When your career pays you to work in graphic design you tend to accumulate a bunch of useless and sometimes insulting pieces of work. I sifted through some of my old stuff today. This is a smidgeon of the junk I've done for work or otherwise.
Rob Ford
This dog's name really is Caesar
Statler and Wardorf and John Wilkes Booth
Five bucks
Pete and Andre
Souls of Mischief
2011 Edmonton Oilers
Gus Hanson
Bruins win cup 2011
Lion Tame
Weekend @ Apple's
2010 Vancouver Olympics
Vancouver Canada Line (subway)
Room with a view
Vancouver - False Creek
John Oliver - Before/After
Curb Your Jam (it will take a very savvy Pearl Jam and Curb fan to get this pun)
Feenix the cat guy
Toblerusse (me)