thought, deep feelings, deep look.
I found you're all post interesting and meaning full.
i'm glad i'm your follower :)
keep sharing good stuff like this.

Interesting picture!

I agree with your opinion, because naturalness is more important for all the life of the human race and also for all the animals that live in the forest.

I am a newcomer, I need support from you. I am from aceh Indonesia.Thank you


Wow dear you didn't take photo you made it really eyes catching photography......

It looks sad, but still beautiful. Like a deep thinking mode, if that makes sense lol.

I congratulate you for your reflection and image, the comparison with the world and the new beginnings. Regards

I will not go to sleep tonight, :(

Wonderful shot! Deep and intense

i do not understand about art ..

I think in your photo describes the darkness and sadness of future predictions .

waoooo beautiful photograph that essence that feeling transmits

great photo like always!!
keep that content up, thanks for sharing :)

Great Post!
Thanks for sharing and steem on :)

Very artistic photo but there could have been more. We too love reading your posts @velimir. No worries, we understand you have a busy schedule.

Steem On!

Pls what is these, are they some form of trees?

Yes we will adapt but survival may not be much if things goes bunkers

Great read & photo. Will be #following for more to come

Not sure how to take it :)

if you see the good side of things, but you're right if you enjoy yourself and also enjoy

One day everything will be gone , not only the world but also human being...

@velimir amazing as allways ! I am keeping a really close look and follow your posts regularly. Keep up the good work !

Thats pretty dope

Saya perhatikan itu koin logo dunia inggeris nya

Wow, your eyes seem to be a professional hunter. The target Lock on. I love the angle n the compotion of the light. Rock on !

So amazing bro.

Great work

ı like your post you are good

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