The contest
I am putting together my story Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman for Kindle publishing. I want a kick ass drawing of the hero, Wallace Stevens, for the cover art.
I will give 10 Steem, plus all the liquid Steem Dollars/Steem from this post to the best picture submitted to the comments here. I will choose the best entry myself. Any artistic style is acceptable, other than outlandish.
NOTE: By entering the contest, the winner is granting me full permission to use and re-use his work in regard to my own book, Home To Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman in perpetuity
I may offer other contestants Steem or Steem Dollars for the same permission if I like their art, but don't select it as this contest's winner.
Contest ends 1/6/17, may be extended at request
What I need in the picture
- Must be usable as a Kindle/Amazon publishing book cover
- Must look good as a Kindle/Amazon publishing book cover ;>
- Subject is a confederate cavalryman on a grey horse
- Cavalryman should be dark-haired, no hat, clean-shaven
- Cavalryman should have a cocky grin, not arrogant but more of a shiteating grin: 1. shit-eating grin: (a) a broad grin expressing uncontrollable delight or (self-)satisfaction, esp. at having got away with something outrageous or improper.
- From the intro, I was wearin my cavalry shortcoat with my sergeant stripes, and the yella stripes down my legs
- Cavalryman should be armed with a double barrell shotgun, cut short ( i.e. a coach gun)
- Cavalryman should be wearing a saber (if you want to be really technical, make it a US Army Cavalry officer's sword, but I don't think that level of detail is necessary)
- Selection of pose is up to artist ( in battle, riding full out, surveying the land before him, pointing the shotgun at the reader, etc)
- Bonus points: Put a Comanche maiden riding behind him.
- Bonus points: His sidearms should include Le Mat pistols. This would be hard to tell with the pistols holstered, now that I think of it ;>
Cool, how do I send it to you?
just post it in the comments ;) thanks!
you can upload it to or a similar site to host it, and then link the pic here
another question, does this contest end on June 1st? or January 6th?
January 6th, but I can extend a little if you need more time
hey sorry i got really busy with stuff, i didnt realize you needed done so fast. my bad!
Upvoted so as to sweeten the pot for the winner.
Well, I'm not an artist.. But a civil war history fan/ reenactor...looking forward to reading ! Good luck
Greg, the end of the story is here, with links to the rest of the chapters:
Thanks for the interest!
Thank you!!
This is my own "entry" doesn't really count in the contest, but you have to beat it to win