Make Art Not Plagiarism

in #art8 years ago

Hello Steemians

What do you do when it’s Sunday and it's raining outside? Yeap, you got it right. You post in Steemit. Please post only YOUR CONTENT, even if it is simple and not so WOW. Its originality matters.

Before thinking to post, I was already playing around with my "archived" photos. I claim to be neither a professional photographer nor a great artist. Photography is one of passion, among others. I don’t usually publish all of them, probably a few.

When I was still in high school, I heard for the first time about Aristotle and its Catharsis. Catharsis is in Greek and it means cleansing or purification through art. The philosopher associates it with emotions and deep feelings. Based on Aristotle’s philosophy, when you hear a nice melody or watch a beautiful drawing, they initiate to you a real sense of mercy, and by this, your soul purifies, get free of guilt. If you want to know more about his philosophy and thoughts, I would definitely suggest reading a book by Samuel Enoch Stumph, titled “Philosophy: History And Problems”. I prefer to create artsy stuff (at least I try) while I am listening to Eugen Doga music. ^_^

I installed (again!) Prisma app with the hope that its server would work normally. I got lucky. I picked some photos that I like and the results are below:

That's me. I can say that it's safe for me to dye my hair in blue. Filter used: Mosaic.

In the center of Tirana. I found this wood man hugging a tree. We, albanians, have a weird sense of art. Filter used: Dreams

Madrid, 2015. I waited 40 min to take this photo. The dancer was talking a lot. Filter used: GettUrban

Downtown, Thessaloniki 2010. Filter used: Mononoke (my favorite)

Near Artificial Lake Of Tirana, autumn 2015. Filter used: Udnie

Lake Geneva, Switzerland 2014. Filter used: Transverse Line

Center, Tirana. In the background, it's The Pyramid, a symbolic building that represents Albanian communism era. Filter used: Red head

Aristotle Square, Thessaloniki 2009. I lived for 4 years in this city. Filter used: Roy

I start to feel like I am the next Picasso. Nah, I am just kidding.

All the photos are taken by me.


I like your work. Thanks for sharing. Look forward to seeing more.

thank you.i will try to take more interesting photos though

Cool images, I also like the prisma app a lot. Do you know that you can disable the 'prisma'-logo in the settings. Just disable 'watermarks'. I was happy to find out.

thank you for the kind words and suggestion. Probably next time i will disable the watermark (though, I don't mind it). I hope I have the same patience like today to use this app. It's still a bit of slow.

cool images

thank you @thebluepanda

thank you :)

Cool filter! :) I should try that app out! How does it work exactly? Does it just render the images somehow?

Are all the images you posted your original ones? That's a cool effect, I think blue hair would suite you, haha!

hey thank you :)
Yes. All the photos are mine, absolutely. otherwise the title would be misleading.
The app is available only for smartphones. I dont know really the technical details how the photo changes. It work more or less like instagram filters.

good images. I like it. thank you.
nice photo so It would be nice image!

Look forward to seeing more too....I like it :) I like B&W art very And B&W photography.

hahaha i like B&W too. thank you

You can just do it yourself... it requires a little bit of linux knowledge.

hey thank you for the info. the app is already free :) i used this time, just for fun.

The images were just plain fun to look at and ponder... the main thing you bring to light is the sharing of the app name and issues.

This is one of Steemit's great advantages over other social media and that is learning new things from new people... thanks for bringing this app to my attention.

You are welcome :) you can get rid of app name in Settings, I think