She's finished just deciding wether to add some stars
the second piece in this series “the universe within”. The paintings represent us as powerful creators of our own destiny. We are the universe and it is a power within us not something that we have to reach out for or seek externally externally. To ask the universe to help us is not realising our own inner power that we are the universe and we are as much a part of it as it is of us. Our destiny lies in our own hands and once we realise our true power we become in alignment to our true self.
Painting on acrylics on canvas
Very nice work. What usually happens to the painting once done?
nothing lol, I just leave them in my flat and post them on my website or Facebook and if someone wants to buy one I frame it. I had some interest for this one actually right away so we will see :) I have a lot of paintings in my flat though haha
Cool haha.
Painting is representing a perfect shine of universe within...
I agree it is us who make path for the destiny to follow it , unless we come to know the power we hold ....
yeah sure that looks real