I have started working on the Steemit Adventure story. The original idea has morphed some since I got here and name etc will be changed but the concept of the story is pretty well formulated. At a certain point you just have to start working on it and not overthink it!
When more work is done I will explain how the story will unfold and how readers will be able to play a part in it. I am really excited about that concept but want to make sure I take my time and explain it when its all ready to be launched.

I can't wait to see how it shapes up sir <3
This is going to be super cool and some of these designs remind me of xmen comics just by the texture in them. Can't wait to see how we the readers get to take part!
Thanks! Yea I am most excited about that part. I have some creative ideas for it and I think I have enough of a following to get at least a couple people who would be interested.
Hey, that's awesome! Super glad to hear that we're finally gonna get to see a comic series from you soon :)
You are one I hope to involve because you are always active checking out my work etc. When I get further along I will contact you :) Thanks a lot for the continued support, I really appreciate it.
Oh, yeah, just message me on steemit.chat or just tag me on here whenever you get to that point. I'd absolutely love to be a part of this in some way!
You're more than welcome, though you don't have to thank me. Your artistic talent is eye candy for me, honestly. And, you're a very kind person, so I'm more than happy to support you! Plus, you support me back which I really appreciate as well :D
Super clean! Great work my friend
Thanks! tried to come up with a style that would allow me to work fast yet still capture what I was going for. I really am enjoying making these so appreciate you stopping by to take a look!
This looks awesome! I'm looking forward to this.
Thanks for that! I am working on other panels now and have the first scene written so hoping to have enough done soon to make it more official and release the story.
finally ! glad to hear you're kicking it off. Long overdue :)
reminds me a bit of Mortal Kombat.
I am looking forward to it. I heard there may be some babes in it so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a role.
What about my experience with the wicked Dr Flag and his killer Bots !!!
Ha makes me laugh cause I was going to do some art based on some of the "flagging" going on.
O shit.... i always knew u were a damn tease!!!
That's right! :) figure its about time to get this show on the road.
hell yea man super excited for this!
I am so excited to see and read the story.
Yea you are another person I will be in contact with about it :) appreciate you always taking the time to check out my work.
I love your work SA and I love to read stories so, I am really looking forward to this.
Always shunning out creative stuffs,nice comic story freind.
Steemit Adventure extraordinary !! Good job !!
So eager to finally see it !!
All my support 😃
Can't wait to see it !!!