Take Shelter (2011).
Moving acting, pretty great movie. Similar tone to Frailty, but less dark. Emotionally affecting watching the lead be tried by the world. Almost Biblical; sad. They made Oklahoma really beautiful, but apparently it was supposed to be Ohio. Difficult movie to discuss. One of the four hundred movies that Jessica Chastain starred in 2011 (I am counting The Debt but seriously at 33 she went from nowhere to ubiquity, good on her).
I digest movies into two shots and some words here. I will strive to be spoiler free because my hope is that each time I write, it's a jumping off point for someone else to check out a movie they otherwise wouldn't. Or even for someone with a sharp thought to drop it down below. Follow me if you love movies or want to start. I am looking forward to a long, beautiful Steeming experience as I get the hang of this medium.
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