Chimeras of the Chatroom

in #art7 years ago (edited)

I like using this account for badly drawn, weird stuff. One of my art pieces is the "Goat with a Giraffe head, a rainbow-colored bunny tail and a snorkel".

It was suggested by @nova-tv and immediately caught my creativity. So some time after he suggested it ...

giraffe head on a goat body, with a rainbow colored bunny tail, and a snorkle.png

Did you ever notice how similar a goat's body and a giraffe's body look? I did, while drawing this. Maybe it's just because I'm not the greatest artist, who knows.

I originally planned to give the goat an udder, but it turned out looking like a penis. And that wasn't really the plan.

In case you're wondering why this chimera is under water, the answer is easy: The snorkel wouldn't have made any sense! Why would it need a snorkel on land? Need to keep it realistic guys.

By the way, did you ever see a giraffe drink? It looks something like this:

Might be a bit uncomfortable. Luckily, my goat-giraffe doesn't have such long legs and can thus avoid the problem. Additionally, that colorful bunny tail might help attract some mates! Animals love colorful stuff!

As always, you can suggest something for me to draw in the comments. Doesn't mean I might draw it. But you can at least suggest!

drinking giraffe picture taken from


What an imagination! Can you draw hedgehog and a piglet playing the pipe organ as a duet? I will do this too in my next drawing. You get my vote and I follow you.

Well, actually she has a neck to stand out. But yes, the colorful tail is a plus.

But then people would notice her earlier! A snorkel is stealthy

I was referring to her mating rituals not stealthiness in a water :)

Ah, yes, true. My bad :P

That sounds like an awesome prompt and the result is great! I love seeing people's ideas with mixing animals and your goat giraffe is adorable <3

Thank you 💚

But will she live underwater o she's snorkeling just for fun? This is stuff that I need to know.

Also, what a creative piece. I believe we sometimes need to draw silly and different things to test our limits. Could you draw a mix of kangaroo with a feline of your choice? It'd be a chef.

It would be nice if you give me a suggestion too ;)

Something as rare and colorful as her needs to be careful about who sees her. It's more of a survival instinct, really!

I put your suggestion on my list. My suggestion for you would be a tiny dog with a slight identity problem. But not in the wolf-way you might think. No, this little dog wants to be... A goose!

Oh my, this won't be an easy feat hahah! I will try to do it this week, it's OK if I tag you?

I think you missed your calling @suesa! You made me snort in the boat queue!!

Then I did good :3

Hahaha @suesa, I like your giraffe-goat. My eyes jumped straight to the picture, but I had to go back and read your description after wondering why it's got rainbow stuff emanating from its bum.

rainbow-colored bunny tail


I think you should draw.... your best illustration of the one true Time Cube.

just saying...

Duh, as you can see in my picture, there are only "goat-giraffes" that live underwater. Also solves the sound problem.

your goat.. makes bubble sounds

What a art! ✍️ love it

hahaha gave me a lot of laughs. I also made a horse that looked like a dog. I invite you to draw a horse that does not have its legs open, it is difficult!!