"This World was, is and will always be everlasting fire."

• Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2. Gif by the loveable @Vanuzza.
This morning I was going through the feed, and I encountered with the update of a very adorable and skilled illustrator who just started her way through traditional, and digital art.
At the end of her note, she wrote about something that made me feel strongly identified (besides the fact she’s right):

We all deserve to have/find a positive place on the Internet where we feel at ease, have fun and express ourselves just the way we are.

And everyone who have been living for a while in the digital world, knows how difficult it really is to accomplish this statement; is a work of, let’s say, 50/50, a half of the circumstances in where we decided to stay (talking about Social Media) are out of our control (what others say, think, the way they express themselves, prejudices and complexes as well), but the other half is completely under our control, how we decide to project and manage ourselves (and not only about the content we generate, also about our inner selves).
Reading this little note at the end of her note comforted me, I want to think that it is a useful sign from the universe to tell us to calm down during those days, where sometimes we put too much pressure on certain activities and works that are supposed to be a safe space to rest both mind and heart.
{ S U M M A R Y }

• "Draft Sketch and starting the Ink Process." - Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
The first week of October has ended, and I’m stuck on the 5th topic of the 31Witches3 prompt, it has been really difficult for me to create the concept of a Blacksmith Witch!.

• "Cleaning the guide lines and inking." - Drawing/Photos by@Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
Yesterday, I finally found the needed inspiration for her, after 6 failed draft sketches; I finally decided to concentrate in what I know how to draw well to express the following scene.

• "Summary in 4 steps." - Drawing/Photos by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.

☽ Do you know about the Triple Goddess of Fire? ☾
The flame that my Blacksmith Witch is looking at, is a manifestation of the Goddess Brighde inspiring her.
Known as the "Triple Goddess of Fire", due her three incarnations Bride, Brigit and Brighde (originally known as the Universal Goddess on her aspects of virgin maiden, lover, mother and wise crone, who reigns over the four elements), who symbolize the three kinds of different flames:
✣ The Flame of Inspiration, the Flame of Home and the Blacksmith Flame ✣
{ D E T A I L S }

• "I really enjoyed to sink in the fact that, if what I know to draw best is hair, I will explode that skill the most I can." - Drawing/Photo by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
Bride, represents the Muse, what we call the Flame of Inspiration, which manifests in the spirit of poetry and art (also, is the Virgin Goddess).

• "This kaleidoscopic background was especially pleasant to ink, at first it just look as a lot of mechanical pencil lines..." - Drawing/Photo by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
Brigit, represents Home’s Flame, the one which give us warmth, light, and food (by cooking, or the fireplace). It’s the spark of life that is born to break the harsh winter (that’s why, she’s called "Mother Goddess").
• "Details of the flame and used tools." - Drawing/Photo by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
Finally Brighde is the Blacksmith Goddess, she’s the one who allows to create beautiful and useful tools by melting metals. She is the "Wise Goddess", and represents the karma transmutation.
• ✨ 🎃 ✨ Blacksmith Witch, finished ✨ 🎃 ✨ - Drawing/Photo by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
She is who my young Witch is looking at, imbuing her spirit in her presence, while trying to understand this unusual phenomenon.

• "I’m in Love..." - Drawing/Photo by @Tesmoforia, with a Lumix/Panasonic DMC-FH2.
I also found motivation to generate this topic on the Crafting Witch concept, Modern Witches with the skills and ability for crafting who, without wishing it, fill with mystical properties everything they create, even if they don’t have any intention on doing so.
• "Would you Dance like this Forever?" – GORILLAZ’ new album is a vice. Good Music while you craft or write •
We are doing a test!, @Vanuzza found a different way to make gifs today, and the result excited us so much. She makes all the gifs I use at my posts, and also helps me placing my personal watermark on my photos and collages.

I will do it a little different this time, since we wish to see what kind of reactions we get with this new "preview".
Did you know that the first image you place on your post, in this case being an animation or gif, will automatically move when you would share said post at Discord?
An Eye-catching preview is a vital and strong element to catch the attention of potential readers!, don’t miss this wild card, especially if you participate a lot at forums and communities in Discord.
👇 Chronology of this Adventure 👇

✨ 🎃 Follow the OFFICIAL LINKS of this Prompt at ~ 🎃 ✨
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💌 Thank you so much for Reading! 💌

✨ Separators: FlatIcon.com ~ • Gif´s: Giphy.com ~ ✨
Water colour while channelling my inner Gorillaz
Omg ~ o0o 🎨 👌 💦
Hi tesmoforia,
Visit curiesteem.com or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.
Thank you very much for your vote, Curie friends! 🙏 🌌
This was totally unexpected; I'm very thankful with you all, how exciting ( / ; _ ; ) / 💓 💦
youmakemefeellikeMissUniversehahahaha)✨ 🍃 🍀 🔮 I send you all my love, and best wishes to you 🔮 🍀 🍃 ✨
She is really beautiful @tesmoforia. I love the luscious looking hair and the kaleidoscopic background. Your drawing is so gentle. Thank you for sharing your process too. It is always inspiring to see how a masterpiece was created :)
🎀 ✨ Hello @marblely! Your comment made my heart softer and happier due all those feelings, it moves me that my style seems gentle to you, I'm really really happy to read you ~ ✨ 🎀
Thank you so much for being here and writing such pretty things. Lots of Hugs to you! 💐 💖 💌
This is great entry for inktober. It is a drawing but I would call an art. I am searching good content for pifc contest. Now I am interesting about inktober contest. I choose one artist from this contest. I will follow and look at your post next time. Sorry you already reach rep 20. So I can not choose it but I will visit your post.
✨ 💎 Hello @mmunited! Omg, you say so many lovely things, thank you so much! 💎 ✨
Thank you for visiting my little post and your support ~ 💕
I like Bride, Brigit and Brighde characters. I would see myself as a Brigit. I like to make my home feel like home and I love to cook! :) Your witch is pretty. I like her hair that is literally everywhere and her longing expression. This is a lovely contribution to inktober. Thank you for sharing and I wish you a very creative rest of October!
Hello @delishtreats! I love the fact that you know about those Celtic Characters, and to know how you feel identified with Brigit is great! 🙏 💛 ✨
Thank you for saying my Witch is pretty, I drew it with a lot of love and caring. And thank you for stopping some seconds in this little corner at the Internet in order to send me those sweet wishes 💗 🎐
Lots of Hugs to you, Magical Being! 🔮 🌌 💕
You are so sweet! And that GIF is adorable! Thank you!
Beautiful creation, I like the way you explained why you are doing and what you want to reflect in your drawing. The idea of Blacksmith Witch is great and I like how you explained "Triple Goddess of Fire". Sometimes it takes time and multiple attempts to come to the end results the one who is stubborn and goes to his/her aim only will be rewarded. I hope you will have inspiration till the end of October to continue the Inktober contest.
Hello @stef1!, It's wonderful to read how I explained the motivations for this drawing was easy to understand. I'm always concerned about correctly explaining the things I want to express, especially when the idea is going to be translated into another language o7o)/ 💯
You are completely right! And thank you so much for your good wishes, I need the universe to be gentle and bring its muses around here hahaha ~ 🌠
✨ 💜 I loved to read your comment. Lots of Hugs 💜 ✨
It is my first time to come across Brighde character, even the name. But overall, the three identities in one came out very good on the drawing. And indeed, you are very good with hair. The goddess' hair looks majestic, really fit for a goddess. Very good work of art!
Hello @macoolette! It's so great you came across to this Triple Goddess of Fire character through this post, is very representative of the Celtic Culture ~ 🌌 🔮
I'm so happy to know you liked it!, Thank you so much for saying so many lovely things about the hair, I really enjoyed the time drawing it ~ 💕
What about Celtic Culture that relates to the three goddesses? I am trying to relate Bride, Brigit and Brighde but I can't figure...
And what are the women doing on your gif above? I like their stuff though. 😃
✨ 🌷 ✨ Good Morning @macoolette ✨ 🌷 ✨
Yes, let me tell you more: The Celtic Mythology has the particular detail of having one single divine feminine principle.
This is the “Goddess of the Fire of Life, Forgiveness, Transmutation and Inspiration. Brigid is the Goddess of the inner fire of life, nature, and creation, and the Guardian of the Cauldron and the Chalice, as she spokes to the Priesthood of the Holy Grail. Her name means “Splendid”. Some also called her: Brigantia, Brid, Bride, Briginda, Brigdu, Bridget and Brigit (...)"
Brigid was considered the classical Celtic Triple Goddess, similar to the Triple Goddess of the Moon from Greek Mythology, where the deity is represented in the chronological three life stage of every woman (the maiden, the mother and the crone).
The oldest incarnation of the goddess is Breo-Saighit which means "Fiery Arrow". She was also known as Brigantia in the north of Great Britain. The goddess, also called "The Flame of Ireland" was associated with the perpetual sacred flames.
You can find a lot of information from spanish sources, sadly I don’t really know if there’s some in english or other languages: This are some interesting ones,, and also very useful.
And the final gif, is from a movie about Witches o7o)/🔮 🌌
Wow! That's a good background to have about Celtic mythology, yeah! I don't even think I ever heard that there is Celtic mythology. I only heard about Greek which we took part of it in high school.
Thanks for sharing all of these. 😊
Amazing !!
I love, how much neatness and beauty.
Hula @marysc! How cute, gracias ; v ; 💐 🙏
Qué guapo ha sido todo este proceso, he vistovisto tu trabajo varias veces y es admirable, se nota que le pones un gran esfuerzo, eso lo hace mas valioso aún, te felicito por tu artecuenta, mi parte favorita es el cabello, está genial.
Hola @fernando.lubezki! Estoy super agradecida y halagada por tu comentario, mi estancia en Steemit comenzó y sigue con el único propósito de tener un lugar donde relajarme y escribir/compartir lo que quiero porque me hace feliz, así que si lo que comparto de alguna forma es tan bonito de ver como dices, wow, es mucho más feedback positivo del que pensé podría recibir en un futuro 🎇 💛 🎇
💕 Gracias por tus felicitaciones, estoy tan contenta en este momento ; 7 ; 💕
🌹 Un abrazo! 🌹
Jajaja que bonita la animación, me encantó.
Hermoso dibujo, sin dudas me encantaron esas estrellas en el fondo, están perfectas, y la chica es la protagonista, hiciste que se destacara con ese fondo oscuro. Un entintado impecable. Un gran abrazo @tesmoforia
Hola @naideth!, gracias por todos esos halagos tan bonitos, entintar ese fondo y las líneas del cabello alinearon mis chakras y mis mantras, fue super relajante 🎑
Que chevere que el fondo te gustara!, hasta que estuvo listo no tenía certeza de si quedaría bien, estoy emocionada por la buena recepción que ha tenido este dibujinie ~ ✨ 🌹 💌
Un abrazote para ti también (/o7o)/ 💖
This is beautifully done. I keep seeing these inktober posts and think I will try, but I believe it is better for me to just watch you :)
Hello @fitinfun! Thank you so much for your words, it would be nice if you try to participate in this Inktober, it doesn't matter if the activity has already started; experimating new things, even if it's for a little period of time, can be really enriching! 🌟 👌
✨ Tons of hugs to you! ✨
Wonderful picture, @tesmoforia ! I really love the background !! The star-shaped lattice is so beautiful!!! Love the step by step also :)
Congrats for curie <3
Sweet and pretty spider, it's a pleasure to read you here! I'm so glad to know you loved the background. Your drawing style is wonderful and very beautiful, so it means a lot that something that I have drawn seems pretty to you 🌹 💕
Thank you so much for your words and congratulations! This Curie vote was totally unexpected and I'm truly thankful for it ✨ 👏
howdy from Texas tesmoforia! wow this is so interesting because it's a subject I know nothing about! This Brighde character is intriguing as well as the other witches and the drawing with details instructions is very good!
Do you specialize in this type of drawing or is this your first time on this kind?
✨ 💛 Hello @janton! 💛 ✨
Wow, you are from Texas! 🎆 🐴 🎆 I had never received a comment coming from Texas (this is pretty exciting!). I’m very glad and happy that those topics had been interesting to you, the Triple Goddess of Fire (Brighde is one of her tree manifestations) belongs to the Celtic culture, I tend to inspire me a lot in the Celtic and Nordic Culture.
💖 Thank you so much for your sweet words, reading you has made me really happy! 💖
At the current moment I don’t have a defined drawing style, when I was a teenager I used to draw a lot but I stopped due one or other reason. However I’m trying to come back to it now and the style I used to draw was Japanese Manga (I’m super fan of works of Yoko Matsushita, CLAMP, and the great Ryoko Ikeda, so maybe I do have some influence coming from those mangakas).
I’m really good inking, it’s the thing I do best (tracing and defining with ink) and I’m trying to use this skill while I try to learn more and get so much better ~ 💦
Well howdy again tesmoforia! It is so good to hear from you. I think that as you continue to draw again then many skills will come back to you and it will amaze you as you blossom into the artist that you were meant to be!
Thank you so much for getting back to me and God bless you!