If Hell had a window
And Heaven was outside
Would you shatter the glass
Where good and evil collide?
@ahough1706 @wokemobile @brianburns @alicekennedy @austinsteinbart @bradfordm @exodesigns @spirit-admetos @qsoutherncharms @keytotruth @seeleesea11 @ccosley @awakeninggreatly @dalec369 @indigosoul58 @realitymatrix @davidnv2000 @whatonearthq17 @thadrake @littich @lasmokanostra @q42 @isaacaswesomov @qxpat @jameswwg1wga @quantum17 @Metatronscube @ibor @pauljosiesavill @digitalsoldier17 @greatgaribaldi @kiimayer @krishunter @fulcrumnews @txgodmotheriii @kristinaavalon @khaosgg @piriglion @helloall2317 @tmcs.live @mb123 @ridethespiral @envisibleknight @roejanfootball @newparadigmtt @mishelle1974 @ghostshell @drwaffles @plantrk @pennywisedawise @iq187 @forthesamuel @fishface @invsecactof1951 @shelbie @starrysnow @steviusmaximus @tarynq @travis.ebarb @binbash @qconsciousness @memeteam17 @zerohouralchemy @hivebuzz @steampunkmedia @steempress @steampeak @delso @lynds @steemityourway @truthstreammedia @steem-plus @fulltimegeek @frankcabon @franksComs @babyqplus @ciefurhunk @3speak @wehmoen @electionresults
When the glass shatters around,
On that once protected ground,
All will know patterns of deceit,
We know it plays on repeat.
Spread your warm kindness cautiously,
Beware of those acting suspiciously,
They are thieves of innocence,
Save your shine for the real citizens.
Those who stand for TRUTH, JUSTICE, LIBERTY and FREEDOM for all HUMANITY
You make my heart sing
I literally heard the glass shatter at the end. Mic drop. I read it in your voice. Tears, actual tears. Snaps. ****

We all have that place between good and bad buried within our being
It’s all about which side of the glass you choose to stand on
Alex Jones Is My (my reaction to [BLOCK] censorship) | Game of STONEs 7x03 - a Frank Bacon Counter-Pain.
So beautiful...
I just finished moving and starting new job so i havent been posting but now im back :) so excited what i see here, this group, thanks for asking me to join the revolution