Hello dear Steemians!!
This is my first post on this great community, so be indulgent with me...
I began the Art of collage 6 months ago... well, that's not exact. Let me explain.
Since 9 years a design some furnitures in a special material : cardboard. It's perfect to create great furnitures (table, chair, storage...) in incredible shapes, at low cost!! So recycling became my contribution of the saving of the planet.
One day, I made a chair and the customer wanted a special decoration. So I glued images of Comics on it. Batman, Spiderman, Hulk... a lot of Comics Heroes! And the result was amazing!!! (if you are kind with me, I'll show you some pictures of this chair).
It was my first approach of this art.
Since then, I continued to decorate some of my creations with images.
And one day, I decided to glued images on paper. The result was not bad and the reaction of people around me was more than encouraging.
After that I tried this technique on canevas with success.
Here is one of my favorites collage : "Antisocial".
I took the picture of a man with many tattoos and piercings in his face and I mixed it with the American, Russian and Israeli flags. The result is a little bit disturbing when you are in front on it... but I love it!!!!!!
And you, what do you think about it? Tell me... frankly of course!!
nice art ...very interesting...
waiting for your next art work pic
Thank you! I'm just bussy with the next post! ;-)