Aesthetic Essences #11

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Diving through the pools of artistry that laps along the trails of digital landscapes, I’ve come across the following works of art. Appreciate them and admire the aesthetic essences found within. If you’re confused about the sources, the Artist name goes to the gallery where each image comes from.
Artist: Vladimir Kireev
Kireev’s body of work tends to have a serious authentic feel to it and is some of the best traditional work I’ve seen in some time. He has a knack for layering intricate objects and imbuing the canvas with immense energy which draws in the viewer. The man is a cloud master and is a prime example on how to develop clouds and viewing them top-down onto the land below. Vibrant colors and immense layering makes each artwork a joy to experience. Please give Kireev your thoughts and appreciation!
The Cloud

You don’t come across works like this all too often; this is really something special. Kireev really has great technique with layering objects and interweaving the brush strokes. I’ve talked about about the importance of movement in a composition and how it really enhances everything to pull in the viewer; This work expresses the idea of Static Movement, which comes about through a composition having the semblance of movement without the subject actually acting, I hope that makes sense lol. You see that feather and water drop on the bottom of her cloud-like-clothes? Something as simple as the water drop and feather adds some weighted feeling. I could talk about this forever ahah! Honestly this is the most impressive piece I found within Vladimir’s gallery, it’s just wonderful!
Above The World

Clouds upon clouds. My friends, this is how you do clouds. Kireev really out-does himself with the softness and sinew-feel these clouds give. Layer upon layer of chalky clouds pushes the entire landscape deep to the horizon. Like the previous artwork, you can see the land below which lies beneath the clouds. Often times I’ll see artist’s show the full land itself and not partially cover it with the clouds; Clouds appear in layers within the atmosphere, so giving the actual perspective brings a semblance of authenticity to this artwork. What evokes into my mind is this wise sage atop the mountain who peers down upon the world, reflecting and experiencing the timelessness of the present moment.
The Star

Whoa, where to even begin with this one. Fantastic radial symmetry being used, which develops serious movement. Look at all the minute details in between each ray of energy as it explodes out of the orb. The dark background really makes the color pop, quite necessarily as the primary subject of this is the intricacies of the person’s garb and the glowing orb. I love all the patterns and minutia put into each little bead, line and aspect of the jewels. Nothing seems out of place and everything interacts to beautifully, creating a magnanimously regal entity. Kings should be jealous of such a poignant portrait.
Paschal Cherubim

Utilizing 2d objects, especially to invoke various bits of symbolism, can be difficult with regards to the method of integrating the object into the composition. Kireev gives a nice display of how you can integrate a symbolic object; while you can indeed enhance the dimensionality of the 2d object, into 3d, certain symbols are more keenly understood in their 2d form. Simply overlaying the symbol atop a subject does the job, and this artwork is a prime example. The symbol focuses the attention of the viewer and brings you to the eyes of the cherubim. Red flows drift along the feather forms and develop a stalwart figure. I can imagine how bright this must be in person! Notice the small flames in the darkness on the bottom —— Nice touch.
Artist: Matariil
Like Kireev, Matariil is also a cloud master. I appreciate this artist for their variety of subject matter and ability to bend light and perspective. It’s important to be daring with your perspective and not fall into the traditional half-canvas-horizon-line; mix things up and develop some intricacy to make the viewer feel mystified by your composition, especially in the way this artist does just so! Please give Matariil your thoughts and appreciation.
Mmm Demons, one of my favorite flavors. As evil-aligned characters used in various fantasy stories, demons, succubus especially, are quite common and represent the darkside of the dichotomy of good vs. Evil. This artwork really speaks true to the fantastical realms demons inhabit. Matariil develops a wonderful composition by taking objects off-canvas, the large pillars going up, and then building depth with each mid-ground pillar moving off into the distance. The clouds that persist in the middle develop a feeling of the setting being a large cavern, as those other pillars could be connected to the top or bottom of the cavern, along with there being no horizon line; it certainly could also be a darkened are up in a system of clouds with these pillars stretching from some deep basin. Giving the composition some element of mystery brings in the viewer to interpret the composition and theme being expressed therein. This would make for a fantastic setting in a video game :D
The Bridge
Matariil has a nice selection of landscape works, of which are full of minute details and intricacies. This work struck my eye with the subjects and how they’re composed. I dig the long aquedect-esque bridge that stretches along the left side; what’s special about this is the way it develops height and creates a horizon as it blurs off in the distance. With these landscapes, Matariil still maintains clarity of form in the distant objects instead of blurring them out. Each subject is cleanly partitioned in the piece, but intertwine and add to each other. The mountains on the right, snow-capped, build the magnanimity of the scale with the clouds below and then above. Right in the middle lies our glistening tree, with some added movement providing by the petals dropping off. Everything about this work is done well and nothing sticks out as being unimportant.
A Castle
Such wondrous lighting in this, it adds an immense clarity and cleanliness. This work had an extra set of focus as you don’t see as much scattered brush strokes and everything is smooth and crisp. I didn’t notice at first that the wings are actually part of the raven on her shoulder! Her feet actually make me feel tensed, which lead me to thinking about the affect a pose has on the viewer; you can evoke certain emotions within the artwork from poses that express a particular emotion. This work is overtly somber and really displays Matariils technique with perspective and providing depth to fit the characters within.
Freedom Memory
I love how stretched this piece is, starting over-the-shoulder atop the giantess down to the pillared gateway at the end of the canyon. Simplicity goes a long way, and Matariil express this well here by utilizing a small color palette and just a few subjects. Upon first seeing this piece, the juxtaposition of the giant lady and the tiny person next to her brought about several ideas pertaining to scale within a composition. Scale is important take note of to develop the dimensionality of the composition, as well being able to render new subjects simply by them being smaller or taller than what they might usually appear to be. Think of Giants, humans and Dwarves: each of these are not that different from each other in terms of form, but their scale positions them as having a different emotion and vibe. Fantastic work here :)
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