The 8th wonders of the yummy Chocolate!

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Dear fellow Steemians:
Hope you've all had a good weekend. This is my third and last post covering Nikolya's chocolate museum, it's also my favourite. If you missed the other posts, you can check part 1 and part 2.

I was really amazed when I saw that the 8th wonder of the world -- "The Terracotta Army" had it's own chocolate replicas made and displayed at the museum. The total weight of the Terracotta Army soldiers made with chocolate is 1500kg. A very significant amount of chocolate!

All pictures below are my own photography

The Terracotta army is one of China's most prided national treasures. You can find my post about the real Terracotta Army here.

Chocolate composition:" The Terracotta Army." The Terracotta Army is collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Empperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210-209 BCE and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.Source

Weight: 30kg

Ingredients: dark chocalate, food dyes.

These four "Terracotta Soldiers" are showing different shapes, sizes and poses. From left to right, we have the gunman, general, military officer and armored soldier.

Below are pictures from my visit to the real Terracotta Army and as you can see, the chocolate replica's look very authentic! With so much detail in each of these mini replica's, it must have taken an extremely long time to make each of them. Especially as they are each unique, just like the real version. Surely this mini Terracotta Army is the biggest miracle in the chocolate world.

In fact, Nikolya made almost a perfect replica of the entire army out of chocolate. Even though they are miniature replica's several orders of magnitude smaller than the real life Terracotta soldiers - together they look very formidable.

Below is Chocolate Terracotta Army.

And this is the real Terracotta Army.

A war horse also made with chocolate.

The real Terracotta Army is made with Terracotta pottery, but seeing all these chocolate replica's made me want to eat some! I was lucky to find some of these for sale at the souvenir store. They taste every bit as good as they look!

Ancient Chinese coin

I always imagined what it would be like to have a chocolate coin which could be used as money or eaten! Isn't that a cool thought? The boat shaped one is a gold ingot which was introduced during the Tang Dynasty. In those days, money was made using gold or silver which was used as a medium of trade much like fiat money is today.

Chocolate composition:" Gold stock."
Weight: 20kg. Ingredients: dark chocalate, food dye.

The chocolate weapon

On the shields and other swords and knives, there are encrusted dragons. The dragon represents chinese culture and is often a symbol of nobility and honor. It's also auspicious carrying luck and success. The ancient nobility and imperials always had dragon's stiched to their clothes to show their status and power.

Giant Wild Goose Pagoda is the oldest and largest Tang dynasty tower built with bricks. At the front of the tower there is a pond with lotus flowers and fishes, it also has gaurdian lions to protect their saftey. Here it is placed in a peaceful and scenic backdrop. I'm just wonder how it isn't melting with the temperature being quite high!


Buddha Shakyamuni and the Goddess of Mercy.

Egyptian pyramids

The 7th wonder of the world. The Egyptian pyramids are the tombs of the Ancient Egyptian kings. However archaeologists have found few bodies within.

And finally, the peacock, an ancient beauty and beside it are paintings of fairies and dragons!

In China, the peacock is considered the most honest, kindhearted, clever, free and peaceful bird. It's a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness.

Hope you've enjoyed my series on the Nikolya chocolate museum.

I hope you will get the opportunity to visit in person! Stay tuned for more posts on other interesting topics to come! Thanks for your support !

亲爱的Steemit朋友们,祝大家有个开心的周末! 这是最后一部分我关于Nikolya巧克力博物馆的报道,也是我认为最精彩的一部分。你可以找到part 1part 2在。这一次世界第八大奇迹兵马俑也被做成了巧克力摆在博物馆里,这壮观的巧克力兵团,让我十足的感受到1500多公斤巧克力的分量。

这四个兵马俑形态各异,从左往右分别是跪射俑 ,将军俑 ,军吏俑,铠甲武士俑 。下面是我参观兵马俑时拍摄的真实陶俑,种类按照相同顺序排列。可以看到巧克力模型的兵马俑和真实的外型几乎完全相同,我能想像单制作这迷你兵马俑的巧克力模具,一定花了好长时间。这迷你兵马俑可以算作巧克力世界里的最大奇迹吗?
大雁塔是现存最早、规模最大的唐代四方楼阁式砖塔,前面的池塘里有鱼,莲花,石狮子。这么大的巧克力建筑,还可以不在高温天气下融化,确实很厉害。Buddhism佛教释迦牟尼佛和观音菩萨。Egyptian pyramids埃及金字塔金字塔是古代世界七大奇迹之一。据说是古埃及国王的陵墓,但是考古学家从没有在金字塔中找到过法老的木乃伊。
希望你们喜欢我的巧克力博物馆系列, 之后还有更多有趣的内容和你们分享!

The world's only touring Chocolate Exhibition comes to my home! Part 1.
The world's only touring Chocolate Exhibition comes to my home! Part 2.
Taking Steemit to one of the 8th wonders of the world^ ^


Bravo! Great post, beautiful photographs, very good story, really my friend is a maravillosotrabajo @sweetsssj which you presented. congratulations for it. thanks for sharing this beauty

Thank you for your like @jlufer :)
༼✿ @sweetsssj

Very tasty post!

I really liked the collection of weapons! Is it pistol TT? Colt revolver? Frostmorn?

I actually don't know what guns they are! I don't know my guns very well haha
༼✿ @sweetsssj

很美,很想吃 ,哈
