Hello everyone how Y'all doing? Today I'm going to draw a portrait of a girl, Using Charcoal and Hb 4B pencil. I'm gonna get straight into this. I'm just going to give you a quick insight into my work and process.
I think I've started sketching this with an HB pencil and then I switch over to charcoal. I just observed what I am drawing and try to accurately judge where I need to draw.
You've probably realized how I've started from the eye and the eyes are usually a starting point for me. For some reason, I always found that once I have the eyes run out and looking like I want. Then it helps me to easily create the rest of the drawing because it gives an idea of where I need to place the facial features.
I think I must have drawn the eyes about five times because I couldn't capture the look but eventually, I got to a point that I was happy with it.
I seem to have the most trouble with when drawing the shape of the head. It was at an angle where the head is on a slight tilt looking down so it was challenging for me to draw and get that effect.
I was happy with how this was turning out, I thought I might have screwed it up a little bit because the lips were a bit off. But then I adjusted it and ended up looking okay. Here I'm about to finish, Just drawing in the clothes.
Anyways I hope you like my drawing process please leave a comment, I really appreciate it. Have yourself a great day!
I believe that this is a very beautiful drawing! Oh, if I could draw as beautifully! God gives a talent in drawing to someone, and God gives a talent to someone in something else. Thank you very much for sharing your picture, it's wonderful!
Thank you so much. @megamax. That really mean a lot. Have a nice day!
nice drawing
@neobuxdapeo Thank you so much!
My Pleasure
I have never seen good masterpiece!!
Great job!
Thanks that mean a lot!
Wow ! You have some great skills why don't you use them as a freelancer , i appreciate your work !mind blowing piece of art .
Thank you @trappersk. Being a freelancer is too much work. I only do it as a hobby :)
Excellent work, I'm moving around here, but I like to draw and paint, maybe later we'll find
Amazing skills you have! Man I am jealous. I do hope you post a video with a step by step process. I really want to learn from you. Thia ia just amazing. Good work you got there. Cheers mate!
you also looking hot and sexy sweet hart
Lol thanks mate! Don’t be jealous. You probably better than me at other stuff. Have a nice day! @xeccedentesiast
Thank you @vaansteam! I hope you are right Lol. Have a nice day as well 😊
Its great to see a young man using his talents to make the world a more beautiful place. Art is the expression of life, it touches us all individually. It can trigger different memories and feelings in each one of us worldwide. Art is life captured in an instant and frozen in time forever. Great work thank you for sharing it with the world.
I think every human is an artist. The dram of your life is to make beautiful art! @riskitbiscuit
Thanks for sharing your drawing process with us. It is interesting to witness the various stages that lead to an excellent finished product. Kudos!
Thank you for going checkig out my work! @jampresents
Wow, this is indeed a lecture class for upcoming artists.. What a Creative and beautiful drawing bro @vaansteam men, I am already falling for those seductive eyes of hers Lol
Thank you, that's really nice comment! @happymichael
You are welcome my man.. U deserve more..
Lovely work. Your control of the medium is amazing. I especially appreciate the highlights on the dark hair. Just the right amount to set it apart from the other dark areas. Well done. I hope to see more of your work soon.
For me, darker hair is harder to draw than light hair. Thank you for the support. I'll be sure to post more.
A massive thumbs up for the magnificent drawing of yours!!!!🤙🏻😍 a great talent deserves the best, God's given gift✨
@lovebabemeee. Thank you. It's not really god given. I just practice. And I think with everything If you practice hard, you can win every battle.
I love how uncomplicated your lines are, it makes her expression so real. Nice work!
@yuppycups Thank you for the compliments!
A cool drawing! I want to draw well like you.
@yoonteacher you probably can :)
I think being spontaneous in your own art makes it more legit and satisfying...most masterpieces are made with spontaneity rather than strict adherence to rules...only my opinion of course coz I cant really draw.😬😀
Yes you got it! @thoughtsatdawn
Wow!! Awesome work!! 😱😍Dnt know why I'm never good at art haha sad!!
Ahaha you’re good at it other kind of art!
I never could do faces.. they always ended up looking unhumanly! Lol ! you have some great talent! Beautiful picture!
Thanks for the compliment! It does takes some practice. I’m not very good in the beginning. Have a blessed weekend @mamabear72
I just found out that you are good at painting too...
We have an artist here... Bravo...👍
I draw more than I paint but thank you @saiful27
It's okay, your welcome...

Your art is
I can not wait to see what you have coming next! Amazing!
Go show the love back upvote

in advance.
Thank you thank you
Beautiful portrait... The eyes brought life to it... It's more than just a work of art... You made it look real... More grace
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. The most important are the eyes it’s like the Window to another side. @biljed
and it's Like the eyes sees it all. Setting light to every other part.. Ur creativity is alluring...
posstingan nice, i've upvote you, do not forget my upvote @cutdeasativa
Yes sir @cutdeasativa
I love pencil painting. And I am such a big Fan of your paintings.
I’m happy to hear that @usman93
your stuff is really awesome! thanks for sharing
Thanks @cloudsabovenine!!
this looks very pretty,you painted it from the heart,because if the paint count on the hands of course,I'm sure will waste energy,even though you didn't say to start painting from the eyes,I already know,I never learn but unfortunately I'm not animating and not paint with my heart,so I little know about the paint
Thank you! you seems to know what you're talking about :)
Great drawing! Thanks for sharing your techniques! I just posted a new portrait painting of mine on my blog, feel free to check it out and tell me what you think xx.
You should share your techniques too!. I love how you color your image. Very nice!
Nice work! Love the outlines and shadowing and overall portrait result. I m an artist myself and its great to see other artists and their work! Keep it up! Good luck!
I check out your work! you have some nice painting! @pikasodan
Nice very talented bro
Thanks @raphiiblu have a nice day!
Your welcome bro
so cute drawing..
creative and inovative art ...
thanks for following bro...
Wow! Awesome!! very pretty girl♥ I like your drawing ;)
Thank you for the compliment. Happy to hear that @betty310
Wow.. this is sublime.. I am going to start my next portrait from the eyes.. upvoted & followed
I like your art too very nice @fatimamortada
Glad to know that @vaansteam.. thank you
good luck sweet hart
very nice
Thank you @adnan381
No puedo dejar de mirar tan grandiosa obra. Excelente , me encanta. XD
you have too much talent, you should open your own studio. teaching other people can be a virtue.
Opening a studio is too much work ahaha I used to travel around and teach people with Bussiness
You should focus on more posts like these because you really have too much talent, right now everything is online and well I think you were born to teach one way or another.
Awesome artist
Thank you
Nice art.
Wow that's cool I love art ^^
Thank you so much 😊 @irinpps
Luarbiasa @vaansteam
absolutely beautiful
Thanks a lot!
Did you have a model or photo to start from?
Sometime I do @chuck2u32
Wow Amamzing , so much talent !
Thank you! @ashwinrajt
Nice work.... (Y)
Thanks @mrlazy
When ever I sketch a face, I have to use circle and ovals to get the placement of the facial features in the proper position. Beautiful drawing.
That’s how i first start too @unicornvomit
wow i used to draw a lot but lost the detail instincts and shading how do you regain that ability . i have a ENTP / ADHD thing going so when i lost focus on drawing its just gone now hope you keep it up in the future man i think ill draw again thanks to this for therapeutic reasons have a good day and keep it up .
It’s pretty easy I just practice a lot. Usually I worried the detail after. And just focus on the color first and where lines gonna be. @makben93
You are really a genius....keep it up dear
Thank you so much @davidadkins
Great details and pretty expression on her face.
Details is very important thank you @green77
congratulation, very nice...!!!
Thank you @franzo
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 11.17% vote... I was summoned by @vaansteam! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh
i wish i have blessed hands like yours too.
You probably do ;)
Que trabajo tan impecable, es sorprendente la habilidad que tienes, te felicito amigo me encanta tu trabajo y lo que trasmite en tus dibujos, espero que en algún momento yo tenga el honor que me dibujes, te envio saludos desde venezuela....
gracias muy amable de tu parte
Like draw with corel draw. I really like it brother.
Thank you brother @raumuscom